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Health cover for young children / babies


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Can anyone let me know if our baby daughter of 3 months is automatically 100% covered on our carte vitale or not? She is listed on the CV but not our top up policy yet.

I am not sure if she, too, needs a top up policy or if the French health system covers children more than it does adults?

We were recently referred back to hosptal by the PMI for a weight issue (lack of!) and have just received a bill from the hospital for the consultation that followed. What can we do with this bill, apart from pay it? Can we claim the money back from anywhere?




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Here the answer from a French site:

ta cpam a du t'envoyer avec le guide de surveillance médicale "mère/nourisson",

un formaulaire vert (3 volets), intitulé "déclaration en vue du

rattachement des menbres de la famille des assurés pour le bénéfice de

l'assurance maladie et maternité" (ouf ct long !!!), tu dois remplir ce

formualire (2 volets sont à renvoyé a la caisse ou à l'organisme choisi

pour le ratachement des ayants droit, accompagné d'une copie du livret

de famille ou d'un acte de naissance.

Basically : you must have receive a guide for your baby, and with it a green form called:déclaration en vue du

rattachement des menbres de la famille des assurés pour le bénéfice de

l'assurance maladie et maternité

Fill 2 etc......

If you do not have it, you can download:




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Hi Abi,

Your baby will only be covered by your Carte Vitale if you have completed the relevant forms that CPAM should have sent you when you first declared your pregnancy.  Until then, pay everything and keep the brown feuille de soins and send them for reimbursement when you receive your attestation from CPAM.

With regards to the Mutuelle, we have them for our 2 little ones, children, generally receive the same reimbursement from CPAM as adults so a top up is probably needed.  Surprisingly not even all the vaccines are 100% and some are not covered at all, eg meningitus.

Hope little one is thriving now, I had same difficulty with my first - switching to formula worked wonders!

All the best.

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Thanks for the help.

We aren't with CPAM as we are self employed but I think I'll go to our 'mutualité' next week to make sure I've filled the forms in - to be honest I can't remember what I filled in when she was born!! She is listed on my CV so, I presume, I did fill something in?!

It's surprising that children aren't 100% covered, isn't it? At least I know now so I can look at a top up policy.

She is doing well now, thanks, still small for her age and we still get 'nagged' by the PMI that she should put more weight on.... blah blah! Having said that, we sort of ignore them because she is very happy, relaxed and sleeps well (though not through the night yet as she is still too small) so there can't be much wrong! We have the first vaccinations next week - I managed to put them off until she's almost 4 months old. I don't know if thats more for my benefit than hers! 

Thanks again for your help,



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