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Rob Roy

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Everything posted by Rob Roy

  1. LOL, I don't know any donkeys called Martin! Mine are Mabel, her son Eeyore (had to be!) and another gelding called Victor. It's true that they should never be kept on their own as they get lonely and it's better if they are with another of their own kind, but other animals will do. A lot of donkeys do NOT like dogs and will chase them and even try and kill them if they get into the field. Mabel's field companion was a gelding called Mack and they had been together for some years when I got them. Mack died suddenly in November 2015 and Mabel was very down for a while, even thought she had Eeyore with her. I got Victor last summer so that I can continue going driving which is what I had started doing with Mack. Sorry, for hijacking the thread, I'll shut up!
  2. [quote user="mint"]Nothing to do with toads, midwife ones or otherwise. But I heard, up close, a real donkey hee-hawing away yesterday afternoon while out for a walk. The eeeeeeeeeeeee part is like a very shrill and ear-splitting whistle and the aaaaaawwwwwwww part is rather hoarse (ugh, I nearly wrote "horse") in contrast. If it were a singer, I'd have said it had tremendous range[:)] Now I know why the donkey is called Eeyore, the author knowing too well what sound donkeys make. I, OTOH, is an urban creature and I had no idea what donkeys sounded like until yesterday! [/quote] Come and visit me Mint and you can hear that each of my three donkeys has a different range and its own distinctive bray! :)
  3. E-mail comes from achatvip There is a website when you Google Achatvip: http://www.achatvip.com/
  4. Friends I am staying with have received an e-mail from a company called Achat VIP regarding a mandate for 199.51€. Their name, address, and phone number are quoted in the e-mail. Does anyone know this company as my friends don't know to what this refers and don't want to click on the attachment in case it's a scam of some sort.
  5. The obvious thing is a little forward planning so you don't run out of milk! I'm not sure what part of Correze you are thinking about but most of it is no more remote than Haute Vienne or Dordogne; I would say the Cruse is perhaps more remote. Besides, the Correze and Haute Vienne have the benefit of easy access to the A.20 something of benefit when you want to attract clients.
  6. Once your leeks have grown they are very nice wrapped in ham and covered in cheese sauce. Cut off the green part and the root, cook the whole leeks until just tender (I do mine in the microwave in butter) then wrap each leek in a slice of ham and place in a single layer in an ovenproof dish. Make a cheese sauce, pour it over the leeks, covering completely, sprinkle with grated cheddar cheese and cook in the oven at 180/200C for about 30/40 mins.
  7. Hello and welcome to the forum. We live just to the north of Uzerche, having moved here six years ago from 15 kms further south (Perpezac-le-Noir) where we were for 7 years. Looking at your preferred area the first thing I would say is that property in Correze/Haute Vienne is generally cheaper than in the Dordogne (Perigueux) and the Lot (Gourdon). The second thing that occurred to me is that if you using it for holidays and planning holiday lets getting to the property can make quite a difference, so being within reasonably easy reach of the A.20 autoroute, the two airports at Limoges and Brive Souillac and maybe even the main line train from Paris to Toulouse can be very relevant. I have also sent you a PM
  8. We live on the 'flight path' and have seen hundred at a time flying south during the last 10 days or so. We usually hear them before search the skies to find them. How lovely for you to be able to see them all winter.
  9. I've had the cultvated version of this in the garden - it self-seeds quite happily for several years. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Bouillaguet/Garden%20and%20Nature/Amaranthus3withkitten.jpg[/IMG]
  10. Maybe I'm being dumb, but can't see Haddock on the link to Facebook (which I hate anyway!). Why not put a link to him/her on the Phoenix page? I'm guessing Haddock is a dog, but from the posting could be anything!
  11. [quote user="Théière"] I can only say that I would imagine the victims of such un wanted ( People who accompanied Jimmy Savile et al over several months may not be considered in the same way) sex attacks be they male of female must feel violated and degraded and possibly suicidal in much the same way but if you consider the age of teenage mums in Lewisham and indeed John Peels girlfriend, it is at least an anatomically correct orifice. So yes in some small way I do feel that it's worse for a boy. [/quote] This is something I have always thought too.
