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Dear Mr Brunstrom finally goes too far...


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I read yesterday in a French paper that there was a 20% increase in fatalities over the Easter holiday in France compared to last year with 20 people including many children killed in France.  As a result, the French authorities are mounting surveillance and speed checks on all major routes in France as  excessive speed contributed to many of the fatalities in the Easter period in France.
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This obsession with cameras will NOT reduce accidents. Cameras cannot identify bad driving, using mobiles or fiddling with sat-navs, road-rage and general aggression, and the host of other accident-inducing things people do on the roads

Get more traffic police out there on the roads like we used to have, that's the answer.

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[quote user="Ron Avery"]I read yesterday in a French paper that there was a 20% increase in fatalities over the Easter holiday in France compared to last year with 20 people including many children killed in France.  [/quote]

There are a lot more speed cameras in France than there were a year or two ago. Many of them, like my nearest one, on dead straight bits of dual carriageway with no junctions etc nearby. Even more blatant than the British revenue-earners.

Brunstrom likes one thing - publicity for himself. He doesn't mind what controversy he courts or what nonsense he spouts as long as he gets in the papers. He was the same in Manchester where he was in charge of policing Old Trafford and came up with many silly ideas about he would deal with non-existent crowd problems. His silly ideas there meant he was known as Superintendent Brainstorm.

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I heard, on the radi,o the MP who represents the constituency where the family of the young man live. He was outraged at the use of the photograph without permission to journalists. I thought good for you the use of the photo was just plain wrong.

 The interveiwer then asked what the family had said to him about it. His reply was that he had not actually spoken to any of the family. It did seem strange that he was vehemently complaining about permission not being asked without speaking to the family himself.

 Here is a tragic accident being used for self serving purposes by both the police & an MP who should both know better.

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[quote user="Winegum"]

But you should worry about pictures of your mangled body being shown without your family's consent if you get killed in his county.


Agreed, Winegum. Point taken.



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