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Posts posted by opas

  1. Back to knickers.......... my elderly neighbour always hangs out her large white bloomers for all to see.....she doesnt have a garden , they just dry on a washing line across her house wall......

    I have never hung my undies on the line, no matter where I lived, they go on the maiden indoors, just a personal thing to me perhaps.

  2. Mr O has just finished a contract as a HGV driver, nothing unusual there you may think. He was advised of the job by ANPE (in France of course) the work was driving out of Spain (we live on the border....so nothing too strange there) He was driving international and this particualar contract was from Gerona to Germany return. On arrival back in Spain he had the paperwork to complete........it was all in Polish!  It is his birthday at the end of the month, I feel a complete set of dictionaries might be an apt gift[:-))]
  3. I too have been picking and eating my strawberries for about a week........they are not from a tunnel or a greenhouse, just from the garden, I gave some to one of my neighbours who grows everything bigger and better than I do.......and she complimented me on them as theirs were not as big or ripe !
  4. What type of coating are you having problems with? Is it the anti-glare stuff that they convince you is a good idea for the computer or night driving!


    I shall be sticking with Zeiss, they offer their own guarantee on top of the shop one, I did have a problem with them about 5 years ago and it was rectified without question.


    Does anyone know of any good offers at the moment in France, I know that when I was in UK a few weeks ago i could have had a free transition lense at specsavers(I think) but they wouldn't have been ready before my return and didn't realy want to trust them to arrive by post!

  5. This is one area of France that I have not been happy with. Both my girls had eye tests last year. One has a very rare genetic cond that COULD affect the eyes, she used to have a 6 monthly check in UK by a specialist, with the dilation of the pupils etc........she had one test in Hospital in france that was thorough, then I made an appointment at the opthalmist for a test as she was struggling at school to see the board........I went armed with a translated sumarised version of her condition, he took a cursory glance and did a very quick eye test and gave us an ordinance......Other daughter has had reading glasses for about 5 years, she said they no longer helped her so we went off for a test, not impressed at all, just another prescription after a very quick test.

    So I went for mine whenback in uk, I am blind as a bat , after over an hour with the optho, I had had, a presure test , a thorough sight test and a fields test........I now have to search out the best deals in glasses/lenses as my script in one eye is -9 (so a very expensive and thin lense requirement) also I like the transtion lense, so put all that into an equasion of thin and light Zeiss,transition and a pair of specs we are talking around 300 euros, with very little back from CPAM or mutual!

  6. Nor me .......I realy do hope that the person/s who have taken her , have done so to replace a child they have lost........she will be well looked after untill she is found. I have this thought in my mind as I do not have another explanation as to why the other 2 children were left in the same bed from where she was taken.

    My damned printer wont print!

    About 12 months after we moved here , youngest then aged 5 said she was going out to play, as it started to go dark and the streetlights started to warm up(this was how she knew it was time to comein) she didn't arrive, I went to one friends house ,eldest phoned another, then dad started to walk round the village, some mamans arrived and said they would go to look........nothing. I then went to check on which coat she had on, so we could tell people what she was wearing...............her coat was on her bed.........and she was asleep under her covers!!!!!!!!!

  7. Cheer yourself up by putting your snotty hankies in a bag then get an envelope address it to the person who has been the least sympa.........

    By the way did you enjoy your hot milk and whiskey? my mum used to give that to me when I was little and had a cold.........I still enjoy that and its strange that the whiskey has a much more enjoyable taste when added to the milk........why not go and enjoy an nice soak in a hot bubble bath......mmmmmmmm

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