  12. [quote user="Quillan"][quote user="sweet 17"] That was me saying that so I think I now need to correct myself.  Actually the age of consent in Spain is thirteen![:-))]At least that's what the poll's about...... Someone who knows these things better than I do kindly pointed this out to me: http://www.20minutos.es/encuesta/4872/0/0/ [/quote] Certainly is, you might find the following link interesting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe . Seem in the Vatican City there is no age of consent at all, I could make a joke about Catholic priests but better not. [/quote] I think you'll find, if you bother to re-read it, the age of consent in Vatican City follows that of Italy.
  13. It's not an Elephant Hawkmoth is it? I found one some years ago:   [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Bouillaguet/2007_08290002.jpg[/IMG]  
  14. £38?[:-))] It's bad enough having to replace proper shoes at least twice a year, without paying that sort of money for what are essentially 'posh' wellies. I'm afraid my children (if they were still at that age) would have to make do with basic welly boots, with room to grow as they can use an inner sole to start with! (Besides wellies are taller, so keep more of the leg dry[:)])
  15. I'm so very sad to read this news; a lovely and courageous lady. R.I.P.
  16. To get back to the original posting - one of my brother took up the case of our parents who were both in a care home suffering from senile dementia. My mother was the more severely affected and needed nursing as well as social care for 4 years. It was a ten year fight to get the relevant authority to accept liability for her nursing care, by which time both my parents had died - but in the end it had become a matter of principle to make them accept their responsibility ( they were one of only two authorities who had refused to pay anything). In the end a court ruled in our favour with the result that the authority had to pay back the proportion of contribution agreed to be for nursing care - plus the interest that would have accrued over the years, so it cost them far more than it should have done if they had agreed payment in the first place. I'm sure they hoped my brother would give up (or die himself as he was in his 60's at the time!) without a settlement being reached. As it happens his daughter is a solicitor (she was still in university when he started) with a friend who's a barrister and they helped him. What about those people who are not able, or can't, put up such a fight? The law says these payments should be made, but the line between 'social' and 'nursing' care is a very fine and rather gray one.
  17. My wedding ring has never been off my finger since we married (40 yrs ago last month) and my engagement ring has only been off when I was at work as a nursing auxiliary as it was not allowed on duty for obvious reasons. Otherwise I wear the two all the time for everything; I can rarely get  them off now anyway. I also have worn my grandmother's wedding ring on the middle finger of my right hand since my mother gave it to me about 25 years ago. My husband wears a signet ring on his 'ring' finger that I gave him when we got engaged and has never removed it (to my knowledge!), that won't come off now either.  
  18. The price will depend on how good the harvest is this year. Two years ago I paid 10€ a bale but last winter it was 20€ due to the poor harvest last summer. These are smaller bales than the large ones you usually see these days, which might be about 40/50€ - this is the size I get: [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Bouillaguet/The%20Donkeys/Donkeyswithstrawbale1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Bouillaguet/The%20Donkeys/Happinessisbaleshaped.jpg[/IMG] I'm not sure that you'll be able to control a large bale (they are very heavy) once it starts rolling and they don't necessarily keep in a straight line! Why not ask if you can go and collect some loose straw (filling plastic sacks) from the farm as they are sure to have some.
  19. Why not ask you local wood mill if they could put it through their machine? Being in the Limousin you can't be far from a mill!
  20. I've read through several threads regarding Kindles and one thing I'm still unsure about - If I buy a Kindle from the Amazon French site, re-register it to one of my Amazon U.K. delivery addresses and then want to buy books from Amazon U.K. to download via my PC (using Expat Shield). Can I pay with my French bank card as I would with other items I buy from Amazon, or would they block me? I've looked at the French Kindle books in English, but the U.K. site seems much more suited to my tastes. 
  21. What about donating them to the new English Library in the Correze? https://sites.google.com/site/englishlibraryinthecorreze/
  22. It's the IE-based tab top right of the screen, beside the spanner (tools) icon
  23. Peanut Butter??? Yuck![+o(] Kit Kat has never been as good since Nestles bought out Mackintosh - especially the ones sold in France that are made in Germany.
  24. It could well be me [8-)] but I still find the site is not compatible with Google Chrome and I have to use the IE tab button to make replying more user friendly. I use W7, Google Chrome and Modzilla Thunderbird.
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