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Posts posted by DaveLister

  1. 6 minutes ago, Laurier said:

    However, I am still left wondering if there is any possible way we can register our new car in joint names so that it automatically reverts to the other in the event of one's death, i.e. a sort of 'en tontine' for cars!!

    I'm no expert but I doubt it. IMHO it would need to be something covered by your marriage contract which always becomes complicated when there are reserved heirs. In my case, as there were no children involved, it was "relatively" simple to get the cars transferred to me. I'm guessing you would have to remove the cars from the general 'estate' for inheritance rules and I'm not sure if you can do that. I think a Notaire is your best bet.

  2. In another life I used to be a parish councillor. Does anyone know if the general council meetings at the Mairie are open to the public? I quite fancy going just to keep a handle on things despite no longer having a vote ( thank's Brexit 🙁 ).

    Secondly, has any car manufacturer ever given the option of a left handed flip for their key fob?

  3. 47 minutes ago, NormanH said:

    Don't forget that if you have a 'résidence secondaire'  either rented or owned you pay taxe d'habitation

    Thanks Norman, yes I did know that. I know my own commune would quite fancy upping the Taxe d'Habitation on second home owners if they were allowed. Not that we have that many but they've felt the loss quite keenly.

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