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Posts posted by JohnM

  1. [quote user="andyh4"]

      There is a wealth of information on desorption/mutation of alcohol in the blood stream.  Admittedly it has to deal with averages, but it is good enough as a guide.


    Except that, when you ask the policeman who is telling you not to drink and drive, he says "Oh, but we can't say". The information available does not seem to have a stamp of approval on it.

    By the way, I don't usually drink more than 2 pints of ordinary beer even when I'm walking home. I just find it annoying that when asked for "official" guidance, nobody is prepared to give it.

  2. [quote user="AnOther"]

     (and please, let's not get into the 'don't drink at all' debate here)[/quote]

    Sorry to ignore your request. But I find the concept of not drinking alcohol and driving at all, very difficult.

    Nobody will tell me "officially" when I can drive after having a drink. If I have a beer tonight can I drive in the morning? (Common sense says I should be OK but the nobody in officialdome will confirm this)  How about the morning after that? (Common sense says I should be OK but the nobody in officialdome will confirm this) How about next September??? (Common sense says I should be OK but the nobody in officialdome will confirm this). With the lack of guidelines from officialdome, the only way I can be sure of not drinking with alcohol in my blood is to never ever have had an alcoholic drink.

    Officialdome needs to get real, even if they add a rider of "Oh, then double this period of time to be absolutely sure".

  3. I've been trying to watch the developments for the 10 years that I've had the place, they've been digging exploratory tunnels in the valley for quite some time. The actually route is on the other side of the valley from me so it wont affect me too much (but I hope it will affect me enough to be given double galzing :-) )

  4. My mother was a far better driver than my father. I think all my girl friends have been good drivers as well. I think the main trouble is that the insecure members of our community (male and female) find it difficult to cope when they are not in control of a situation and, being a passenger, they are not in control. Because they hate it so much, they do things like give advice (or instructuions) in order to feel as if they have regained some of that control they so crave. (Control freaks.... I hate 'em)

  5. Smoking is one of the things that I am a snob about. I try to be a caring snob.... I understand that it is an adiction and as such it is very very difficult to give it up so I do take pity on people who can't get through the day without their drug. But, if a smoker tries to claim that they are better than me, I do point out that I am more than capable of coping with all that life throws at me without have a drag of nicotine.

  6. If they are also amplifying the sound from the mics for teh audience, they may use fewer mics because each extra "open" microphone means that the chance of feedback is increased.

    Last time I spoke about the subject with BBC sound engineers, they grumbled that sound was always treated as a second class subject in TV land, the look of the shot taking priority over whether or not people could actually hear what is being said. Perhaps French TV take their audio responsibilities more seriously??

  7. Didn't see it so can't give a definative answer, however, large microphones usually have large capsules / diaphrams which give a better reproduction of the sound so it could be that or it could be that the surroundings mean that the mic had to be close to the mouth in order to reduce the effect of feedback and or other background noise, Lavellier mics [i.e Tie Clip Mics, not to be confused with Throat Mics which are totally different] are usually not as close to the mouth as a hand held and the tiny ones on stalks from the ear are often omni directional. However, it could be a simple as the director thinking it looked trendy!

  8. [quote user="NormanH"]Years after destroying British industry Thatcher is still capable off leeching off the backs of those still struggling to recover from her policies



    I don't think she can take all the "credit" for destroying British Industry. I seem to recall some pretty stupid unions leaders did their fair share, Red Robbo at Cowley springs to mind instantly.

  9. I like the Serif products.... I don't like the Serif sales force, I'm fed up with calls asking me to do the free evaluation.  Them "What have you got to loose" Me "What I've already got is quite sufficient" Them "Hold on a moment, (pause) Oh Steve has just said that you can have an extra discount" Me "Still don't want it" (That's teh shortened version). Usually at least 10 minutes that I'll never get back.

  10. Sorry Q. I'll stop. I just get a bit niggled by PPP's style of posting and I really want him to know that he isn't actually any better than the rest of us, no matter how much he wants to be. I do try to ignore him, in fact I usually skip over his postings so that I don't even know what he has written, but on this one I got sucked in.

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