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Everything posted by giantpanda

  1. Hi! Water prices can be very different locally. Ask your neighbors. Yours, giantpanda
  2. Hi! There is little information on the subject, even if you enter : Devenir de l'armement français en 1940 ( or 1941). On such matters they are rather discreet. 1. First you would have to go into the question if French and German armament had the same norms, and to find out if the French factories continued to operate for the Germans. 2. During the war, the Germans collected in the occupied areas, all cars, radios etc.on the main squares, and then dismounted the spare parts they could require - If this a really useful I do not know - All I can remember is the junk heap on the square, where we children used to play. They also collected scrap material, for foundries, which went as far as taking big statues. Yours, giantpanda
  3. Hi! Strange is that the rights ( play dates out of the 1920ties and this version was made in 1968 ) belong to Germany. Yours, giantpanda
  4. Hi! To: Best thing they can do is to let those children go bankrupt. How sensible - that hardly solves the problem -  then you increase the debt of the others. Yours, giantpanda
  5. Hi! There are rules, since France will not accept EC people who would dependant on the French social Security system. In all cases one will it find it much more simple to claim benefits in the country where one has last worked, that trying to get into a different social system, where there are necessarily hurdles. Yours, giantpanda
  6. Hi! Do you mean he has not contact with the social security since 20 years?? Or he has not made any pension contributions for the same period. What do you then expect? How do they handle the matter in GB? Yours, giantpanda
  7. Hi! Here France is not the question. Such things are not a balance sheet. You can post those separately. Yours, giantpanda
  8. Hi! check with Switzerland. Yours, giantpanda
  9. Hi! If you look you will always find such texts from French extreme parties, galore. To take it up in GB papers without explanation is hardly fair. But unfortunately you have  also Trade unions leaders who estimate they can do anything ( and that means breaking all laws ) which can help to impose their minority views, and that they should not be condemned by the French  justice. One could say that is the argument between considering people as fighters for their countries rights and terrorists, which can hardly be solved. But you are right, there will be quite some social conflicts, and some will be violent -  - unfortunately many on the grounds that the banks have cashed billions ( although in reality no bank, who has not gone broke, has been given a penny, without having to pay a normal rate of interest) and the State can not find a few millions to save a firm, who would have gone bust anyway. The State has not done it job in explaining this fact. Yours, giantpanda  
  10. Hi! You may remember that in the past countries have also had negative interest. The important thing is to try to promote the economy. And here low interest rates are vital, although such conditions do mean that foreign wandering capital will move out. As an individual,  you have to decide, if you want to invest elsewhere, with a risk, or to keep your money under the mattress, with also risks. Yours, giantpanda
  11. Hi! Do not give any importance to a marginal person, who is constantly in conflict with the law. Yours, giantpanda
  12. Hi! Are you certain that the ruling you have posted applies generally, or just locally to your specific  Supermarket? If  it was the case ( i.e; it applied everywhere) , I am certain that your suggestion  would be more generally known and publicised by associations. But I could be wrong. Yours, giantpanda
  13. Hi! In the past: permis prélable. Now - see table: http://www.fnphp.com/sites/fnphp/veille_juridique/droit_rural/construction_de_chassis_et_serres___permis_de_construire_ou_declaration_prealable__.aspx If you require aform you can download here ( look a the number of copies required to file ) http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/pme/R17501.xhtml Yours, giantpanda
  14. Hi! See here: http://www.orange.fr/bin/frame.cgi?u=http%3A//mobile.orange.fr/content/ge/high/v2_offre_boutique/doc_tarif/documentation_tarif.html But if you want to check for you, which is the cheapest, than make your standard trolley. And check with the different outlets, what it the total cost. Of course, things get complicated, if you do not stick to branded articles, because quality will not be necessarily comparable. In general with Aldi or Lidl, you will fare pretty well. But for example if you compare the regular Lidl price, and the price of Leclerc Eco ( which is not necessarily the same quality, and it not always available) you will find the Eco product will be a few centimes cheaper. Yours, giantpanda
  15. Hi! Here is what the French write: http://www.europe1.fr/Info/Actualite-France/Societe/Tunnel-sous-la-Manche-retour-a-la-normale-en-fevrier/(gid)/186712 Latest 15th February ( if the work in process goes to plan ). Yours, giantpanda
