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Everything posted by betise

  1. Why not ask you wife? Are you a bit short of things to do at the moment?
  2. but Dave seems to have some kind of a crusade at the moment, too much time, peut etre?
  3. [quote user="idun"]OK, so you couldn't even if you forked out 2€ as they would see you weren't french. Tant pis! [/quote] Why, I have a passport and a carte d'electeur?
  4. Sorry, I've just realised that the quote that I posted repeats almost exactly that of Norman. However, both quotes are quite clear in stating that one does not need to be a member of the party to vote. Is IS only to establish the candidate republican for the presidentielles, but the candidate does at least need to be credible. If Sarko gets to represent the centre-right due to the primaires on Sunday, we will be between a rock and a hard place for the presidentielles later.
  5. "Qui peut voter Le vote n'est pas réservé aux adhérents ou militants des partis. Les votants doivent simplement respecter trois conditions : être inscrit sur les listes électorales à la date du 31 décembre 2015 verser une contribution de 2 € par tour de scrutin signer un engagement sur l'honneur indiquant qu'on partage « les valeurs républicaines de la droite et du centre ». Source http://droit-finances.commentcamarche.net/faq/57094-primaires-de-la-droite-comment-voter#qui-peut-voter Il suffit donc de se présenter muni d'un document d'identité (CNI, passeport, etc.) et de sa carte d'électeur. "
  6. Thanks Norman, but I read that as being registered on the "liste électorale" (which we are both) OR reaching 18 years of age for the presidential elections. But, as always for French administrative advice, as clear as mud. I'm going to try anyway, not because I"m particularly right-wing, just anything at all to remove Sarkozy from the running.
  7. Does anyone know who has the right to vote on Sunday for the primaires? I know that, in principle, anyone has the right, but does that include us foreigners of european origin? I'd like to make sure that the poison "person of small stature" is eliminated. I have the right to vote in municipals, and have put my 2 euros aside, just in case. Thank you
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