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Magiline salt pool


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I've been looking after a friends' pool for a few weeks. He has a mega-expensive Magiline one which has  a salt hydrolysis setup with a peristaltic pH- pump.

According to the said pump meter, the pH is 6.6 i.e too acid.

The pool is however, very clear and smell-free - ideal to look at, anyways.

Said friend was told to throw in a bucket of salt at the beginning of the season and then forget about it.

Whereas me, with my chlorine tablet/sand filter combo, am used to checking the Free Chlor and pH every few days or so. Or mebbe weekly if I'm really honest!

Has my mate been given good advice? I am soooo tempted to throw in a tub of pH+ just for starters. I also think he probably needs to at least use test sticks to have an idea of what's going on, with a view to adding salt as necessary.

I do know a few people who have moved to chlor. tabs. away from electrolysis, but I dont' think he'll do that. He can afford the electricity!

Again, thanks for advice and comments etc.


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Here we go again [:)]

The PH needs to be corrected to 7.4-7.6 as you say it's too acidic and that will cause eye irritations and begin to attack pool fittings, ladders pumps etc. M' probably want that to happen so they can sell replacements and magic chemicals to put everything right.

As Chlorine has a PH of around 12 it should be alkaline and require acid (PH-) if all was working correctly, so I would bet that the electrolysis is not producing very much if any chlorine. Chucking a bucket of salt in is exactly the sort of advice these pool jokers and other large companies trot out. Have they made any attempt to actually test the water properly? and I don't mean with dip strips!

Please post some water figures for us to look at.

PH we know

Free chlorine

Total Chlorine

Total alkalinity

Water hardness

Cyanuric acid.

Salt level

It would be worth taking a test for free chlorine in addition to the other test right in front of the return to see what if any is being produced. 

And it would be interesting to know whether your friend is willing to listen or just be fobbed off at yet more expense by M'

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