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  1. I thought I would never say this but don't be put off by agencies. True you pay an agency fee, but the rents are comparable - if not cheaper to private adds in my experience. Yoy can also find some bargains sometimes if you are in first. The trick is to watch out of new adds daily and when something good comes up, get there first with a good dossier. They often take the first person ready with a dossier. Good luck! Rob
  2. How would you translate this to english? In a context like "Analyse de l’existant client avec les différents intervenants" (where this could be either people or companies). Consultants, suppliers, business partners, service providers? -Rob-
  3. My new job (in Paris) has a lot more direct contact with the Clients and I need to find some sort of evening class in Paris to improve my French Business level. Anyone know if such a course exists? Any tips for improving this? Regards, -Rob-
  4. Hi Ian, Many thanks! That sounds great - I will give it a go! I am more of a Thai curry addict and have  a box of lemograss,chillies, galanga root, thai basil, lime leaves, and ginger in the freezer which I use a lot! In Paris you have the "tong freres" near Place d'Italie which sells you everything you could ever need (complete with nice Singha beers!) I found another very interesting curry dish from Brazil with peanuts and lime which I really like - here's the link ; http://rosas-yummy-yums.blogspot.com/2006/12/brazilian-xinxim-de-gallina.html "Bon app!" -Rob-
  5. €7.00 for a pint of Guiness in central Paris!!! Is that the most expensive in europe I wonder..? -Rob-
  6. Insurance can't do anything as there was no "break-in". -Rob-
  7. Thanks Baz! Unfortunately I think the circumstances surrounding the tickets mean that i don't have much hope - apparantly there was a report on French TV recently which was about "la post" staff stealing letter/parcels which are of value/interest - it seems it is quite a regular occurence. -Rob-
  8. I ordered some tickets with Ticketnet and dispite the message "Le courrier a été déposé dans la boîte à lettres du destinataire." I have never received the tickets. The post said to contact Ticketnet - Ticketnet say to contact the Post (surprise surprise). Ticketnet want me to see with the post "exactly where they were put". I have written to them asking them this but I doubt if I will get  areply. I basically think the tickets are now lost/stolen and there is nothing to do about it (173 euros - ouch!). Maybe there is a chance through the insurance but I'm clutching at straws... It would have been different if ; i) the tickets were "numerated" instead of for the "foss" section. ii) The letter was "suivi avec recommandé" It is the last time I order tickets in this way and I would advise others to always go with recommandé or better still to pick up the tickets at a place like FNAC.  Regards, -Rob- ---------- SUIVI ; Courrier n° xxxxxxxxxxxx (Fréquence C) : Distribué par PARIS (75017) le 06/10/2006. Le courrier a été déposé dans la boîte à lettres du destinataire. Historique : le 06/10/2006 : Arrivé au bureau distributeur de PARIS (75017)
  9. The Meo A701 mobile phone has GPS inbuilt in it and costs around 450 - 550 euro's. For this you get something which you can use as a telephone, camera, wordprocessor (all office utilities), watch movies, listen to music, etc. Seems a better idea to invest in this than a stand alone GPS IMHO. -Rob-
  10. I am looking for a 5-a-side team as well - very hard to find one in Paris! Will let you know if I find something. -Rob- PS: I advertised in FUSAC to find a team but no luck!
  11. I received a private post (many thanks!) which told me that DRAS (Directions Départementales des Affaires Sanitaires et Sociales) inspect the restaurant. A list of all the telephone numebrs by department can be found here. I will be contacting them soon... http://www.unahfrance.org/ddass.htm#14 Regards, -Rob-
  12. You could be right... the only other time in my life when I have had a problem was in Montpellier when I had a dead cockroach in my "salad composé" - mind you I should have seen the warning signs as I saw on another menu, someone had written added a "dé" to make "salad décomposé"! I was offered another salad which I politely refused! -Rob-
  13. Does anyone know how you can refer a restaurant to be inspected by the health authorities? Just had a pretty bad experience where (in our party of 12) three of us found hairs in the dishes, and another one found a piece of plastic. Upon complaining about the plastic, the cooks response was to reach out and remove the plastic with his hands and say there was no longer a problem! I'm not usually the complaining sort, but this goes way too far in my books. Regards, -Rob-
  14. I didn't think the debate would go on for this long! I found that "Auchan" sells "cresson" seeds and so bought a couple fo packets. I put the seeds in a contianing with some kitchen towel and water and four days later I have something which resembles the cress image above - but is not exactly the same! I think the problem is (as "missyesbut "points out) that I should have used mustard seeds... BUT I have tasted the litle shoots and to my great pleasure the taste isn't too dissimilar - in fact the taste is a bit like "cress" but more peppery - which is great as I wanted to make a nice "peppered" egg and cress sandwich! THANKS FOR ALL THE ADVICE AND COMMENTS! -Rob-
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