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Having a baby in France


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Hi. I don't yet live in France but aspire to one day ! I work as a doula and independent childbirth educator. A doula provides emotional and physical support to women and their partnesr during labour - I have heard the term monitrice used in France although a monitrice is slightly different - more like a midwife. Anyway I am wondering if there is any demand for doulas and/or childbirth education focusing on active birth in France (especially among the expat community) ? I would also love to hear your experiences of being pregnant and having a baby in France - good ? bad ? how supported did you feel ? Look forward to any comments. Thanks !
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SUPPORT, well it was around 20 years ago, but what support would that be.

There were no ante natal clinics. I went on regular visits to my gynny who delivered my babies when due. No explanations about labour, or baby care, or anything at all.

But I did have to present lots of paperwork to the maternity section of the hospital when I 'booked' my bed.....which I didn't understand then as babies don't always arrive on the 'due date'.

How did it go, well it all went well. I had an M&S baby book and followed the photos when I got home to perform various tasks like bathing for the first time. No health visitors, or midwives at home either.....and frankly I am rather glad......My friend's baby is now a few months old and nothing has changed since I had mine.

I am curious as to how those of you who have had a child in the UK then in France found the differences. This certainly isn't my sort of thing, there again, I have never know other than the french system....and the french system suited me just fine.
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