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Everything posted by charnizay

  1. You have been very helpful - many thanks  regards charnizay
  2. Apart from the obvious politeness which should be shown, I would like to know whether my neighbour can view my "ACTE DE VENT" should I give her my notaire's name and address, and what would be the situation should the notaire have retired?
  3. Thanks for your reply - I mean by "cadastre" a map from www.gouv.fr It is truly amazing to think that they could be challenged, the gouv.fr maps that is. There is a dsiclaimer on my "vente" is this of any importance?   it says:- ""L'aquereur reconnait avoir ete averti: que les superficies indiquees par le service du cadastre n'ont qu'une valeur administrative et ne sauraient engager la responsabilite de ce service. Qu'a ce jour aucun proces-verbal de bornage n'a ete etabli. Il declare faire son affaire personelle de ce etat de chose, sans recours possible contre le vendeur ou le notaire."" Are you able to tell me whether anyone can access the copy of our "vente" at a Hypotheque or other place? I thank you for consulting at the lower level in your formidable brain, many regards Charnizay
  4. My neighbours have taken over a small piece of land and we challenged them and were able to show a cadastre which shows the land to be ours. The local Mairie has become involved and we have agreed to allow our neighbours to finish growing until December unless they can, in the meanwhile, prove the land to be theirs??? Should they use a geometre would we be liable for any of the costs? They agreed in the Mairie to bear all the costs but I wondered where we stood on this - can anyone help?
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