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  1. I have used a very reliable gardener for the past 3 or 4 years. I'll send you a private message with his details.
  2. Thanks, Lisa. You have confirmed what I thought. A colleague said that she had deducted the figure for RAM etc and I was pretty sure that this was wrong, but thought I would check. Regards Réglisse
  3. Hi Lisa Thanks for taking the time to reply. You are right that we are talking about a profession libérale. Perhaps I didn't explain myself very well. I was referring to the cotisation for the retraite complémentaire. If your revenus professionnels for 2008 are less than or equal to 5146 €, then you can apply for a 100% reduction, from 5147 to 21019 € a 75% reduction and so on. My question was simply what do CIPAV consider to be the net revenue figure? Is it just receipts less abattement or can you also deduct other compulsory cotisations such as RAM and URSSAF? You can see that if your revenue is close to one of the thresholds then it could make a considerable difference in the amount of cotisation you would have to pay. I hope this is clearer. Thanks Réglisse
  4. I have a microentreprise with a 'forfait' of 34% for expenses. On my appel des cotisations for CIPAV there is a section where I can request a reduction in cotisations if my 'net' annual professional income is less than 31,649 euros. Does anyone know whether this 'net' sum = just the amount received in income less the 34% forfait or income less other expenditure such as RAM (health), URSSAF etc or income less 34% forfait and also minus all the other expenditure such as RAM, URSSAF? I would ask CIPAV directly, but, as I'm sure anyone else who has dealt with them knows, it is no easy matter to get a response from them and I need to have the answer sooner rather than later. Thanks in advance.
  5. Any clever accountant types know how much tax a single person with a microentreprise (services) would pay on earnings of 10,000 euros per annum? Thanks.
  6. Mike0 Go to your local FT showroom and ask them to activate the Top Message facility on your line.
  7. Hi Fabien Firstly, let me say that your English is very good, but it would be better to say "we will phone you back" rather than "we will revert to you".
  8. ........ not to mention those of us about to turn 50. Look on the bright side - in many parts of rural France 50 is considered to be very young, as the average age of the population hovers around 70ish.
  9. This is a really good idea. There must be quite a few of us who find ourselves alone here because of widowhood or divorce - as well as those who have moved out on their own. Most of my friends here are couples or families (French, British and other nationalities) and it can sometimes feel somewhat isolating to be the only single adult at a gathering.  
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