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  1. Hi everybody, Do any of you know of this school or have any of your children attended this school? I am looking at either this school for my 12 year old or the college in Putanges. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you.  Mark
  2. Hi does anyone have any experience of the schools for a 12 year old in Department 61. Any info/ advice would be great Thanks Alex
  3. My daughter does Mauy Thai boxing in the uk and wants to continue this when we move to France. We are aware that some clubs operate in Normandy. Does anyone know or attend any of these clubs Thanks Krista 
  4. Hiya Lori. I dont know what happened either to my post but I do know I am a complete novice when it comes to forums and emails so I probably did something wrong. Thanks Krista
  5. Hi Debbio, We live in Manchester and are hoping to move soon to Normandy (Pont d'ouilly). My main concern has been for my daughter and how she will settle into school in France. She is excited about the prospect and I hope this feeling will stand her in good stead. We too have had terrible problems at school in England. My daughter is 12 years old and in her first year at secondary. She struggles with English, reading and spelling. Though her reading has improved tremendously it has not been through help from school. She had a private tutor for 2 years (and as parents we obviously support her as much as we can.) She was adamant that my daughter was dyslexic. At her primary school they were mot unhelpful in accessing support for her. In fact one teacher said " I hope she meets a rich man when she is older because she will never be academic" She was never chosen for anything and constantly belittled. I'm so sorry for your son as I know how my daughter felt. If anybody moved to Normandy  with children of a similar age to mine  I would love to hear about your experiences. Krista  
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