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Everything posted by Martin963

  1. [quote user="PaulT"]Ah, good old MW....... Used to listen to the offshore 'pirates' until the last one was forced to close due to increased legislation in 1999. OH bought me some CDs of recordings made of various stations. Sound quality will never be high due to the characteristics of the MW but also affected after dark due to atmospheric conditions.So, quality was variable, also affected by lowering transmitter power due to fuel issues. When the broadcasts were happen have received with quite good quality broadcasts from the North Sea. At the end of the day, the DJs on the recordings are far better than those on radio today where their ego is their main concern rather than the music.[/quote] Your posts bring back memories.   Particularly Caroline in the late 1970s and then again 1983 - 1985,  after that it went too commercial for me. Caroline didn't impose tight filters on their AF,  which meant that they "spilt" onto the adjacent MW channels more than they should have done (naughty!) but it did mean that they sounded better than most "legal" (technically and authorisation) stations.    Peter Chicago always did a brilliant job on their engineering. And how right you are about the DJ's (lack of) egos.   For me Tom Anderson will always remain the best - a man of relatively few words and breathtaking musical knowledge.
  2. re the Olympics - you may well be right,  but of course they've been in the clear via the BBC on DSat since Auntie went FTA in 2003,   ie in 2004/2008/2012,  so TBH I doubt that's going to be a real priority. Certainly it's quite fun waiting for the first reports,   notwithstanding that prat "Europa" on Digital Spy,  who's wasting everyone's time,  true to form.  No wonder so many of them migrated to another forum.
  3. A kind and very technical bod has put this up http://satellites-xml.org/28E-SNR.php although he's a long way south.   But maybe it will give the first indications of transponders coming up.
  4. Satellite would be my choice.   Just to be pernickety - you want "freesat"  (small f although that's not so important!).   What is important is that you don't want Freeview - Freeview is confined to Britain because it works off a conventional TV aerial and so is pretty much contained within national frontiers.   A Freeview box is completely different to a freesat box. A Freeview box will not do what you want (although if you plugged it into a roof aerial in France it would pick up French TV for you,  but that's going to be a disappointment as far as getting LBC is concerned!).
  5. I sympathise re Radio Berkshire.   The BBC RDS retuning system hands one on from one BBC local to the next - or at least that's the idea.   Radio Berkshire has somewhat over-engineered coverage,  with a transmitter at Windsor Castle itself,  a relay atop the old Butts Centre in Reading,  a relay at Henley,    and a very powerful transmission from the TV station at Hannington a few miles north of Basingstoke,  which has huge coverage. It is therefore quite hard to escape R Berks I agree!   That's where being able to turn RDS off is useful,  but on some car radios they make it very difficult - in fact I have to admit that in spite of being an ex BBC chap I don't know how to neuter it on our Ford.... I think you may have had some bad luck,  and RDS on FM *ought* to work where you are - but there are always places where there are problems.... Angela is right about phone wires.   In the "good old days" before Broadband ADSL phone wires were normally not much of a problem,  but they carry so much "RF" now that they can really knock out weak signals on LW and MW - such as Radio 4 LW when one is getting a bit far south.  
  6. Ah - well had you *said* FM rather than MW then my response would have been entirely different!!!!   My remarks about MW are entirely correct.   And what you said about power lines further led me to believe that you knew you meant MW,   as noise under lines on FM is very rare,  due to the different modulation technique to that used on MW and LW. Does your FM car radio not have RDS?    Some older ones of course don't,  but with RDS engaged there are many (most) areas where it should retune automatically.   Of course it can't if there's no signal,  which it's true does apply to some rural areas,  but in most parts of France it should work seamlessly,  as it does (mostly) in Britain..... But if you're somewhere mountainous then that's different.   Although Int/Cult/Musique have pretty much 100% coverage,  and excellent RDS implementation.
