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  1. margaret, dave update everyone, i take that back, it is a blue carpenter bee, Xylocopa violacea, image at  http://www.alamy.com/stock_photography/10/4/WildPictures/A3C8N3.html    the images of carpenter bees i saw first were of american ones, with  brown jackets if you see what i mean. the ones isee are all black like in the pic. this is certainly my bees, does it fit yours, margaret ? Stephen                                                                                                                     
  2. margaret, dave, all am a bit late on this but if abyone is still interested, i have a wisteria which attracts big (1 1/4 inch long, 1/2 inch wide) black bees. They're shiny, with iridescent blue wings. I have seen as many as 7 or 8 when the blossom is fully out, my experience is they aren't aggressive though do check you out quite closely which can be a little worrying. I live in normandy btw. i've been looking on the internet, but haven't yet made an id. i looked at carpenter bees, but they don't fit. i'm now quite used to them and look forward to them coming, at this time of year. was watching them earlier today, which prompted me to find out what they are, and was how i came across this thread. now hornets really are nasty, be careful with them! stephen
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