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Posts posted by Gluestick

  1. [quote]
    I would say with a degree of certainty it is a lot less



    No one said teaching was not a worthy occupation,

    I said MEN who work as teachers. Its not a job for a man, it pays very poorly,

    and the whole point of working is to earn money for your family.

    But of course it suits lazy men, as no physical work is involved,

    and provided they turn up each day and go through the

    motions, they get a cheque at the end of the month. No

    risk involved, just an easy, lazy ride.

    Most then get jealous of others who they consider as less superior to them

    education wise, so, as they are incapable of archiving more in life, they then

    embrace left wing politics
    . they then try to install these views in their poor

    pupils. [/quote]

    Now ebn, you are really being very silly.

    If by "Teachers" you mean the modern quasi-Marxist NUT member, then I would agree. To a point.

    However, my Masters, were a breed apart. I would have loved you to make the lazy comment to my upper school class Master! Fought in tanks in WWII; a demon runner (The Tortoise Club) and great rugby player too. Would have spat you out in bits....

    BTW: on spelling!  "Archiving" I suspect you meant "Achieving"; plus one more little tip.

    politics. they". It is usual to commence a new sentence with a capital letter...


    Never ever excoriate another on spelling and grammar and then make sloppy mistakes in your riposte!

  2. [quote user="idun"]Listen, people can feel unwelcome in all sorts of circumstances, but excluding one sex from a public place like that, no, NO!

    There have been reports for years about women and girls having to cover up 'radically' in french cites, if they don't, they are at risk of being raped.


    Clearly, Idun, you are not following European news very much......

    Young women, particularly, in Germany, Austria, Denmark and very much so Sweden, are being urged to stay indoors, not dress normally when they do venture out, and change their behaviour.

    Now why on earth should they?

    Mainly since supposed authority has lost control; completely.

    Sadly, European governments and idiot politicians, failed to carry out basic research into core cultural and behavioural differences before allowing hordes of people from totally disparate cultures to come flooding in.

    A majority of Muslim males regards women as objects and possessions: indeed, under Sharia, there can be no such thing as rape within marriage. Often, a young woman who has been gang-raped, is then accused of adultery; and in rural parts of Pakistan can then be stoned to death for her "Sin"!!

    In Iran under the Ayatollah's fundamentalist Sharia, any young woman who was accused of a range of crimes, speaking out against subjugation, etc, was sentenced to death. Hold on! problem here under Quran. Cannot kill a virgin. No problem;  a nice gang rape by prison warders and then a "Marriage" to one of the warders and then off to the crane!

    (n.b. They used and use very high construction cranes for hanging, so the victim asphyxiates, slowly, rather than their neck break. and hung high - they auto-evacuate, as they lose control of their sphincter - and the dangling dying body is intended as a sovereign lesson to any others who might seek to challenge the sainted leaders.)

  3. So really pleased to learn this, Chance!

    People always forget, the fantastic work done, oh so quietly by such trusts and charities, well beneath the radar, when tin shakers and chuggers are out raising large amounts of dosh, on commission, for supposed charities which are scam businesses using "charity" as a disguise for tax avoidance.

    Well guess what, NuLab abolished the Housing Corporation in 2008, after Thatcher emasculated its funding and told housing associations et to seek funding from her darling "markets".

    Waste of bloody space all politicians.


    And people wonder why we suffer a massive housing problem in the UK!


  4. [quote user="lindal1000"]I don't know about women not being welcome in cafés and bars in the Parisian suburbs..Try going into a Norfolk pub as a woman on your own! Not a fun experience![/quote]


    Try going into a village pub in Wales if you are not Welsh.

    Or I could take you to a pub, on an island not far from me and if you are not with a local then they utterly ignore you; they even ignore you and won't speak if you are with a local!

  5. [quote user="idun"]http://www.francetvinfo.fr/societe/societe-quand-les-femmes-sont-indesirables-dans-les-lieux-publics_1958225.html

    Please watch this. These poor women, why do they have to fight, to have a normal life in France............. and it is not just France!!!

    So much talk of racism, and yet misogyny, well, that is so infrequently mentioned ??????

    Even the attack in Cairo today, the church with separated women who were bombed, is any religion not misogynistic????


    Perhaps a somewhat different slant on this story, Idun......

    See Here:

  6. [quote user="woolybanana"]Your information is clearly part of the post truth movement.

    Would you say that teaching was a less worthy occupation than, say, renting out property, extracting exhorbitant rents with no rent controls and the rest?[/quote]

    Both activities can be for good.

