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Sacha Distel

Dick Smith

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[quote]Just been reading tributes on the BBC web site, he appeared the epitome of effortless charm whose talent was probably never fully appreciated, very sad news. Gay http://www.quimperclub.org /[/quote]

It says in the article that he was appreciated by women of a certain age. Even when I was a teenager, I could see the appeal, even though he was "getting on" by teenager standards. I believe he was in "Chicago" a few years ago, and I would have loved to have seen him - although wonder how his French accent fitted in. He had a good voice and the accent made it more appealing. I don't know why French male singers come in for so much flac from men of a certain age. Charles Aznavour has always come in for the same, and yet he is a good singer too.
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Not appealing to men of a certain age probably has something to do with their feelings of inadequacy. Aznavour is still appealing at 80 and they assume they won't be. Which is more than likely true. Same reason women don't like half the nyphets strutting about. We can't match up.

I always think of "Raindrops keep falling on my head" as a Sacha Distel song but in the US they have another singer and it doesn't sound right to me.

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Don't you think that France is an example of a country where "women of a certain age" are still very much appreciated and admired?  I can think of numerous examples.  And even Sharon Stone (who's not quite eligible surely) said recently that she was "really big" in France.   And I'm sure again that's an age thing.   M
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But talking of Sachi Distel, which we were until Dick mentioned this woman of a certain age that I've never actually heard of, did anyone read the interview with Sacha's widow in Saturday's Telegraph?  It centred, of course, around her total acceptance of his repeated affairs.  "It's hard to put a glutton permanently in front of cakes without him eating two or three of them" she reckons.  (Is that so?)  Though she admitted things were a bit strained after his "Chappaquidic".  However, even after nearly killing his mistress whilst dropping her home, which involved a detour of 300 miles incidentally, she knew he loved her and adored the children.  (So that's all right then.)

And this reminds me of another subject that, along with the War, is taboo with even my French girlfriends, namely husbands' infidelity.  



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[quote]But talking of Sachi Distel, which we were until Dick mentioned this woman of a certain age that I've never actually heard of, did anyone read the interview with Sacha's widow in Saturday's Telegraph?...[/quote]

I was responding to your point about 'women of a certain age'!

Sylvie Vartan is a mega-ish star, a pretty big deal in France. Have a look at


for her biography.
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