  7. Of course I don't know where you are,  but generally MW reception is very stable (apart from tunnels and power lines) all round a transmitter's service area,  for a high power transmitter that's a radius of anything from 50 miles to 150 miles. If you're getting variations like that over short distances then there's probably something not quite right with your car radio,   unless you're in a very remote part of France (Alpes,  Pyrenees). At home it's a bit different because of mains borne interference (or if you live in a steel framed building). Having said all that the French only really use MW for France-Info;   on LW of course there's France Inter,  Europe 1,  RTL and RMC,  all of which are available on FM in many areas (particularly the larger conurbations). The days of LW/MW are probably numbered,  but as the OP doesn't have internet it seems worth a go.   But the ideal solution would be satellite,  I think LBC is on DSat isn't it?
  8. Actually the London Capital Radio (AM GOLD) transmitter puts a cracking signal out to a lot of southern France from dusk until dawn - the aerial system at Borehamwood/Barnet is highly directional in order to deliver a good signal into London,  but after dark it bounces on in a south/south-east direction and in the late 1970s I regularly used to hear it in the southern Alps. But - it is a bit like listening to Radio Luxembourg 208 m in the old days - it does fade and distort at times.   Certainly it comes in in 24 though. However,  it is true that you'll have less luck with stations lower in frequency,  but it's surprising what you CAN get,  provided you know how to "drive" a medium wave radio and you don't mind a bit of fading and distortion.  If your home radio (prone to interference from mains borne noise) is also difficult to tune then try the AM band in the car where you can enter the frequencies in digital form. LBC is 1152 kHz and Sunrise (or whatever it's called this week) is 1485 kHz.   Capital on 1548 kHz.
  9. [quote user="Jako"]Astra2e will be in position and expected to be operational this weekend. Moving transponders could start on Monday, should they wish to do so. [/quote] By the time I'd written my essay you'd beaten me to it!
  10. Indeed.   Astra SES have been playing billiards up there these last few weeks,  it's a bit like one of those games you used to get with 16 sliding tiles,  or rather 15 tiles and 1 space.   You had to re-arrange the tiles to make a picture. They'd never admit it,  but I think it's fair to say that the way the replacement satellites has been deployed has been somewhat convoluted,   Astra have to ensure that each of their positions (eg 19 deg E,  23 deg E,  and "our" 28 deg E) have enough capacity AND that some sort of back up facility is available.    I don't think there's much doubt that some odd things have happened that Astra won't admit to (such as the premature failure of 2D,  at least that's what it looks like) and as a result they've had to shuttle their sats around more than usual.  For instance 1H has been all over the place,   2C is in the wrong place,   1N is in the wrong place (1N and 2C will probably swap, but in light of developments over the years 2C is NOT the ideal craft for its original destination of 28 deg E,  even though it probably will come back) etc etc. But as has been said 2E is virtually on station now,   and it seems likely that tests will start in the next few days. So we will FINALLY know our fates fairly soon,   although in 24 I'm not too worried.   18 months ago Jako told me I'd be lucky to get 2F on a 1 m dish,   (I begged to differ at the time) and in fact 2F still romps in on a 60 cm dish.  But that's not to say that I don't have a lot of sympathy with those in the deep south,  things may get fairly difficult,  and I hope that our esteemed Quillan will get some reports in - Jako and I can try and keep an eye on which transponders get fired up first and tip you all the wink on here so that those that want to can carry out tests in good time.
  11. I echo Danny's advice. A TNTsat card with three years to go is quite marketable - if you're into ebay it might be worth trying to flog it. (The reason is that some experts can get the cards to work in other machines (it ain't easy though) and folk who live in Britain often find it easier to buy a card off ebay than go to the bother of renewing in France when their cards reach the end of their lives).
  12. Truly impressive.   Our experience is perhaps less so,  but when we first bought our house we hadn't realised that from only a few miles away one can often see the Auvergne mountains about 70 miles away.    One winter's morning we went over a bit of high ground and marvelled at the snowy peaks we glimpsed unexpectedly  - I reckoned they were "Les Monedieres" in Correze so we thought we would drive over there and take a closer look. Two hours later we were past Egletons and those snowy caps seemed no nearer than they had been when we started - and the Monedieres were well behind us. Later when we had more time we made the acquaintance of those mountains properly,  and since they built the A89 they are no more than an hour and a half away.  And the flowers up there are quite out of this world.... I always enjoy driving down the A20 and getting the first view of the Pyrenees between Cahors and Montauban.   And being interested in electromagnetic propagation it's always intriguing to see just how far the FM signals from Pic du Midi get - they give an early indication of when the Pyrenees are likely to start to be visible. France is a beautiful country.... On the weather prediction front,  we can see Dartmoor from where we are in Devon,  and the local dictum is: "If you can see Dartmoor it's going to rain;  if you can't see Dartmoor it is raining"....
