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Everything posted by Nicos

  1. Yesterday we test drove a Renault Megan Scenic DCI 120 CV   luxe Privilige registered 8/3/2004 with 84,000 km on the clock. Price 13.990 E- 5 seater So OK...we liked it very much..it needs different plates from 14 to 61 and they ( a main dealer Renault garage) have said they'll change the plates. It needs a new windscreen ( chipped)- tyres fine , odd bits of scuffs and scratches will be sorted ...... So ..what do you reckon we can negotiate down to???? I know in the UK main dealers won't seem to drop more than £500 - but will sort out new tyres/road tax for 6 months included. I can be pretty tough if push comes to shove..but we do like the car- and need one asap. Full service and whatever the MOT is called included. ( it's got quite a few extras on it- rear sensors,climate control,cruise control,metallic paint,hands free start and remote locking) As we are going back to the UK tomorrow, we'll need to put down a deposit today after negotiating the price...so ...help please on what you think would be a good/reasonable deal....
  2. Been thinking..... One of the problems with rescue hedgehogs is that they tend to suffer from gingivitis as historically they have been fed on 'wet' food. Once they get that , they lose their teeth and then are unable to feed in the wild and end up dependant on their feeders of 'slop' Even young hoglets should/need to have the opportunity to eat crunchy stuff. A previous link in this thread ( can't check back as I'll lose all this message) was really good showing the % of types of food adults eat. Gives a good insite into what you need to tempt them with. I have no dea at what age they are weaned, but if they are eating earthworms, it looks like they can cope with 'normal' food. Those seem pretty good weights to me...keep up the good work!!
  3. I'd leave them out but as you say feed them little and often. If you take them in they won't be learning how to forage . Perhaps you can put some dried dog food under some dried leaves so they have to hunt it out?? Adult hedgehogs will travel up to 3 miles a night and don't tend to stay in a garden. By onfining them would mean that their increased weight may be due to increased FAT and not muscle bulk and fat. Both are needed to survive the winter. There is research I believe going on into Body Mass Index and survival rates . Sounds like you are doing a grand job there!
  4. Nicos

    Cannot stop

    [quote user="Tony F Dordogne"]Plants, seeds, gardening and cookery books, French gardening magazines.[/quote] We should go shopping together!!!!!![:-))]
  5. Best thing for the hedgehog is dried dog biscuits as they will have to crunch them and will prevent gingivitis. No milk - just water. If you can get maggots or meal worms from a fishing shop they'll love that. Cat food JELLY ( not gravey) and NOT fish is good if they are sick too. Dried leaves to sleep under. I have nursed baby and sick hedgehogs for the local wildlife hospital- expect about 90% to die. If they are out during daylight hours then there's generally little you can do to help them survive. Slug pellets and foxes are their worst threat ( after cars in the towns) If you can pick it up then remove any ticks- that will certainly help to increase it's ability to survive. Good luck with it- Just keep it away from the cat for nowif you can.Once it's strong enough the cat should leave it well alone. Oh..and if you do handle the hedgehog, do so as little as possible so as to encourage it to want to curl up at any form of danger. Quick, sudden movements and the odd poke should encourage that behaviour. Internal parasites often cause hedgehogs to die. They are becoming ore and more frequent unfortunately. Let us know how you get on!!
  6. Here's a picture of the Asian Giant Hornet....look at it's SIZE!!!!!!![:-))] This is the Asian Hornet- black at the front as you say.. (out of interest- why isn't that site 'clickable' after copying and pasting it on here??- should I have done something else to it first??)
  7. I understand that in the UK 1/3 of food bought is throw in the bin. ( no smilie frustrated enough!!) Maybe if peeps actually stop and think about what they really need before buying.....
  8. Really kind of you to offer! I'm more worried about Fergus than anything else concerning our move! He's 17 and we've had him 11 yrs and needs careful shoeing. Bit of a headbanger too!!![:-))]
  9. Floella- [:)]I'll keep hold of those details..thanks! We'll go over for a few weeks and then decide what to do- good to have a recommendation!
  10. Thanks Helen! Fingers crossed it ends up permanent[:-))] 125cc max with a UK full licence eh??....I could be the next Speedy Gonzalez of the Suisse Normande! ( either that or I'll be seen taking the mobylette for walks up to the village!)[Www]
  11. oohhhhh...I'm getting excited now!!!!![:D]
  12. We're going to live in France for a 3 month period and I'm reluctant to buy a 2nd car for such a short period of time. We're in the countryside and it's very hilly, so unless I suddenly get superfit for the bicycle[:-))] I'm going be be pretty cut off whilst my husband is at work. My thoughts have moved to the idea of a small 50cc contraption which will get me up the hills ( coming down them was never an issue!!!!). My question is this...... Can I buy a mobylette - or something similar in France and use it with my UK driving licence or do I need to pass a test either here in England  ( or with more difficulty due to language difficulties) in France?? ( I'm madly topping up my French language skills on a daily basis - and it's going well) I only need to pootle to the local village shops and  neighbours for now. Advice would be very welcome!
  13. Oh!!! We have a stone marten ( ??beech marten) around and about!!! Will chicken wire under the slates do the trick?????
  14. ....could being English be an excuse then??!!!!![Www]
  15. My brother used to have one- and it was REALLY noisey. Is it one you can just fill like a normal bath and not have the jets going???
  16. Did you know Nana M is 74 this year!!!!!  Flipping heck! ...I've just Babel fished une nanna...' a chick' ...well I'm not that young either!!!![:P]
  17. We are thinking of taking our horse from Cheshire to the Suisse Normande. I'm sure some of you have experience of transporting a horse across the channel?? Any idea of the cost involved, best route ( ??tunnel being kinder??). Stop offs (??B&B or rest periods). We have no transport of our own - so what do you suggest please??
  18. We have a small, clean stone pigsty which is about 2m x 2m and about 2m high. It's got a concrete floor , a small window opening(20cm x30cm) and a solid wood plank door. Do you think this would make a good chicken coup??? How many hens do you reckon??? I'm quite happy to build nesting boxes/perches- but what layout would you suggest?? We've never had hens before- so any help would be fantastic!!! Thanks!
  19. Une nana????...but I'm not THAT old Frenchie!!!!!![:-))]
  20. Gosh..this is all very interesting!!!! ( much more fun than school French eh???)[:)] I too thought a copaine was a closer friend then an amie - so I've misunderstood for years ( just think of all those missed opportunities!!![:-))]) Being female can I be called anything in slang .????.obviously not a gars or mec....( no rude comments please folks!!!!!!)[:P]
  21. I've been called both...who likes me the most????? [8-)]
  22. [quote user="John Martin BRADLEY"] Have you thought of goldfish? :-) [/quote] ...bit too orange  for my liking!!!!![:P]
  23. Thanks Belle and Callie! OK- so you've instantly put me off ......glad I've not had to find out the hard way! No cockrel and no pintarde then for us then!!!!
  24. Nice photos!!! Nope- I'm not Australian- but everyone knows what I mean .[:-))].......so when do you call a chook a chicken or a hen ??????[;-)] Wild guinea fowl in the garden??.........Cool!!!!!
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