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Everything posted by jlb

  1. I'm frequently bitten by mosquitos, the bites swell and itch badly. A great remedy is Calundula TM (Teinture Mère) which can be bought in pharmacies. I dab it on as soon as I feel the bite reacting and within 10 minutes there's no more swelling or itching ! I never go anywhere without it !
  2. We used to live in the Essonne near Brétigny sur Orge. You have the RER ligne C which is safer than the ligne D - 35 min to Paris. A few stops further south you are practically in the country. Check out towns like St Michel s/Orge, Plessis-Paté, Marolles en Hurepoix, Arpajon, St Genevieve des Bois .... even as far as Dourdan. Other advantages are proximity to A10, A6, N20, Francilienne..  Avoid Evry, Etampes, Grigny which can be trouble spots. Housing is not cheap but this is to be expected of pleasant safe places near Paris.
  3. I have been teaching English in France for many years and have the RSA/TEFL Dip (now known as DELTA) which is a widely recognised qualification. There is a big demand for native English speaking teachers paid hourly rates of between 10 - 50 euros. Reputable language schools usually pay between 20 and 25 euros plus travel expenses if you are sent out to work in a company. Universities, IUTs, grandes écoles and sometimes BTS courses pay a higher rate but the catch is that to be a 'vacataire' (houly paid teacher) you need to prove that you are doing 333 hours of 'normal' teaching work (eg language school). That is to say they will ask you to fill in a dossier signed by your 'employeur principal' before you can get paid. Another disadvantage is that you're often paid months after having started work ! A good place to look for work is on the ANPE site http://anpe.fr/  type in 'formateur' as the job description and choose the area you would like to work in. The site is updated daily. Although a TEFL diploma is good to have especially if you want to work in Paris I should think your present qualification would be useful. I have also worked in primary schools but nowadays it is very poorly paid and as another post said you could find yourself traveling from school to school with no travel expenses or allowance for the 'holes' between lessons. Regarding 'college' and 'lycée' you will need the CAPES (although strangely, in higher education - universites, IUT etc - you do not need qualifications if you're a vacataire !
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