  13. Perhaps if Sarkozy hadn't been so vilified - including by several people on this forum (dwarf was an insult constantly used against him) - we wouldn't be in this situation. What's dished out tends to come round.   I got fed up with the childish hysterical campaign against Sarkozy,  so forgive me if I relish pay-back time.
  14. Actually I think he (Norman) has suffered enough.   Although he's quite capable of defending himself. In all honesty there are a lot of disappointed people out there who voted for Patapouf really believing that he would be better than Sarkozy,  and I actually do have a lot of sympathy with them.  I'm a great believer in the idea of "letting the other fella have a turn" even if the other fella's policies aren't in agreement with my own. So whilst I might think "told you so" to myself countless times a day I also really do feel for those whose disappointment is all too genuine. And I fear for the future of France,  a country (and a people) with whom I've had a life-long love affair.   With the UMP in complete disarray the way is open for Marine....
  15. FWIW I said in May 2012 that I didn't think Patapouf would finish his five year term.   Of course the French said "mais c'est impossible" to which I naturally replied that they were already on their Vth republic and I didn't see that a sixth one should present much in the way of problems. And I stick by it.   I'm not sure it'll be this particular banana skin but I still believe Patapouf will somehow be chased from the Elysee before 2017. As someone else has said, blood has been scented....
  16. I always refer to him as M Patapouf simply because that's what Canteloube (on TF1) calls him,  at least when he's imitating Frau Merkel.    French people who don't watch Canteloube (and therefore don't know the reference) still immediately twig to whom I am referring,   and think it's very funny. In the interests of impartiality the same comedian imitating the same Frau always greets Sarkozy as "Mon Petit Playmobile",  which is equally apt. One of our elderly neighbours said last spring that Canteloube's mocking of M Patapouf was about the only thing keeping her going,  so I imagine she's enjoying the current chaos.   And she's not what one might think would be his natural audience....
  17. Well I know that this *IS* pure speculation and tittle-tattle but hey it's fun when it's Patapouf http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/10577002/Hollande-wants-Trierweiler-out-but-first-lady-refusing-to-pack-bags.html Particularly the first question of his presidency:  “How can I get out of here without being seen?” You really couldn't make it up,  although I concede that maybe most of the article is at best speculation.
  18. ... and this had me really laughing.  I know it's childish but it's just the right amount of franglais. Someone recommended a book to us called "Sky My Husband" which is a hilarious read in a similar vein. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/francois-hollande/10573002/Sketch-Francois-Hollande-et-son-alleged-bit-sur-le-side.html
  19. I couldn't agree more Pickles,  but I can also see that he probably hasn't a clue what to say or do.   The classic signs of a weak man,   something that was blindingly obvious to many of us long before he was elected. I was thinking about the Sarkozy incidents that Norman mentioned.   With regard to the pauvre con,  I'd be interested to know what Norman thinks about the "correctness" of the behaviour of the pauvre con leading up to Sarkozy's remarks.   Having said that,   what Sarkozy muttered was actually the precise thoughts of an awful lot of people round our part of 24 at the time.   In a way I admire him,  in the same way that I admire Prescott (now there's something Norman wasn't expecting!) for throwing a punch at the guy who chucked an egg at him.   It showed the natural reaction of a proper human being,   provoked by completely unacceptable behaviour by a member of the public,  as was the case with the pauvre con who - in my view - may well have been put up to the stunt in the first place. As to the remark about paedophilia in that press conference,  I'm not going to try and defend Sarkozy.   It was an incident of which I was unaware and he shouldn't have said it.    But then there are lots of things that lots of us shouldn't have said.....
  20. Well I don't stick up for M Patapouf very often,  but given the situation would YOU go and see her? I imagine it would be similar to visiting a spitting cobra!
