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Everything posted by Crevette

  1. I don't understand how all this "have to change to French liscence" can be imposed following on from the discussions on other threads which say that you are fine with e UK liscence under european law..? -Rob-
  2. I received a private post (many thanks!) which told me that DRAS (Directions Départementales des Affaires Sanitaires et Sociales) inspect the restaurant. A list of all the telephone numebrs by department can be found here. I will be contacting them soon... http://www.unahfrance.org/ddass.htm#14 Regards, -Rob-
  3. You could be right... the only other time in my life when I have had a problem was in Montpellier when I had a dead cockroach in my "salad composé" - mind you I should have seen the warning signs as I saw on another menu, someone had written added a "dé" to make "salad décomposé"! I was offered another salad which I politely refused! -Rob-
  4. The apartment where I live has 8 floors, no lift, and old wooden stairs. The bedrooms are conveniently located next to the stairwell. What this means is that if someone starts work early or arrives back late, then the whole buliding will know about it! I have actually fitted some "no bruit" wallpaper in the bed-room which helps reduce the noise a bit, but the obvius solution would be to fit a stair runner carpet. I have no idea how this could be paid for or it would work from an administration point of view.... any ideas how to approach this? Thanks, -Rob- PS: there are actually two buildings in our courtyard and the other building does have a stair-runner carpet so I know it's possible!
  5. Does anyone know how you can refer a restaurant to be inspected by the health authorities? Just had a pretty bad experience where (in our party of 12) three of us found hairs in the dishes, and another one found a piece of plastic. Upon complaining about the plastic, the cooks response was to reach out and remove the plastic with his hands and say there was no longer a problem! I'm not usually the complaining sort, but this goes way too far in my books. Regards, -Rob-
  6. Hi Surarfree, Thanks for the info - it makes a difference to me as I may not invest much for the first time! Regards, -Rob-
  7. I think I pay more as I live about 250m away from the famous roundabout around the Arche de Triumphe! (certainly, the premiums are more if you live in Paris in any case). I will try the CA just to be sure! -Rob-
  8. I would love to change to another company but this one is via my CE (comite enterprise) and is 560 / year for fully comp insurance (a Ford Focus 2.0) where as I am currently paying 1080 / year! Other quotes I have had were about 750 / year. As far as I can see,the company are only inforcing this because they believe it is law, not because it is a policy. -Rob- PS: If it is free to change then I may well give in and get another one - although I like the "credit card" UK one's as it's easy to carry around and acts as a piece of idenitification in shops, etc. (used for getting a new Carte Grise, paying by UK credit cards in some stores, etc). As far as I understand, you need to hand in the old one when you get a French one.
  9. I just had a bit of a "dispute" with an insurance company who insist I change my British liscense to a French one. They claim that I should change to a French one after one years residence in France. As pointed out on the thread "Fined 90 Euros for having a UK licence", only non-EU licences need to be changed to French ones as the UK one is still valid. http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/particuliers/F1757.xhtml They claim to have read the text at ; http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/WAspad/UnArticleDeCode?code=CROUTENR.rcv&art=R222-1 "Article R222-1    Tout permis de conduire national délivré à une personne ayant sa résidence normale en France par un Etat membre de la Communauté européenne ou d'un autre Etat partie à l'accord sur l'Espace économique européen, en cours de validité dans cet Etat, est reconnu en France sous réserve que son titulaire satisfasse aux conditions définies par arrêté du ministre chargé des transports, après avis du ministre de l'intérieur et du ministre chargé des affaires étrangères. Ces conditions sont relatives à la durée de validité, au contrôle médical, aux mentions indispensables à la gestion du permis de conduire ainsi qu'aux mesures restrictives qui affectent ce permis.    Dans le cas où ce permis a été délivré en échange d'un permis de conduire d'un Etat n'appartenant pas à la Communauté européenne ou à l'Espace économique européen et avec lequel la France n'a pas conclu d'accord de réciprocité en ce domaine, il n'est reconnu que pendant un délai d'un an après l'acquisition de la résidence normale en France de son titulaire.     