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Wills. Gifts to charities.


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I believe only certain French charities are entitled to receive gifts free of inheritance tax.   If this is so, is there a list of such charities or is it the case of contacting each charity direct, which I do really wish to do?

Many thanks.




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With a few exceptions, only those charities officially recognised as associations reconnues d'utilité publique can received such gifts (details HERE)

The gift must be written in the will.

In France, the will is either hand-written, dated and signed or done by a notaire in front of witnesses.

Example of legs particulier (when gifting a specific item or amount):

[quote]Ceci est mon testament qui révoque toute disposition antérieure.

Je soussigné(e)………, épouse de ………,  né(e) à ………le………,  demeurant à …………………,

Déclare léguer à titre particulier à (name of charity here),  dont le siège est au (address of charity here),   la somme de … …euros (or any specific item)

Fait à ……, le ………….  

(Signature) [/quote]

Example of legs universel (when gifting the whole estate, provided there are no reserved heirs, as per French law):

[quote]Ceci est mon testament qui révoque toute disposition antérieure.

Je soussigné(e)………, épouse de ………, né(e) à ………le………,  demeurant à …………………,

institue pour mon légataire universel (name of charity here), dont le siège est au (address of charity here).

Fait à ………, le ………

(Signature)  [/quote]

More details HERE.

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