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norton4<P><EM><STRONG>steve (area 22)<STRONG><EM><P>

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Everything posted by norton4<P><EM><STRONG>steve (area 22)<STRONG><EM><P>

  1. Its very interesting reading this. My wife and two children have lived in france for two and a half years and are wondering whether to return, we love living in france and watching our children grow up here but from a work point of view my life here has changed for the worst. Being a self employed builder and working in an area flooded by british sounds like a dream workwise, but I have never experienced so much back-stabbing in my working life. I seem to be increasingly turning up on jobs and the start of the conversation is always cowboys, now after two months struggling for work and losing out on jobs to fly by night building companys, we are wondering if it is worth the struggle. Having had two very bad experiances with so called building companys here it seems that very few of the companys here want to employ you and the ones that do are cowboys who want to pay very little and dont care what sort of rubbish you knock out. Thats just our personal reason for considering returning to the u.k Rant over steve
  2. BRH in Broons is the cheapest and most professional company Ive used so far for ready mix(Beton manufacture), Dinan has two hire shops, Loxam and Laho for the whacker plate or Laho in Lambelle if its closer. Hope this helps Steve
  3. not actually sure if there is one near you but laho is a fairly large company if you look in pages juane it should tell you.they dont put the scaffold up for you but they are fairly simple to put up and when you hire it they will give you a quick run throught.
  4. we have a four year old daughter who would benefit from a speach therapist. does anybody know of an english speaking therapist. we are in area 22 but are willing to travel if need be. thanks in advanced steve  
  5. Sounds lovely can't wait enjoy that warmer weather, if we do definately decide to make the move. We are realising now just how large the charente area is which is making it very difficult to know which area to move to. Am I right in thinking poitou charente is not part of charente maritime and there is also Deux-Sevres and Vienne. Any advice on the main differences between these areas would be really appreciated. We have heard that Venice Vert is very nice to live and a friend has heard Fontenay La Compte is meant to be nice, although I think this comes under the Vendee. Steve  
  6. we are curently living in northen brittany and are considering relocating to poitou charente. we  are in our late twenties and have two young children and were wondering what there was to do in this area espeically on a wet day.thanks in advance. steve
  7. we are currently living in area 22 in brittany and are considering moving further south to poitou charente, our only problem seems to be that we heard it can be difficult to get builders in this area ,is this true?
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