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Everything posted by Jyouthed

  1. We are visiting the UK  next month and will be driving our French car.   Does anyone know if we need deflectors on our headlights, and if so, where we can get them? Jane
  2. We are in the Vendee and my husband has cateracts in both eyes. In January we were told by La Roche Hospital that he could have the operation, but not until June.  I contacted our doctor who said there was a shortage of eye surgeons in France, but he offered to see what he could do.  He found us eye surgeon who could do the operations in March (this next week, in fact).  We do have to travel to Nantes for the operations, but that is a small price to pay for a quicker service.  I am not quite sure where you are located, but if you would like the name of the surgeon, let me know.  Jane
  3. You might take a look at the Indian Forest activity centre near Moutier.  There is a bouncy castle area for the younger ones, activity areas for all ages, a restaurant area and lovely walks.  Details are on http://www.vacances-en-vendee.com/indian-forest/.  We took our grandchildren there last year (4 and 6 years old) and they had a great time.
  4. We are on a low-cholestrol diet, so cheese is out.   Can anyone give me a few tips on using fromage blanc.  I would also appreciate it if anyone can give me any low-fat sauces to service with fish or meat.
  5. I realise we are going to be saddled with a large bill for the hospital - that will be no surprise.  When we enquired about to-up insurance we were quoted well over £100 per month for my husband because of his age. When you live on a pension that is an awful lot to find every month.  I would appreciate any advice you can give on this subject.
  6. Thanks Tony, I will have a word with the GP on Monday.
  7. My husband is 78.  When we enquired about top up medical insurance for him, the cost was prohibitive. We live on a UK pension. Unfortunately he has just had to spend 8 days in hospital.  He has been discharged with a prescription for 4 lots of medicines. At least one of which he will require for life.  As I read the bill, the total was 180 euros and CPAM paid only 78 of that leaving us with over 100 euros to pay. That is an awful lot of money. I was under the impression that one was reimbursed some 70% - am I wrong?
  8. Jyouthed

    Kennels 85

    We are going back to the UK for a week in the summer. This time we cannot take our two small dogs. Does anyone know of a good kennels in the Lucon (85) area where we can board them safeley for a week?
  9. I have been bottling this year for the first time. My hob is not really suitable for a steriliser, as I have used the oven method. Fill the bottles with liquid, put the lid on but do not clamp down. Put the bottles on the oven shelf on a piece of wood or cardboard. I give them about 1 1/2 hours at 140 degrees for litre bottles, so you would need less time. They are ready when the contents have risen a little and there are tiny bubbles in the liquid. Hope this helps. Jane
  10. In my first year resident in France I am having a great time jam making, bottling etc. with all the wonder fruit available. Soon I would like to make picked onions, but understand malt vinegar is impossible to get here in France. Anyone have an alternative recipe for pickled onions? Jane
  11. We need an electrician in the Lucon area (85) - preferably english speaking because my technical French is not that good. Jane
  12. We moved permanently to the Sud Vendee (85) this year. Our property has a jacuzzi bath (balneo). The bath has push start/stop buttons on the side, but both of these are firmly stuck down. This means the jacuzzi motor is permanently on and the only way to stop it is to remove the fuse from the fuse box. Unfortunately this fuse is also controlls six wall sockets and the extractor over the hob - none of which we can have working. We have no instruction manual, do not know the make of the bath or who installed it. There does not seem to be an inspection hatch. Does anyone have any experience of this type of bath or can point us in the right direction to getting it fixed.
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