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  1. Damn, we'll be missing both Eurovision and the FA Cup Final this year, we're going to our first French wedding. Of course there are plenty of sad souls about who watch Euro.  I had a Eurovision party in my house last year, about 20 of our neighbours and friends turned up, both French and British (and one Australian guy who just looked confused throughout).  Everyone was a 'judge' and anyone who wanted to give 12 points to their 'neighbours', either geographical or political, was threatened with banishment to the chicken shed for the rest of the evening. Great fun.  I'm going to miss out this year tho.    
  2. I'm hoping to arrange a surprise helicopter ride for my husband's birthday in April but am having little success!   There are loads of companies in GB who do this sort of thing but I haven't been able to locate a French equivalent.  Can anybody point me in the right direction? We live in Dept 61 Orne, near the market town of Gace and ideally I'd like a flight over the Orne area.  
  3. Have just read the link about green ink - it explains everything!
  4. I think I've missed the boat on this one, what is the significance of green ink?
  5. Thank you for your comments. I did, in fact, arrange another appointment for next Monday with the same gynaecologist and we agreed that I would try, as many of you suggested, bringing a French-speaking friend with me along with a translated report I am preparing. I didn’t include this information in my original posting as that posting was intended to check, before I went any further, whether anyone knew of an English-speaking gynaecologist (though I didn’t really expect to find one). I thought it important, that on this occasion, I am able to speak confidently and confidentially on a one-to-one basis rather than struggle through using my French or through an interpreter. I do fully appreciate I cannot, and do not, expect French people to speak English at the drop of a hat, why on earth should they? That is the last thing I want as I do wish to improve my French, but as I have outlined above, because of the personal nature I thought it was worth checking just in case. I was not moaning. I was upset when I wrote the original posting, if it portrays me as being unreasonable and as a moaning naïve twit then maybe I was wrong to write it whilst I was still upset but, hey, there you go, nobody’s perfect and sometimes I’m almost brilliant! Once again, thank you for your helpful comments and suggestions. Evo
  6. I need to see a gynaecologist and am having difficulty finding one who is English-speaking.  I live near Argentan in the Orne Department and have today returned very frustrated and upset from an appointment made for me with a gynaecologist in Argentan who I was told was English speaking only to find that the doctor spoke no English at all.  It was a complete and utter waste of my time and hers.  This appointment was made 3 weeks ago. I have now had another appointment made for me with a doctor in Flers who I am assured speaks English, but have to wait until the middle of March for the appointment.  I don't particularly want to wait another 2 months before I see a doctor. Can anybody put me in touch with an English speaking gynaecologist in Northern France please?  Also I understand, but do not have all the facts, that the French health system runs a mobile 'Well Woman programme' similar to that in GB, I believe the unit visits Vimoutiers occasionally.  Does anybody have any information please? Please don't tell me to learn French - as the gynaecologist I saw today told me.  I am learning French and do try to speak French in day to day matters, but in an area as specialist as gynaecology I really do need to be able to explain myself properly and be able to understand completely what I'm being told. Any help welcome Evo    
  7. What taxes will we be expected to pay? I would be very grateful to know or hear from someone in the same position – I have scanned a few forums and so far I haven’t come across anybody who is. I assumed that we would be taxed on all income then we would have to claim back through an FD5 form but have been confidently told by somebody that because my husband is in receipt of an E121 form we will not be taxed on all income. Our position is as follows: My husband is 60 in April has been medically retired by his company in GB for 18 months, has an E121, he receives the following: A monthly Permanent Disability Benefit/Pension from his employers paid into GB bank. This is taxed and NI are paid in GB, along with a deduction for pension contributions. £13,325 before deductionsIncapacity Benefit – Received monthly from Newcastle, paid into French bank. £3463 untaxed.Pension – opted to take one of his company pension early. This is paid into GB bank and is taxed. £3209 before deductions.I am a civil servant and am taking a 5 yr unpaid career break. (20 years full time until break started on 27/12/03.) I have an E106. We moved permanently in Jan 2004. We have paid taxe fonciere and are awaiting our taxe d’habitation bill. Grateful for your help. EVO  
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