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  1. I can tell you what happened to me last year, without doing anything proactive. Like you, I knew my monthly payments were too high, but, in August, the amount taken suddenly decreased and then I had no payments at all taken in September and October. I think by August, they have calculated how much tax you actually owe for the current year and if your monthly payments are going to result in an overpayment, they don't take any more once your tax bill is paid. My payment in August completed the total amount due. Hope that helps.  
  2. Hi I think there are probably quite a few of us. I have been diagnosed for about a year too. I am on 62.5mg of Levothyrox, but my hypothyroidism is still not under control. Symptoms seem to vary an awful lot from person to person. I don't feel tired and sleep like a log, but I do have chronic muscle pain, bad skin, ridged finger nails, etc. There is a lot of information on the net, much of it from the US though,  trying to sell books and theories. I found these two UK sites quite useful and they both have forums, although there are some weird and wacky ideas. www.thyroid-disease.org.uk www.tpa-uk.org.uk There is clearly a lot of debate about the methods of treatment and management of thyroid disease and concern too about the knowledge of GPs to adequately manage treatment. Have you been referred to an endochrinologist or are you, like me, being treated by your medecin? After a year, I am certainly beginning to get a little anxious that my blood results are still well off the normal scale. I'm afraid I don't have any tips. I too would love to know if anyone has any.
  3. P.S. I've also noticed that doctor's visit is refunded at 70%, pharmacy at 65% and blood tests at 60%. Could it all be any more complicated?! 
  4. I've noticed that the 1 Euro charges for blood tests seem to apply to each analysis done on the blood. We regulalry get charged 34 Euros plus charges of 4 Euros. That's for one blood sample and analyses for a few different things. With the 0.50 Euro pharmacy charges for each box of prescribed drugs as well, all these charges mount up and CPAM takes them from any money that may be due to you. This can sometimes explain why you get a lot less refunded than you expect. 
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