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Posts posted by Turnip

  1. [quote user="hastobe"]But in this situation I think the French have it right.  In the UK anyone can call themselves an accountant - qualified, part-qualified - or can't even switch on a calculator.  I'm not suggesting that your relatives haven't any qualifications - but the lax approach of the UK means that  people often employ someone they think is properly qualified and experienced when in fact they have something rather less than that - in this case a book-keeper or an accounting technician rather than a fully qualified accountant. 

    I have picked up a lot of very costly messes from less than qualified accountants - and at the end of the day its not me that pays - its the client who had the inadequate advice.

    As an aside - I often wonder if this is why we get all the Brit wanabee carpenters, plumbers trying to set up in France  -  on the basis that because the UK has a lax approach - it's OK to do likewise in France.





    Careful people - you must not criticise France or the UK bashers will rise up and spew their asides around them[:-))]

  2. [quote user="Clair"][quote]... er, why should I not speculate?  Is one not allowed to?  Surely, alot of life is based on speculation and wondering if something will happen.  There are many things one does not know, and wonders about.  I am speculating because the forum is in the nature of a conversation, and speculation plays a huge part in conversation.  eg "I wonder if .....?"  "Perhaps I might ...........?" "If I do X then Y might happen and that would be nice/nasty". 

    I think I am entitled to wonder what is going on, when no-one bothers to tell me.Fil[/quote]

    The difference between a conversation and a forum is that the written word stays to be read long after the conversation is forgotten, which is why the previous thread had to be pulled.
    This person has defaulted on his rent. It's a failed business transaction, not a personal vandetta, unless you choose to make it so.
    Your posts are not factual, they're full of speculation and I suspect that, in spite of yourself, part of you is enjoying the drama and the attention.[/quote]

    Whose speculating now and adding to the drama[8-)]

  3. [quote user="Tony F Dordogne"]

    Never been happier, yesterday worked for a couple of hours in morning, then on to local market, 10.5 euro menu in resto we hadn't visited before but which had been recommended by French and English chums, back home via a couple of quick visits to chums for exchanges of information and then about 2 hours each working on terrace setting it up for spring.

    And as for the retiring and being together all day thing, we've always worked (arms length) together, have similar interests (though we also also do our own thing), keep each other on our toes intellectually and we miss each other when we're apart.  For us retirement (and we both baled out early) was always going to be a partnership and that's how it's turned out to be - and we both realise just how privileged we are financially but it's taken 40 years for us to get to this position and it was worth every day for what we have now.  But I don't think I'd like to be a younger family, artisans having to make a living here, we have friends in that position and sometimes my heart bleeds for them.

    Go back - no, that's a retrograde step to us, don't think we've ever gone back at all in our lives, doesn't fit in our mind sets.  The kids (all in their 30s, eldest 40) and rest of the family know where we are, 2 and half hours from them by plane max from airport to our door, they have their own lives and so do we.


    The thread above this (Whats the 7th largest city french city? - "London") relates to the young families you mention: If they are able and so inclined they head for the Uk for a decent job and income. 

  4. Some time ago I came across a book containing stories ( such as "The canterville ghost") where the left hand page would be in English whilst the right hand page would be a French translation. Does anyone know where I could obtain similar books?
  5. [quote user="Pancake"]We intented to come to France for a holiday and house hunt in March.We was then coming back to Oz to sell our house...But now someone has offered and brought the house before hand so we are packing like mad and getting all the stuff sent over in a container.We are due to fly out on the 10th....It looks like we may settle in 23 so if anyone knows of a long term furnished let for about 4 months please contact us.....[:-))][/quote]


    You are willing to give up all that sunshine in Oz to live in France?

    Is this a permenant move?

    Good luck in any event

  6. [quote user="Pads"]


    Thanks Twinkle never seen them from your side , as we havnt been further north than Mazamet, but this summer we will venture your way and see the view from the other side it looks loverly.[:D]



    Bit like the Bodmin lakes in Cornwall[:-))]

  7. [quote user="Miki"]Clooney, or as we Warlocks like to call him "Georgie Boy" is not available after Twinks (by the way, you are 2 days over due on handing him back and you also have 3 Warlock  books outstanding from the library.

    He is showing signs of wear and tear, could the next person put some brown paper on him to protect his body...............No, hold on, I think that's the instructions for the Warlock books ! So could someone just rub some oils in to his body. I know it's an 'orrrible task but one of you gals has gotta do it [:)]

    Lori, he is American and you are not allowed a fellow countryman, can we offer you José Mourinho or Mrs Buckets Brother in law Onslow instead, for an hour ?


    What -  a whole sixty minutes? Could you not reduce the time to five minutes on health grounds?[:-))]


  8. Whats the weather like now in Brittany (12.55GMT). I ask simply because many people say that Brittany is similar to Cornwall (The only county with a French spelling - so said my Breton French language tutor). It's pouring with rain here and very cold but not freezing.[:D]
  9. Pictures in yesterdays (Saturday) Times of Chirac kissing the hands of various female politicians until he got to Margaret Beckett. He simply shook her hand and bowed stiffly. Has she upset him ?[;-)]
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