    Sadly, and the stats prove this beyond doubt, education in Britain has failed. And from what my French teachers tell me their is heading precisely the same way.

    Indeed our neighbour in France (he is English, she is French and a senior teacher) have sent their bright eldest girl now to university; and the youngest has been moved into a private school which is costing them a bundle. Only and simply because the educational standard in France is, she states, appalling!

    Rachman-type landlords ( Nicholas van Hoogstraten perhaps?) are utter scum of the earth.

    However, charities such as Peabody, Guinness Housing Trust et al (Many of them Quaker roots from late 1800s on Victorian England cannot be viewed in such a light.

    Once again, the causal root is idiotic braindead government: mainly the Blair-Brown combo, ably assisted by the late supposedly "Hard" Eddy George, who carried out an insane monetary policy, lowering base rates to an historical all time low.

    Sorry to also mention the dreaded "I" word: Immigration. No nation state can support an influx of over 2 million new people and families, without fiscal disaster when its housing infrastructure is already on the edge of collapse.

    And now, thanks to Dodgy Dave and The Idiot Boy, Gideon and their clever wheezes to stamp down on Buy 2 Let, by removing mortgage interest charges from being expensed and ramping up stamp duty, those measures have already led to private (non-corporate) landlords liquidating their portfolios and this process is presently accelerating.

    Since foreign money has already been hoovering-up UK properties, as a hedge against currency and capital loss, they will dump squillions into the UK private accommodation sector and, since they are foreign-based, prove between hard to impossible to bring to account. For example, local government needing to serve notices under Environmental Health regulations.

    Which will simply exacerbate the core problems.

  7. So sadly, Pierre, this has been and is yet another result of government at all levels, too scared to carry through any initiative which would/will cause " racial disharmony" and upset the idiot politicians' myopic and delusional dream of a multi-cultural totally integrated Utopia.

    Roy Hattersley, one of the architects of a multicultural society admitted a few years back, he was wrong. Even Trevor Phillips, who recently stepped down as head of the Equality Commission has admitted much of the commission's work and focus was wrong and instead of creating harmony, has created instability, disharmony and growing social problems.

  8. This morning we learn the tangerine-faced Christine Lagarde may well be headed for the slammer!

    See Here:

    I have always wondered quite how Sarkozy avoided the slammer over the Bernard Tapie affair and the Bettencourt imbroglio? Éric Woerth  still awaits the outcome of his involvement.

    Lagarde seems to be in  good company; her predecessor, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, rather blotted his copybook.

    Perhaps worse, Lagarde has earlier been deeply criticised for exercising clear bias over the Euro.

    I fear her days are numbered.

    Dominique Strauss-Kahn: law graduate and father a lawyer. Sarkozy: lawyer. Lagarde; lawyer.

    No wonder we hate bloody lawyers, really, is it!

  9. [quote user="lindal1000"]Your post sums up very nicely, the problems with labelling people Ebaynut..as it seems clear that Gluestick thinks liberal elite it is one thing, you have a different idea, and presumably the people who said my brother was one have a different view. :) ?

    As with most labels, it seems to mean anyone that doesn't agree with your own view of the world. Isn't a liberal leftie an impossibility? Well at least according to Corbyn.[/quote]


    It is not what I think: it is now a clear matter of journalistic coverage.

    See Here:

    Core definitions of Social Liberalism and Classical Liberalism:

    Social Liberalism:

    Classical Liberalism:

    Now would you have considered the Classical Liberal was a vehement supporter of Free Market Capitalism?


    What has happened with party politics is a gradual sea-change which accelerated through the 1990s in particular.

    Perhaps Neil Kinnock galvanised the Labour Party (and unconsciously laid the foundation for NuLab's covert social engineering project on unfettered Third World immigration) by addressing a meeting of the faithful and informing them, "Labour has lost their traditional voter: mainly since incomes have rapidly increased and we need to seek other directions!"

    The Tory Party became - or tried to become! - sort of warm and cuddly and espousing a greater social conscience, in theory...and thus became centrist, rather than right. It became increasingly difficult to distinguish between supposed Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

    All else apart, the Lib-Dems had and have nothing which is truly "Liberal". Oh that they did!

    Having studied and researched true real Liberal politics, then it is abundantly clear, how and why the new party arose from the ashes of the Whigs and Tories of the mid-1800s. Towering intellects such as William Ewart Gladstone and David Lloyd-George and probably Herbert Asquith were determined to better the appalling lot of a majority. Staggering, perhaps, to realise workhouses still existed in the early 1930s: and the dire living conditions of the majority in the late 1920s and early 1930s. I have recently re-read Orwell's epic work, "The Road to Wigan Pier" (published in 1937), to remind myself. More frightening to suddenly conclude this was only 29 years before Mrs Gluey and I married!