Tout titulaire d'un des permis de conduire considérés aux deux alinéas précédents, qui établit sa résidence normale en France, peut le faire enregistrer par le préfet du département de sa résidence selon les modalités définies par arrêté du ministre chargé des transports, après avis du ministre de l'intérieur et du ministre chargé des affaires étrangères.    On entend par "résidence normale" le lieu où une personne demeure habituellement, c'est-à-dire pendant au moins 185 jours par année civile, en raison d'attaches personnelles ou d'attaches professionnelles." and http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/WAspad/UnArticleDeCode?code=CROUTENR.rcv&art=R222-3 (which applied to non-EU members..?) ...and interpreted it to mean I need to get a French liscence within a year of being in France. I am going to write back to fight my case (I don't want to pay the 22 euro's and waste some time in a prefecture for no reason!) All advice welcomed! -Rob-
  10. I am in the process of changing insurance and after a few years of having my wife on the contract as a names driver I wanted to move her to the new contract but was told that it wasn't necessary as she was an "infrequent" driver (by this, they said less than 1 time a week). Apparantly I will pay a smaller premium because of this, but if there is an accident when she is driving then the compulasry costs are higher... At the moment she "seems" to have a bonus/maus of .8. I say this because they have given her the same bonus/malus as me (although as far as I am aware she never had to justify this). I was wondering how bonus/maluses work for partners. If they are named as a driver on the contract do they benefit as well from not having an accident by getting a better bonus/malus as well? Does it affect your premium if the bonus/malus is better or worse than yours? Any info much appreciated. Thanks, -Rob-
  11. I am in the process of chanign insurance and had a letter to say "nous vous demandons de bien vouloir nous faire parvenir la copie de votre permit francais que vou devez echanger dans un delai d'un an a compter de votre entree sur le territoire francais". Same merde! I will write back, attaching the same text for article R222-1 (thanks for the link). They also seem to want a "releve d'informations" for each driver. Any idea what this is?! Is this something only on french licenses? (perhaps this is the "catch 22"...) Regards, -Rob-
  12. Hi Chessfou ; I think you have made a good choice with Fortuneo. Her's a quick review I found ; http://www.ciao.fr/Fortuneo__Avis_59900 Good luck with your investments! -Rob-
  13. You may be able to get around the situation if she was to sign up for a university course of some sort... I have a friend who managed to get around visa problems by doing this. Good luck with your situation. -Rob-
  14. Hi Sugarfree, Many thanks for your detailed reply. I have looked into these in more detail and I think it is what I am after. There seems to be also a rule which says that (if I understand well) if your total shares sold is less than 15,000 euros then there are also no taxes. (there also seems to be a rule which means that if you go back to the UK/another country then there are no taxes). The "need to keep the account open before you don't pay tax" limit seems to be reported as 5 years on several sites. You can now buy and deal with UK / european shares if you want which is good. Also, if I understand well, it would be good to open one ASAP as the five year starts fromthe time of opening. I put a few hundred euro's in it and then in, for example, in three years time I decide to put several thousand in it, then I would only have the two years to wait before it's tax free (if you see what I mean). Regards, -Rob-
  15. I have a sum of money I'm looking to invest and have several options available. Before I do, I'd like to know how it is taxed in France (is the capital gains considered as income?). Is there anything like an ISA in France? Also, I used to use the sharecentre in the UK to deal on-line - any recommendations for dealing with shares in France? Many thanks, -Rob-
  16. The differences are ; Electronic Climate Control (more economic) Remote Control Electronic displays Timer   In terms of price, the new version will be about £130 inc delivery (a lot more expensive - but with the extra perks I mentioned). No reply from Delonghi france. Thanks anyway - good site! -Rob-
  17. Delongnhi do a great new range of electric heaters (one oil filled, one blower unit) which have "electronic climate control" (i.e. set the temperature at the one you want), remote controls, timer settings, ultra fast heating, and economical settings! Great reviews for them. Try google with "HBP552-3B" or "TRD0820ER"... The only problem is that there are not available anywhere in france! (I have searched everywhere) and the UK sites which sell them do not post overseas. So I was thinking about ordering on a UK site to deliver to someone who lives in the UK and then from the UK having a delivery service deliver to France. I got a quote of £35 for up to 25  kilo parcels from Postvan (www.postvan.com). Apparanlty they pick up at an address and deliver to the address in France. Has anyone else tried something similar? Regards, -Rob-
