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Everything posted by woolybananasbrother

  1. Was it you that installed a tin roof on paret of your property Ernie? Definitely illegal.
  2. if you refuse to pay it they will impound your money until the tax office is happy the right sum has been paid. which may take a little while.
  3. [quote user="5-element"][quote user="TWINKLE"]  I will try and find that scene on Youtube though[:P] [/quote] Great Twinkle, I can't wait!!! At last we might get to see (those of us who don't already know) whether you are, or not, a Juliette Lewis lookalike/soundalike! [/quote] It is the scene in the club which is holding a singing competition. Couldn't find it myself. But better not be there when TINKLE does
  4. IPO is something special by the way. Well veggie, vegan and NO MEN, t'aint natural my dear, 'tis the work uv t devill I tell 'ee. A giirl gotta get her meat somehow.
  5. Well my daughter has just invited me to Leonard Cohen in Brussels in October. I so love his optimism, don't you?
  6. Yes, SD, they are getting very tough indeed these days. But I wonder about the legality of applying this only to non-French persons. I also wonder if the companies get a percentage of the take over and above their fees, and whether they are not in fact owned by the notaires themselves.
  7. Do you still do the OAP old folks' homes and club circuit. And Butlins or was it Pontins, somewhere like Minehead or Weymouth? What did you sing for the Tour by the way TINKS?
  8. I can imagine you doing C and W and Ronnette numbers (do you do Da Doo Ron Ron?) at some out of the way village bar as the Tour rolls by, with the natives jiving for all they are worth. There is a great female lead singer in a scene in a Clint Eastwood movie called Heartbreak Ridge, who I am convinced is your good self Twinkls. Now back to the Tour. Start of the foothills today and the important stuff really begins. Hold your breath guys and dolls.
  9. Totally unnatural life then. Probable worse off than if she took IPO
  10. Howya awl doin Twinks? Yeah, but I turn the sound down so I can see the race and the lovely scenery. Do the same for the late night speed poker.
  11. What a ridiculous story. The Mail must really be having a bad time. But then perhaps they should watch the Tour, particularly the moment, when the whole peleton stops for a leak and the cameras keep rolling.
  12. Ok, it is so obvious.   It is a dog's summer daybed, close to the window for watching and jumping out, out of draughts, easy to hide in and pounce from. Definitely to be kept, but perhaps a nice blanket at the bottom and a bowl of water near by.
  13. You are all wrong. Really, look at the foto again, the answer is staring you in the face.
  14. Maybe if they were taught and encouraged to think critically it would help. But then I suspect that half of them should not be doing degree level studies.
  15. My banks have been in the Channel Islands since I began working abroad in the 1970s and they are quite used to dealing with customers based anywhere in the world. Just need to tell them of address changes and it is done. No problem with credit card either.
  16. the RSPCA is the most voracious of all charities in getting its pound of flesh too.
  17. best if emptied first with proper certificate to prove it  
  18. I started it but darent say what I really think on an open forum
  19. Ah, yes, I think I saw it once. Funny jingle, BBC Children's television. So, what did she do?
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