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Everything posted by DZ

  1. DZ

    Transporting mice

    I searched the forum in vain for a discussion thread on transporting mice to France - the only mention of those lovely creatures I find is in the context of them being chased by cats and dogs etc.  Has anyone got any experience of taking pet mice to France?  I contacted DEFRA and seemingly there is no restrictions on such export, but according to the website of the French consulate mice need a health certificate (translated into French by a certified translator) and another bit of paper confirming that they have been in the UK for the past 21 days.  What next - mice passport photographs?  If you have taken mice to France, I would be delighted to hear of your experience.
  2. [quote user="Lilly"] I am for my sins a Londoner and I have a thought that the point is being missed  a little, it is the type of crime that is indicative of a sick culteral shift in London and probably a few other big cities in the UK, it appears to me that it is the Gang, Rap, knife/Gun culture that if not serverly delt with will result in more tragic young deaths and become even more like the American gang culture that they are so desperately trying to emulate. [/quote] I couldn't agree more, Lilly, about the specific and sickening nature of the current problems in London and other big UK cities. Every time I hear the words "knife culture" mentioned in the media, though, I get very cross.  It is such a misnomer - how can you put those two words together?  What cultural is there about going around armed with a knife? Living in my part of London is really unpleasant right now.  It is not just the media blowing it out of all proportions.  The reality does affect people a lot.  Last week it took me ages to get to work and back for two consecutive days because some poor person was knifed to death on the bus route I use (this murder wasn't in the media).  The next day a woman was knifed and died about 20 min's walk from my house.  The following day a boy was knifed to death in the area I work in.  The day after that the two poor French students were murdered (in an area my daughter waits for one of her buses).  The following day yet another boy was killed, this time very near my sons' school. My sons go out, I can't stop them and I live in total fear.  Just 3 more weeks before we can move to France...
  3. I know the pain of decluttering!  Various wise people on this forum advise to start decluttering early, but this is one job that I just didn't fancy after getting back from work, so we had one major marathon weekend at the start of June when I had to become ruthless and unfeeling and just divide the stuff into what we really needed and what would be taken away by a man with a van (cheaper than a skip!).  I am proud to say that I packed the house in just about 50 hours (with maybe 3 hours' sleep in between) - but what has remained will NO WAY fit into our car (5 people + 2 mice). 
  4. [quote user="Just Katie"] Tell us more DZ, I was unaware you were going until the other day.  Also, how old are your children and what are you planning to do with them in France? [/quote] I can't actually believe what we are doing: the youngest one is 12, the middle one 16 (and the eldest is going off to Canada for a year anyway).  All very much looking forward to this adventure but also totally realistic about the school situation quite possibly becoming hell very soon.  I was very impressed with the local college, however.  They rang the rectorat to seek their advice on our 16-year-old and I was amazed with the flexible solutions offered.  Depending on the results of the exams he will take in August in all subjects (in English) he will either be slotted into a lycee (with language tuition provided), half college/half lycee (the latter for his better subjects), or if he fails miserably, just go to the college.  Well, that's the theory anyway.  We'll see what happens in practice.  I am fully aware that we might hate this experience.   At least we are not selling our house in the UK, so can return.  
  5. ...before we move to France! It's weird right now sitting on garden chairs in the lounge, turning around to check the time on the clock, just to realize that the clock is now in France.  And all the books.  And all the pictures, and half of the clothes (as I wasn't sure how long my contract at work would be at the start of the year, we booked a self-drive van to take most of our possessions to France for the start of June.  Now my work will continue till the middle of July!). In just one month's time we will be on our way!
  6. [quote user="Just Katie"] Thank you all for your kind words Xx DZ.  I thought you already lived in France.  So what part are you moving to? [/quote] Hi JK I am moving to the part of France shown on my avatar - Languedoc.  Which is weird (moving to France, not the Languedoc bit!), having stated publicly on this forum before that I would never do such a thing with teenagers in tow.  And this is precisely what I am doing.  This should be an interesting experience (understatement of the month!).
  7. Even in London the Fete de la Musique is being celebrated!  My husband's French teacher volunteers for a homeless charity and she is organizing a charity Solstice party with a number of up and coming bands in London today .  And, of course, we are going! I have read recently that the Fete de la Musique was started by an American DJ living in France in 1970s - it has certainly been a success. Bonne Fete!
  8. Best of luck, JK!  I hope you enjoy the new experience to the full!  I am following in your footsteps, by the way, but not to Paris (only 5 more weeks to go!).  
  9. My husband went to a restaurant with our daughter and asked the waiter if the cake she was being served had any Allemands in it, as she is alergic to almonds!  The waiter just stood there, scratching his head in incomprehension... Thank you to the person who has started this funny thread!
  10. Spiders, and 10 times worse for me - daddylonglegs (I know, totally harmless, but very scary indeed!).
  11. Of course my 16-year old son was delighted to find out his first name was Boobie! Yours, Sloopy D-H
  12. Best regards from Sloppy Dippinhead!
  13. Lots of interesting posts - thanks everyone.  Being a pessimistic optimist I fully expect for our French adventure not to last a life time, but that does not worry me too much, as I do not treat this move as the absolute pinnacle of my dreams - just a different and new phase of life.  We are moving because we have the opportunity to do so (I am being made redundant and even though I could easily get another job in my organization, I want to see what else I can make out of my life and discover what hidden talents I might hopefully possess that would be of use). While I am not British, I have been very happy in the UK and as a family we are not running away from anything.  Life is what you make of it - it can be both mundane and exciting in the UK, and so it will be in France.  It will certainly be much more challenging though because I am not as fluent in French as I am in English,  I realize that I am not likely to get any professional job (or even the most menial of jobs) and the children might hate living in France.  Still, it's best to try rather than regret not having tried at all when we get to retirement age.  We want this move to be a family experience, so would not wait for retirement, but I do realize it is also more risky taking the children to another country at their current age. Well, we'll see what comes out of all that!  I should be cleaning the house, by the way, and not sitting in front of the computer, so off I go now!
  14. Thank you for your positive thoughts. My "to-do" list is not too long probably because I am forgetting/haven't thought yet of some crucial things!  I'll probably remember in 3 months' time...
  15. ... I'll be moving to France!  The one-way ticket has been bought months ago and now we are in the throws of redecorading the house with a view to letting it/finishing hectic work/contacting various official bodies etc.  I am writing up all that needs doing on a daily basis, to keep a record of developments and just in case this advice comes in handy to others sometime in the future (even if we find out that this was one big mistake and have to get back). Wish me luck - this is scary and very exciting!
  16. Thanks for your suggestions!  Best wishes Anna
  17. Hi I wonder if anyone can advise me.  A friend from the US will be going to Paris in the summer and on the day of her arrival she'll meet up with her 9-year old son who be flying back from another country (visiting his father).  She would like the boy (and the airline) to be able to reach her by phone and asked me if her US mobile would work in France.  I think the type of phone she has should work in Europe but of course it would be prohibitively expensive to use her US number.  I suggested that she buy a French simcard when she gets to Paris but she is arriving on the same day as her son and would like him to have the number in advance, before he boards his flight.  Perhaps there are some cheaper/easier solutions, for example, I seem to remember adverts for some transnational simcards but I've never paid proper attention to the details so can't remember.  Can anyone suggest anything useful for this friend of mine? Thanks a lot in advance!
  18. DZ


