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Everything posted by Laboultiere

  1. My experience is; After the normal Calvados and coffee, Calvados drinks, out comes a preserving jar with 2 large spheres inside. After much intrigue, the contents were described as Quarante Quartre (44 if i've spelt thin wrong), and the spheres were 2 oranges. From what we understand, the home made Calvados is further distilled to Eau de vie and that is the base liquid of the Quantro copy. We have tried the following recipie with both a supplied Eau de vie, and some of the fruit's de alcohol from the supermarkets, both with success; 1 large perserving Jar 2 large oranges, pricked with a knife 44 times and placed in the preserving jar (you could get awa with 1 orange) 44 sugar cubes disolved in enough eau de vie to fill the preserving jar (add more to taste during next couple of months) 44 coffee beans (to give colour) Leave for a couple of months, and voila, you have our your home made Quantro. Passed the recipie to friends who devourd a litre in 1 evening. Give it a try (no responsibility taken for any misshaps etc...) Anyone else got any recipies to share  ????
  2. Hello, We have just received a letter from France entitled 'Releve Des Terres Non Assujetties', which identifies 2 small parcels of land that go to make up our garden. It appears to be some sort of declaration to say whether we are using the land, and if so, what we are using it for. There is also a table identifying the areas, and a charge for each parcel. Has anyone recently received one of these (we have had the house for 5 years, and this is the first one we have received). We are slightly concerned as our neighbours use the land for their sheep whilst we are not there, which also helps keep the grass down, but don't want to cause them any problems. The letter appears to have come from Orne, where the house is located. Many thanks Laboultiere      
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