  16. Hi! The process of changing the present French regulations is on the move. At present, the only provision you can take, it that you can refuse " l'acharnement thérapeutique " ( to be added to the " dossier médical ") http://www.hopital.fr/Hopital/L-hopital-et-vous/La-fin-de-vie/Les-droits-du-malade-en-fin-de-vie-et-de-sa-famille/Le-refus-de-l-acharnement-therapeutique a later version if it was accepted ( see the next pages ) : http://www.e-sante.fr/autres-informations-sante-fin-vie-votee-assemblee-acharnement-therapeutique-oui-dignite-NN_8157-99-1.htm Yours, giantpanda
  17. Hi! Normally before employing a gardener, you discuss the way he is going to be paid. It should be no problem to pay him with a chèque elploi if he agrees. Please note that with the chèque emploi, it is you who pays the social costs - in most case you can get a crédit d'impôts over you income tax declaration ( see 2042 , page 4 , box DF. See here: http://larecherche.service-public.fr/df/oxide?criteriaContent=cesu&Rechercher.x=0&Rechercher.y=0&Rechercher=tous&page=resultssprubs&action=launchsearch&DynRubrique=&DynCorpus=&DynDomain=SP New ( this month )  is you can get it on line, and do not have to ask a bank: http://www.cesu.urssaf.fr/flash/adhesion/demoCesu.html Yours, giantpanda
  18. Hi! Mea culpa. Although the figure seemed unlikely the quote apparently was right. This was due to the change of the law, with the lower age and the necessity of having the signature of the partner. http://www.lemonde.fr/aujourd-hui/article/2008/11/18/inciter-au-don-de-spermatozoides_1120062_3238.html Thery are looking for donors: www.dondespermatozoïdes.fr I have not looked to see if there are similar restrictions for GB Expats as with blood donors. Yours, giantpanda
  19. Hi! Basically all . But you can look at Le Figaro, Le Monde, Le Parisien. But all French Papers of periodics have such pages, and they are pratically all in Paris. But not on every day. Suggest you look at the internet sites of these papers. Yours, giantpanda
  20. Hi! To the information : No, I read it here http://www.physorg.com/news145730290.html Mostly you do have to check ( all the more so on a site outside the country concerned ) , especially when numbers seem out of range. Yours, giantpanda
  21. Hi! May be your numbers are not suite right! Could it be a " département "?? http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_de_sperme Plus de 38 000 enfants sont nés sur le territoire français grâce à plus de 9 300 donneurs. Chaque année, ils sont plus de 4 000 couples à être demandeurs. If you want to be constructive - see here: http://enquetedetoi.mabulle.com/index.php/2007/06/19/70492-le-don-de-sperme-en-france It could be that the numbers of donors have been reduced as a consequence of the  new conditions:les lois dites de bioéthique révisées le 6 août 2004.  - Man must be under 46 - Man must already be a father - Required is the written  agreement of wife, Pacsée or concubine. Yours, giantpanda
  22. Hi! The " Communauté universelle " will required the authorisation of all the children ( or at least no objection ). If there are children under age, that will need a court decision with 2 lawyers ( will take at least 2 years ). It can be extended to the whole estate ( except foreign housing ): Avec attribution intégrale. or can be limited to the house. For the " Tontine " get confirmation how it works at the 1st death ( the house being over  Euro 75,000 at the time of the death. Yours, giantpanda
  23. Hi! Normally it is used for friends - but the proposition is usually done formally. It can also be an indication of the political background, but must not be. Yours, giantpanda
  24. Hi! It already existed in Paris before the crisis. http://www.france-info.com/spip.php?article83192&var_recherche=fouad&theme=81&sous_theme=184 Yours, giantpanda
  25. Hi! I am afraid, the 2 questions are quite different, and this in most countries has not been explained properly to the population. Helping the banks, is in most cases not done " free": -When there is capital help, there is State participation, who has the latitude to be able to wait to get there money back, in some times at higher value. -when it is liquidities ( and that is the major problems of the banks at present, since other banks are loathe to lend them cash ), it is done at the current interest rates. So in fact the risk the State is taking ( which is necessary ) is rather limited. Most EC countries speak of under 5% of the sums. For single mortgages, the cost for the State is difficult to appreciate, because in most cases it is a real dead loss. Especially in GB where the Estate market was rather special ( if you compare it to France )  there will be a radical change, because buying ( without any capital )  to rent and make a profit is out for decades. Certainly there are intermediate cases, where it is only a time factor, where the State could recuperate the sum invested. Here certainly something will be done. Yours, giantpanda
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