    [quote]Isn't a liberal leftie an impossibility?[/quote]

    Clearly, not at all: since true original Liberals demonstrated many of the tenets later adopted by Labour, including the foundation of Britain's Welfare State. After Ramsey McDonald et al fell out of their besotted obsession with Soviet Russia being a sun-drenched Utopia and dropped Marxism for social ownership (Clause IV), the modern Labour Party was born...

  10. How weird, Chancer.

    Our bit of Pas de Calais rarely finds litter.

    Or graffiti.

    About the only time one sees litter as such, is on the autoroute or péage, when a car bearing GB comes past and fag packets, sweetie wrappers, apple cores etc are chucked out of a window......

    Sometimes there are pee-filled 2 litre water bottles, which HGV drivers also chuck out of the windows, yet not often and these are quickly cleared away.

  11. [quote user="AnOther"] specifying 'noxious' gas detection - by definition harmful to living things or injurious to health - implies that whatever this mythical gas is, and given the alleged number and variety of instances in which it's supposedly been used, it defies both common sense and logic that it has yet to kill anyone.[/quote]

    Did I or indeed any other poster state people had been killed?

    Answer: err, NO.

    Noxious: definition:



    Harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being:
    noxious fumes.


    Interestingly, the some manufacturers of gas detectors designed for truck cabs and sleeping areas, all describe their products as "Noxious" gas detectors.

    [quote]If your man assumes to challenge the carefully measured opinion of an august body like the Royal College of Anaesthetists on the matter then as far as I'm concerned that puts his credibility firmly in the toilet.[/quote]

    Now where did I suggest he did??? [8-)]

    [quote]When somebody is physically apprehended attempting to administer this substance, as surely they must one day, then I'll believe it, until then it remains in the realm of the urban myth.


    He, naturally, meets many other pan-European HGV drivers on ferries: no doubt, as a sensible, balanced employer, his view was to manage contingent risk.

    But I forgot; as a logistics expert, managing ten thousand RoRo movements per minute, you have intimate knowledge and experience of all such matters..........



    See here:

  12. Lindal:

    The term (Not used by myself) has sprung from the Neo-Liberals in power and having huge financial interest, who have, unfortunately, been dictating Western political now, for over thirty years.

    Perhaps the best present example being George Soros.

    Short definition for you:

    "Liberal elite (also metropolitan elite

    in the United Kingdom) is a term used to describe politically

    left-leaning people, whose education had traditionally opened the doors

    to affluence and power and form a managerial elite."

    [quote]A hate incident is only recorded if it is reported and only deemed a crime if a criminal act has been committed.[/quote]


    Let me share a true story...

    Quite some years back, a solicitor acquaintance, who is politically active, was instructed by the father of young, demised Stewart Lubbock, who was found drowned in Michael Barrymore's swimming pool, at his flash residence in Hertfordshire. The family were pushing for a proper PM and forensic evaluation, repeatedly denied.

    Barrymore was outed as a predatory homosexual who held rather unpleasant parties at his then home.

    The solicitor, as part of his recommendation to the client assisted in the scripting and publishing of a website.....

    One fine day he received a telephone call out of the blue; from Herts police, telling him he was being investigated for a "Hate Crime", under the aegis of the Criminal Justice Act (Amended) for criticising "Gays". The caller was a female WPS (Sargent). The Herts. police even issued a press release.........

    All this caused my acquaintance serious reputational problems both personally and professionally. I agreed to assist him.

    Having carefully researched and absorbed the CJA (Amended), well guess what I found!

    The amended act had not even been passed into statute!!!

    The damages paid by plod were significant; and only because of the precipitate press release.

    What a great shame the cops could not overcome their PC fear in this case, huh?

    See here

  13. Interesting.........

    Point of fact it was the UN who extended the definition of "Racism" to include ethnicity.

    Later, it was the Liberal-Left who were responsible for the Criminal Justice Act (CJA) and the later amendments to include a range of people who were or could be, "Offended"...

    This has now reached the position where a Christian vicar, priest, pastor et al, who mounts his/her pulpit and preaches from the Bible, can be locked up!

    Whereas I have yet to see any member of the Black or Muslim community charged under this act and amendments. For example, a devout Christian bakers in Ireland, were clearly set-up by a militant gay man and fined large amounts; the bakers' defence was the act was contrary to their deep and sincere religious Christian beliefs.

