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Getting Rid of Ants


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 I have loads also, but they don't actually cause any problems in the garden so i let them be!

An environmentally friendly way to kill them is with boiling water poured over the nest, but i only do that if they are coming in the house.(I don't like killing things.) The garden is their domain!

Some info here about other ways of controlling them,



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'Dvd player to fry'.......now that sounds like an interesting story!!

Where/ how are they getting in? They normally only follow a trail to a food source.

I did hear if you put washing powder down they collect it and take it to the nest which kills them!??

Also chilli powder or pepper deters them.


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Sorry the vinegar didnt work [:(] looks as though you will have to get insecticide spray. The RAID brand are usually quite good they do one specially for ants. The spray should kill them instantly and you can then spray area with vinegar to deter their relatives. Good Luck
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The chickens treat our dogs (a border collie and a boxer cross) with total disdain - what freaks all of them (dogs, chickens, cats etc) is when the ferret comes out of her hutch to play: think furry torpedo with teeth. Sadly ferret is no use whatever in dealing with ants, but has given us the perfect cure for moles!
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Ferrets get rid of moles? Sounds intersting Chris please share your stories.We used to keep ferrets for the sheer joy of watching their silly antics...we loved them.

We had a semi- blind Siamese who used to be our number one mole catcher...since she passed on to the happy mole mounds in the sky...we've had trouble keeping the moles in check.

Bon journee'


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Not that complicated really, but I didn't want to go into specifics while some readers might be enjoying their lunch. When cleaning out the hutch, sweep the contents of the loo corner into a bucket of water, and leave to stew for a few days. Then pour down the mole hole. Mole exits, holding its breath until in next field or even county - we never had one return!  Added bonus, the magic liquid can be bottled and sold under the counter to discerning and deserving fellow gardeners at the village fete.

We did have a cat who would sit by a mole hill for hours, carefully moving the soil to one side as it came up. Very effective, but always left the body where the mower would chop it up. Nice.

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