  21. Thanks Norman (for explaining what you meant). Certainly TF1 (which you'd probably regard as lower than the gutter) devoted a big chunk to the actual policies and proposals at 20.00 on Tuesday.   Certainly what I've seen on French TV (which we have here in Devon) did give a fair crack of the whip to the "political" element of the conference. But as others have said,  any muddying of the waters is the fault of Monsieur Patapouf,  not the media....
  22. I'm afraid all the references to Marx made me lose the will to try and understand that link you gave,  but (and this is an entirely serious request,  I'm not in any way trying to "provoke" anything here) could you perhaps be a bit more specific Norman as to what you mean about the "dumbing down" of the expectations and responses of the readers. I ask because - as I (perhaps erroneously) see it - it was the "left wing" in general that kept up a tireless and largely unfounded (and hysterical) campaign against Mr Sarkozy for so many years,   and I still meet "ordinary socialists" who spout the same old unproven stuff (facts to them) about him at nauseam,  some of them almost swivelling their eyes as they do it.   It's almost as though they have been brainwashed in some cases.   Certainly they are incapable of listening to any point of view not aligned to their own. So I'm not sure what the difference here is with the present situation,  other than it's a socialist president who has made a complete muppet of himself on every front,  and the facts about his activities are being wrung out,  slowly but surely. It would seem to me that the only dumbing down is the bringing into disrepute of the presidential office of a great country,  a country which I both love and respect.    My own view - old fashioned I know - is that if one is entrusted with the highest office of the land it is a mark of respect towards those that elected one (and indeed those that didn't) to try and behave to the highest standards.   We are of course all human,  but the sheer insincerity (all those "painful moments") of Patapouf make him in my eyes totally unworthy of the office bestowed upon him. As I say,  I really am trying to understand your point Norman.   We might not agree politically but what HAVE we lost of "the content of what was said"?
  23. Fascinating thread.   I've been on here since 1998 and certainly things have quietened down in the last three years - from all points of view. Who remembers Coco (always at the centre of any fight!),  or Mazan,  or teamdup (well of course.....,  she's not far away even now!).    Did Ron finally fall in the Aveyron?   Or Swissbarry - I think it was he who wrote the funniest post about trying to listen to the BBC in bed that I've ever read...... Or Will the Conqueror.  Or Baz..... My main activity has been to try and give help in the satellite corner of the forum,  something I've enjoyed hugely over the years,  and many people have been kind enough to acknowledge the assistance I've been able to give.   My sadness is that it has all quietened down so much,  and certainly in the TV and Sat subforum that's because so few people are buying in France now.   I can remember when we'd probably have three queries a week (most of which could have sorted themselves out if they'd spotted the FAQs section,  but never mind);   I can't remember the last time any one asked the "basic" questions. Mentioning past members always puts me in mind of Debs - one of the kindest and wisest people of whom I've ever had the virtual pleasure. I hope the forum survives - I can't be doing with Facebook or Twitter.   But things move so fast nowadays. Anyway,  a hearty greeting to you all.
  24. I was about to say the same thing......  (nothing has been proved). Sarkozy has been subjected to vicious smearing ever since he first came to prominence.   I can remember seeing "tintin-type" books in our local supermarket c 2003 featuring him as an anti-hero,  and I can remember thinking that France was becoming the poorer if a single politician could be targeted in this way.   I concede that he was probably no saint but the smearing was taken to previously unheard of levels. And it went on and on,  and still goes on.   Viewed from my anglo-saxon position it looks very similar to the anti Mrs Thatcher campaign.....   Until anything is proved I remain sceptical that it's anything more than the febrile and hysterical imagination of the left.   The worst of it is that France IS the poorer for having allowed this skewed anti-Sarkozy campaigning to go on and on.   I would normally try and respect the position of the president of the republic,  but seeing the incompetence of the current muppit - and knowing how his predecessor was smeared ad nauseam - makes me all the more satisfied to see the same treatment meted out when M Patapouf makes such an idiot of himself. Norman's response is so predictable.   Where would be without you?!   Certainly this forum would be the poorer.
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