    Yet how about Muslims who refuse to serve pork and alcohol? How about Imams and Mullahs stating gays must be thrown from the roof of tall buildings? Wives must be beaten?


    Just yesterday, a Twitter storm erupted , when a young UKIP member posted the following:

    "Anish Patel

    I know this is early, Merry Christmas to all. We are a Western Christian country. If this country loses its identity the rest is meaningless.".

    He is a practising Hindu, by the way.

    See here:

     He was inundated by excoriating messages and twitters, which in the broad sense were under both UN and CJA definition "Racist"!

    I have experience of Indians; and believe me, they are perhaps the most "Racist" of all! Thanks to their cast system...

  14. Well, Minty, we did explore this topic some time back...

    A major client, runs a fleet of very specialised recovery and delivery trucks, throughout Europe.

    He is also listed as a Forensic Expert Witness by the Home Office and other EU bodies. Not a bloke to make stuff up.

    His drivers regularly "Park Up", when their tacho (Tachograph) informs them they are out of driving hours.

    I have known him for many many years.

    ALL of his pan-continental trucks are fitted with noxious gas alarms in the cab and driver's sleeping "loft". And special security locks and bars, installed, temporarily, for sleeping hours.

    See Here:

    See Here:

  15. [quote user="Sunflower"]While you try to espouse a great understanding of economics - and yes all businesses, however small, are driven by greed - you seem to be lacking in your understanding of history, particularly that of Chile. The changes that made the most significant impact on the Chilean economy were enacted by Allende - well before Friedman and his Chicago boys got in on the act. 1960s Chile had the best health and education systems on the continent, as well as a vibrant industrial sector and a rapidly expanding middle class. Friedman's actions were absolutely linked to the mass murder of Chileans.

    WRT the public sector, maybe if you had any idea of the financial pressures on child welfare, mental health services etc you might take a different view point on publicly funded services?

    The constraints on the legal system (i.e. withdrawal of legal aid) have come about as a direct result of views such as your own. Viz anything that comes out of taxpayer money is bad - so screw the little guy. It's every greedy asshole for himself. This is why I despise the view points that you and your ilk espouse. The 'I'm all right Jack' view of the world.

    Having spent 30+ years as an ACA and CTA working for Big 4, Fortune 100 Boards and HNW individuals I have seen too much greed and arrogance - enough to last me several lifetimes, in fact.[/quote]

    Nice rant.

    Let me remind you, Sunflower, it was yourself who stated:

    [quote]I am assuming that you are a proponent of Milton Friedman economics,

    Gluestick? The economics that drove Pinochet to 'disappear' thousands?[/quote]

    With respect, YOU attributed Chilean people disappearing at Milton Friedman's door.

    Now you state:

    [quote]The changes that made the most significant impact on the Chilean economy

    were enacted by Allende - well before Friedman and his Chicago boys got

    in on the act[/quote]

    Sadly, you cannot have it both ways!

    Since as you stated:

    [quote] Having spent 30+ years as an ACA and CTA working for Big 4, Fortune 100

    Boards and HNW individuals I have seen too much greed and arrogance -

    enough to last me several lifetimes, in fact.[/quote]

    Then you surely have had no time to appreciate either the Public Sector, or SME's. I have on both counts. As well as major global organisations and very high net worth individuals; and unless you worked in, Switzerland, e.g., then you would have not seen any details of their tax planning and income etc.

    You further attribute a callous indifference to myself, reference "The halt, the lame and the sick". Wrong; big time!

    What I utterly object to is providing local, county and regional tiers of government a blank cheque. same goes with Whitehall; QUANGOs, NGOs and etc.

    [quote]The constraints on the legal system (i.e. withdrawal of legal aid) have come about as a

    direct result of views such as your own.[/quote]

    Wrong again, I'm afraid! On both counts.

    Never mind; continue to rant on.........

  16. [quote]I am far from being a bible fanatic but I love bits of it for the elegance and poetry of its language[/quote]

    Me too, Minty! [:D]

    Same with Will's work; and Dickens, as well as much Victorian literature.

    Just re-read, after quite a few years, Thomas Armstrong's epic book, The Crowthers of Bankdom.

    I made the big mistake of lending my original paperback to my late Mum in Law. Who probably gave it away.....

    Mrs Gluey, recently, managed to find a hardback copy and secretly bought it for me. Bless her!!

    Wonderful grammar, syntax, and prose at times.

    And this was written in the 1940s.

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