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  1. As to using honey, yes you can put that in instead of golden syrup if you like honey. Alas my lot don't so GS it is. I can buy GS locally in Leclerc or Intermarche but it just seemed odd that they don't have it here in France, particularly with the predilection for cakes etc.
  2. Just a thought................. When I need this I end up buying good 'ol Tate & Lyles in the foreign food section. Is there not an equivalent in France & if so what is it called? I made Roses de Sables for my friend in the bakery you see. I use a tbsp of golden syrup which makes the chocolate lovely & squidgy but now she has asked what this "stuff" is & I have no idea!! Plus I am sure that a french version would be a lot cheaper than the imported version. Any ideas???
  3. I think most of the hidden 3000 lites went into that packet of ham I bought the other day. I could've done with my Gran's old mangle to get rid of the excess before I could even put it between the bread slices!
  4. August last year we got a whopping great electricity bill for 900€ - not even for the winter period when we had the rads, lighting etc etc. Obviously as is the way here we had to pay it and are still waiting for the decision as to whether the meter was faulty or not, but they helpfully accused my fridge freezer of eating the electricity as it "could'nt possibly be their meter" which had been here since time immemorial. (And they read the meter every single time too!) Is it not strange then that since August we have'nt had a bill over 175€, even right through the cold spells, so it obviously was not my fridge freezer munching through the watts. I await the verdict but don't hold out much hope.....................
  5. I have bought it here in the local Leclerc alongside a lot of other stuff such as sweet chilli dip, oyster sauce etc. It was in their foreign/specialist foods section next to the Heinz beans & golden syrup, all labelled in english as well!
  6. Bladders of lard! I was married to one eons ago - his only possible use now would be as a pitch roller!!
  7. Another suggestion. We have a lot of Black Redstarts here - the youngsters look very much like immature robins until they get their proper uniform of pale grey with a black tail (the males that is). Could be this little chap is one of them possibly?
  8. Umm I thought they were supposed to collapse, hence why the use of plain flour.? My grandad came from Sheffield, hence why Nan was the expert at Yorkshires - hers emerged from the oven with the centre collapsed on which she served the meat with lashings of gravy. To me (and yes it might make me a philistine!) but those Aunt Bessie's ones are pretty much how my Nan's Yorky Puds were. Sorry!!
  9. My OH loves the Merlot from Aldi, oh and the Leclerec one - both in boxes! So much easier to store in a nice square box! Alas I have given it up - can't face the headaches and feeling like death warmed up the next day after ONE MEASLY GLASS!
  10. Ours are still crashing about too. I relocate mine down by the recycling station about 2ks from here where theres a few old barns not far from the road. Quite appropriate really! Neverthless I have the niggling feeling that the devious little monsters hitchhike back here as soon as another car comes along. We have given up now effectively - they've been living-in a whole lot longer than we have I guess!
  11. So thats what it is! I found one of these sitting on a very prickly thistle a couple of months ago - I thought it was some sort of a reject frog, a twist of nature or something! You learn something new every day then...............
  12. You have my sympathies. We have lerots - I don't know about clogs because these little blighters have army boots in which they crash about in our ceilings upstairs. Its seems the more of 'em we relocate, the more we get.
  13. Framboise


    Frankly I'd like to know where summer has disappeared to cos it sure is not here!
  14. Flippin' eck!! My OH moans about the beef here enough as it is, let alone serve him up scraps! Unless it disintegrates on your tongue then its "TOUGH" and boy does he bang-on about it! I have suggested I buy it pre-digested in future, then he won't have to make too much effort. Grrrrr
  15. and most of 'em will be heading to Disneyland - A V O I D !!!!! I used to live not far out of London within that lovely car park the M25, yet I have never experienced anything like the hell on earth that was on that peripherique last wednesday afternoon, not in 30 years of driving on my old home turf. I shall stick with contending with tractors & combines from now on merci beaucoup!!
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