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Problems with delay of S1 form at renewal time


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My family's S1 cover ran out in March.  The HMRC were late sending

the renewal.  Ameli deleted my account.   In the meantime my son was

attacked and had to go to urgences.

I've just received the new

forms in the post, still dated from March.  In the same post I've

received a bill for a hundred per cent of my son's charges for his care

at urgences.

Can I claim these charges back somehow?  Ameli might

only reinstate my account from the date I put the forms in but shouldn't

I be able to claim it from the UK somehow as the S1s cover the period


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The french took a well over a YEAR, never mind a few months to issue the S1, and I was told by Newcastle that the forms were automatically back dated. Newcastle had been hassleing us to get hold of the S1.

So by that logic, the french authorities should also do the same. 

Contact ameli, better still go in, with everything and request that they sort this out. Personally, I would make out that UK fonctionnaires were not very good and apologise for their delay, I find that that goes down well.

I would also contact the hospital and tell them that the bill is wrong and you are sorting it out with ameli.

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Despite the delay in the renewal the start date of a the new S1 should match the expiry date of the previous one so the cover, and thus the reimbursement, should be continuous.

I'm somewhat confused as to what an S1 and AMELI have to do with each other ?

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I'll try that, Idun :)  My son finishes his exams today and so will hopefully be here tonight and we can go into CPAM in the morning.  He has his own carte vitale and is over eighteen so he might have to deal with it.

AnOther I had an ameli.fr account which I log on to for checking reimbursements, printing attestations, maintaining my personal info etc.  When the S1 expired they deleted me and my carte vitale doesn't work as I'm no longer covered as far as they're concerned.  I also can't contact them online because the only way to do that seems to be via the online account.  The 'contact us' button sends me off and back to the same place.  I guessed that the carte vitale didn't work because my S1 hadn't been renewed but didn't realise they'd deleted my account altogether until I tried to let them know I'd moved.

The start date of the new S1 matches up with the end date of the other one so is it hopeful that they'll reinstate it all as if the cover was continuous?

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I don't foresee a problem. As long as CPAM know that the UK has agreed to be responsible for your healthcare at the time the charges were incurred, they will reimburse you in the usual way and claim it back from the UK.

Obviously they wouldn't have picked up the tab without assurance in the form of the S1 that they could claim the money back from the UK, but now you have the S1 it should just be a case of the paperwork catching up with events. Don't fret.
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OK I'll go to CPAM tomorrow.  I suppose it's too much to ask for an attestation straight away to send to the hospital but hopefully when I get one it'll show the whole period of the S1 and I can send that to the hospital and they'll cancel the invoice or send it to CPAM instead, or whatever it is they normally do.

The next problem may be that CPAM decide his attackers should pay it because I know from past experience that they don't like paying out when an injury is due to a third party's action such as assault, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.  Maybe my son should mention it at the tribunal case against his attackers, just in case.

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I was going to say in my previous post that I hope that if there had been an accident or incident that I hoped that you would have told your insurers immediately. Think it has to be done within 48 hours, probably working days though.

House insurers should cover 3rd party stuff.

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quote idun 'I was going to say in my previous post that I hope that if there had been an accident or incident that I hoped that you would have told your insurers immediately. Think it has to be done within 48 hours, probably working days though.

House insurers should cover 3rd party stuff.'

No I didn't (it's five days with mine) but why would I need to?  He's all healed up and has no lasting damage.  CPAM pursue the  perpetrator directly in my experience, when they get the bill from the hospital - which hopefully they will when my paperwork is sorted out and if not, they'll have it directly from me anyway.

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They obviously have a lot of trouble with British people as well as French because the gendarmes asked my son if he'd help them out with interpreting and translating when they have incidents involving British people who don't understand French very well.

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House insurance, the RAQVAM part of the assurance multirisques.

We always declared every last thing, whether anything further was done about it or not. And that included sports accidents, as the insurance associated with them was usually rubbish.

All three of the men in my home have been attacked in France. The youngest in the rather bourgeoise city of Metz. The others in two different cities in the Rhone Alpes. So there you go.

Below is a link of violence, that has been reported. A good friend of ours was attacked in Paris. The police took him to hospital, dumped him there, no report done, no hospital charge either....... a good way of keeping the figures down isn't it.


And for all the Charente has figures below national averages, some people are still attacked. Basically is anywhere truly 'safe', or, nowhere is truly safe.

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If I'd have seen that list I might have moved so my kids went to lycee in Cognac rather than Angouleme, Idun :)

Although my son was attacked while walking down the high street in our town twenty minutes away from Angouleme, with a girl friend.  He wasn't wary like he might have been in Angouleme.

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Well, I went.  They were going to insist I needed an appointment but as the only one available was at the time I need to pick my son up from primary school and I had a hospital bill in hand, they let me in.

All agreed and the bill will be paid but she asked if I could pay it now and they'd reimburse it later.  I asked why can't I just send the hospital a copy of the new attestation?  Ah but though it's ok, I still have to forward it to my colleague and they will check it and enter it on the system so the attestation won't be sent out for a while.  

I'm thinking I'll try writing back to the hospital to tell them I'm covered and that I'll send the attestation as soon as I get it.  If that doesn't cause enough delay I'll just pay it and be thankful he refused to stay in overnight, never mind the weekend they wanted to observe him for (though I wasn't happy at the time).

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