  18. I put spare change in the piggy bank but it's completely full and so I need to do something with it! Does anyone know if there are any of those "coin->note" machines anywhere like thy have in the UK sainsburies stores? Can banks change these to notes for you (without sorting them into different types first as it's a BIG job!) Any ideas appreciated! -Rob-
  19. I have moved house a few months back and as I don't enjoy spending my free time in long queues as the City prefecture all to have a couple of lines changed on the Carte Grise (!), I though ti would look into seeing if I could do this by post. The Paris Anglophone site ; http://paris.angloinfo.com/information/6/cartegrise.asp says ; You have one month in which to register the change of name or address. You must supply the following to the Préfecture or Sous-Préfecture: Carte Grise car registration document Certificat d'immatriculation demand of certificate of registration, available from Préfecture or Sous- Préfecture, Mairie or Police, filled in and signed. Download Form Cerfa 10672,  Proof or new residence: EDF bill, rental agreement or deed of sale  Proof of identity: passport, Carte de Séjour or French driving licence You do not need to present your contrôle technique. In the case of mopeds and scooters, you can register a change of address at a vendor who has signed the " Convention" with the State. You must supply a Demande d'immatriculation, proof of identity and the main section of the Carte Grise, cut off ( leaving the detachable part which you fill in and keep as proof of registration while waiting for your new Carte Grise). The prefecture de poilice http://www.prefecture-police-paris.interieur.gouv.fr/demarches/carte_grise/courrier.htm say ; Le dossier complet est à adresser au Service des Cartes Grises à l'adresse suivante : Cellule des Cartes Grises par correspondance, 9 boulevard du Palais 75195 Paris CEDEX 04. OK - easy Une enveloppe timbrée au coût de la lettre recommandée A/R à votre nom et adresse. Erm - they need a self addressed envelope with a stamp on it? Le formulaire de demande de certificat d'immatriculation (véhicule neuf : dit 3 en 1, véhicule d’occasion, changement de domicile, duplicata, changement de situation matrimoniale) : Le demandeur de la carte grise (celui dont le nom figure sur le certificat de cession) remplit et signe le formulaire de demande de certificat d'immatriculation (disponible en téléchargement). La demande d'immatriculation pour un véhicule immatriculé au nom d'une société, doit faire figurer le nom et la qualité du signataire. They need this rather complicated form to be filled in... L’ancienne carte grise : (véhicule d’occasion : barrée et signée par le vendeur avec la mention " vendue le... ") ou pour une demande de duplicata, la déclaration de vol enregistrée en commissariat ou de perte, formulaire disponible en téléchargement. OK Le certificat de cession original (disponible en téléchargement) dûment rempli sans rature ni surcharge par le vendeur (véhicule neuf : figure sur le 3 en 1). What is this?! I like this - you click on the link and get " Site Error An error was encountered while publishing this resource. Resource not found"!!! Le contrôle technique (liste des centres de contrôle sur le site Internet). En cours de validité pour un duplicata et un changement de domicile. Pour immatriculer un véhicule d’occasion : contrôle technique datant de moins de 6 mois si le véhicule y est soumis (véhicule de plus de 4 ans). OK - not sure if needed for a change of addresse? Le certificat de situation (dit non gage) : pour immatriculer un véhicule d’occasion, disponible dans toutes les préfectures, sans attente au guichet grâce à des bornes de délivrance automatique à votre disposition en libre service. Un certificat de situation administrative d'un véhicule peut également s’obtenir via le site internet. I don't think I need this for a change of addresse? L'original ou la photocopie (recto-verso) d'un justificatif d'identité suivant (lisible comportant obligatoirement l'identité, la date et le lieu de délivrance, le numéro de formule du document): Carte nationale d'identité, en cours de validité Passeport, en cours de validité Permis de conduire Carte d'identité ou carte de circulation délivrée par les autorités militaires Carte de combattant, d'invalide de guerre ou d'invalide civil Carte de séjour temporaire, carte de résident, certificat de résident de ressortissant algérien, carte de ressortissant d'un état membre de l'Union Européenne ou de l'Espace Economique Européen, en cours de validité. Livret et carnet de circulation (comportant obligatoirement l'identité, la commune de rattachement, le numéro du documen Passport photocopy OK? (maybe my UK driving liscense as well to be sure).   