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Everything posted by ericd

  1. I know that mint and my reply was kind of "langue dans ma joue" ! :)
  2. Well, you wanted something OTT ..... you got it. Chercher, rechercher yes but .... Tu me cherche ! ( said to someone face to face) ... Are you provoking me? Tu me cherche ? (also said to someone face to face) .... Are you looking for me ? Je cherche Mr/Mme Smith. Je crois qu'ils habitent cette rue .... Je recherche mon arbre genealogique, car je veux retrouver des membres de ma famille .... Faire des recherches ... to look for something/someone. Bon weekend .... ;-)
  3. ...... I am in your debt"? = je vous dois beaucoup. (I am guessing) ALBOF too common in my opinion ! Je vous en suis reconnaissant/reconnaissante. Je vous en serai reconnaissante/reconnaissant toute ma vie. Or a more basic form. Merci, à charge de revanche.
  4. Hey mint. You could try something like : “ Cher (name of the person). Je tenais à vous/te remercier pour votre/ton attitude chevaleresque de l’autre jour/hier/mardi dernier. En effet, j’aurais été perdue sans ma fidèle casquette et votre/ton dévouement et insistance à aller la rechercher m’a beaucoup touchée. Je vous/te suis extrêmement reconnaissante. Avec mes remerciements les plus chaleureux »
  5. .....Someone posted a link to a photo of a tree and asked what it was. The first reply was 'Je dirais bien un chêne des marais il faudrait voir la feuille de plus pres..... In which case this means "In my opinion it could be an Oak from the Swamps (mais) I would need to see the leaf closer.
  6. Hi Patf. Can I have the context of the whole phrase? Thanks.
  7. ...... and I look forward to snuggling up with doggie .. ...... Very jalous !
  8. [quote user="Chancer"]I missed out the emoticon [:-))] at the end. Is there a good way of saying "at the top of his/her/their game"? Also "Ahead of the game" Also "playing above his game"? [/quote] Hi Chancer. "at the top of his/her/their game" ..... Il/Elle est/Ils-Elles ont en pleine forme aujourd'hui. If you want to pass it as a funny comment, you could say " En forme aujourd'hui le Maurice" (for a man) or "En forme aujourd'hui la Josette" (for a woman). Just to let you in our family secrets, we are 3 brothers and all of us 3 call each other Maurice or Rene (to the confusion of many people around). "Ahead of the game" Is it for a +ve or -ve comment?? "playing above his game" Again, +ve or -ve comment?
  9. Hi all. I must side with mint on this one. Chancer, your expression is more pejorative towards a person who think he/she believes to be of a higher status/advantage/position than yours. English translations would be " to get on one's high horse" or "to wear a high hat".
  10. As mentioned, the au-paire line would be the best (especially with your UK teaching qualifications). Otherwise, a small private school might welcome your help. You are doing the right thing, total immersion is what is needed. Good luck.
  11. Just reading this thread .... WWII can still be a very raw subject in some places where the actors of the time are still around ....
  12. Chessie, you will eventually get your fosse controlled and if "some" grey water doesn't go into the fosse, you are in for a shock fine. Better get your silk underwear wash water redirected to the fosse in the very near future.
  13. Hi Mint and others. Grabuge is a much stronger situation. Grabuge can include death of a human being ...... Bazar is a small issue.
  14. Hello all. Mint, sorry to hear about your ankle. Cajoler. A grandmother "cajole" her off springs. Takes good care of them. This can also be physical as in stroking an animal but on the sofa by the fire. Grabuge. Means bother, problems. Y-a du grabuge chez les voisins, j'entends des cris et des pleurs.
  15. Go for the meuf and save yourself cash. She will take care of the dishes.
  16. Or a machin ..... Truc, machin (machain) .... tu vois ce que je veux dire.
  17. Good start mint .... ! K-way is a make. But for Impermeable most people will say "Imper" . For the iconic citroen car 2 chevaux, most of us will say "deuche".
  18. That's french language for you idun as we sometime avoid to use the full sentence. Une frontale ..... Une dorsale (dorsal fin and nothing else), comme on, try to come up with a few more yourselves.
  19. :-) I'm here, I'm here. Hope you are all doing well. Une frontale est une lampe de marche que l'on met sur son front (d'ou le nom frontale). Very useful when you want to see in the dark but need both hands free. Cheap as chips in most shops. You must be off on a night walk. Enjoy As for "Ecriture nomade" ....nomadic writing or book written by nomadic people or .... ? Never hear of it. Google search comes up with a book from Michel Butor .....
  20. Duno .... you are the Brit, call and described the issue .... light concrete blocks ??
  21. Have you thought about calling them direct to ask the question?
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