    Cooperlola - thanks for the very funny video clip! Martinwatkins - interesting information!  Did you ever get the giggles when on air? Have a good week ahead, everyone.
  19. DZ


    Have any of you heard this live on Radio 4 yesterday morning - it certainly brightened up my day!  I only felt sorry for the presenter... http://news.bbc.co.uk/player/nol/newsid_7310000/newsid_7318200/7318249.stm?bw=bb&mp=wm&asb=1&news=1&bbcws=1
  20. It means "I read a comic book/comic strip". I find this online dictionary quite marvellous -  http://www.wordreference.com/ Happy Easter, by the way!
  21. And here is another nice website of French proverbs and sayings. http://www.e-frenchtranslation.com/proverbs.htm#Uncover%20the%20mystery
  22. Bonjour! Clair - qu'est-ce que c'est - "un bac blanc"? Je ne comprends pas. Aujourd'hui je ne fais pas de grand chose - je vais aller au collège avec ma fille pour un rendez-vous avec un prof.  Le soleil brille à Londres, alors je me sens contente! Bonne journée à tous et toutes! Anna
  23. Ah, je compreds bien... Ma famille habite en Pologne et on arrive à se voir seulement une fois par an... Ils me manquent trop. Et notre l'aîné a déménagé à Leeds (pour étudier) et on ne le vois que pour la fête de Noël et les Paques.  Il me manque même plus! (et en Septembre il va aller au Canada pour un an!!![:(]). Mais il faut toujours positiver et réjouir de la vie!
  24. ... to all the lovely Welsh members of this Forum!
  25. Thanks for your advice, Matelot.  Why or why have I been throwing this wonderful stuff out?!  I shall use the lot I have in the fridge now  cook some potatoes with sea salt!
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