Un justificatif de domicile ou sa photocopie lisible La procuration pour les professionnels chargés de la demande d’immatriculation peut être établie sur papier libre. Dans ce cas, il devra fournir la photocopie recto verso de sa pièce d’identité.   EDF photocopy? I wonder if it matters that I moved in three months ago...? La déclaration d'achat si le véhicule a été acquis à un professionnel de l'automobile. Not needed? Le mandat d'immatriculation pour les véhicules pris en location de longue durée, location d'achat ou crédit-bail. Pour un véhicule immatriculé au nom d'une société : un extrait du registre du commerce et des sociétés établi depuis moins de 2 ans, ainsi que la photocopie recto verso de la pièce d’identité du signataire (de la demande) nommé sur le KBIS. Pour un véhicule immatriculé au nom d'une association : la preuve de la déclaration de l'association auprès de la préfecture et la copie des statuts ou tout autre pièce justifiant de l’existence légale de la personne faisant apparaître le nom du responsable et l’adresse de l’organisme. Pour les véhicules étrangers provenant de l’union européenne : - le certificat d’acquisition d’un véhicule terrestre à moteur délivré par le centre des impôts de votre domicile - le certificat original de conformité communautaire ou le duplicata délivré par le constructeur ou une attestation d’identification délivrée soit par le constructeur ou son représentant en France soit par une DRIRE. Already been through this - hopefully not needed? Un chèque bancaire ou postal correspondant au montant de la taxe, libellé au nom du TRESOR PUBLIC et la photocopie lisible de la pièce d'identité de son titulaire I think this is free for moving house? Can anyone help / confirm the points in red? Has anyone actually tried this and it worked?!!! Many thanks!!! -Rob-
  20. I didn't think the debate would go on for this long! I found that "Auchan" sells "cresson" seeds and so bought a couple fo packets. I put the seeds in a contianing with some kitchen towel and water and four days later I have something which resembles the cress image above - but is not exactly the same! I think the problem is (as "missyesbut "points out) that I should have used mustard seeds... BUT I have tasted the litle shoots and to my great pleasure the taste isn't too dissimilar - in fact the taste is a bit like "cress" but more peppery - which is great as I wanted to make a nice "peppered" egg and cress sandwich! THANKS FOR ALL THE ADVICE AND COMMENTS! -Rob-
  21. Hi Opus, I think you have just solved the puzzle! I think "cresson" is baby watercress. In the UK you can buy it in the small tubs (freshly grown) from greengrocers - in France it seems that you can only buy the fully grown watercress from the greengrocers. Where did she get the seends from? Thanks, -Rob-
  22. I really like the traditional english "egg and cress sandwich" but have not find a single store in France which sells cress or cress seeds. I don't even know the name for "cress" - it's not "cresson" (watercress). Any help on where to find it in Paris? (maybe in "seed form if all else fails!) Thanks, -Rob-
  23. I am organising games each thusday evening at Cergy (international crowd - very informal!) - let me know if you're interested and I'll send you details. -Rob-
  24. My evil "ex" estate agent is saying that I will have to pay the cost if the boiler breaks down for the "next" tennant as we did not not renew the gas boiler contract (a gas boiler needs to be looked/at serviced once a year, with a year-long insurance cover at a cost of abour €150). To me it seems madness to be paying for a service and insurance for a place rented out to someone else! We moved out the apartment around the date the contract expired and so saw no need to renew it. Does anyone know if legally the estate agent has a case here? Not that I don't trust estate agents...(!) but I can see the boiler mysteriously breaking down and being replaced with a better one at a cost of several thousand euro's if they have really do have a legal right to my money! Regards, -Rob-
  25. I received a parking amende (35 Euro's I think) which unfortunately mysteriously dissapeared... Despite many searches (more than 2 hours!) I cannot find out who to contact about this (and who to pay this to). I know the fine will increase if I don't pay it soon... "2) La plupart des amendes forfaitaires peuvent être minorées en cas de paiement dans les 3 ou      15 jours et sont majorées si le paiement intervient après 45 jours." Any help appreciated! -Rob-  
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