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  1. As usual when you go to forums, you always get some form of stick by people so we will not post any more here. If anyone requires the English translation of the latest release, then just email us. As for your "message". We engaged Solvits assistance in May 2009. Here is part of an email from farina.boardwell and Celia.Kissoon at Solvit in the UK received by us last week. If you wish to contact them at UK SOLVIT Centre BIS 1-19 Victoria Street London SW1H OET and call them erroneous and misplaced, please do so. http://ec.europa.eu/solvit/site/about/index_en.htm  "As you know, we submitted your case on SOLVIT a while ago but unfortunately, it has taken over the 10 weeks deadline to get an answer from the French authorities.  This is mainly because of the complex nature of the case and the need for the French SOLVIT Centre to get an extension of the 10 weeks. We have got what I am sure you will agree, is  very good news. The French have agreed to accept the products with EN 12566-3 standard and there is therefore now no need to comply with French national standard.  However, because of the need to conform with environmental protection, the French have proposed a new simplified procedure to address this. They have passed a new law which came into force on 9th October. The European Commission has approved this new simplified procedure. The French SOLVIT  (who has been very supportive in pursuing our complaint) has delayed proposing a solution to our case until concrete measures were put in place. Their proposed solution is in the email below and a copy of the French decree is attached for information. " The latest release, title below, in French, is at http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000021125109 ARRETE Arrêté du 7 septembre 2009 fixant les prescriptions techniques applicables aux installations d'assainissement non collectif recevant une charge brute de pollution organique inférieure ou égale à 1,2 kg/j de DBO5 NOR: DEVO0809422A   Version consolidée au 10 octobre 2009
  2. I have the UK supplied Uni system which is manufactured in ireland. Solvit France have used all this systems certificates for its 6, 10 and 12 person units and their EN12566-3, 38 week tests as the template for the change in the French regs. Without the action of Solvit on our behalf for the last 20 weeks, this new French order would not have been forthcoming so we know our system will be installed. It is Solvit that has forced the French to accept the European rules. The only reason they exist is to point out to their respective countries any breach of euro regulations. The Uni system is the reason for the new French rules. Klaregsters results fall short of our system but thank you anyway.          
  3. Hello,  Solvit in France who actually had to bear the brunt of dealing with the problem at the commission, are the experts in it all.   Below is another communication from Solvit UK. Other than that, I cannot say. We will see which way the French jump once Spanc gets our application again.   "For your information, the new order came into force on October 9th 2009, so the legal grounds for promoting and selling the product in France have been already established.   In my opinion, it is important to bear in mind the fact that the product already carries the EN mark, which leads it right to the application of the "simplified system assessment procedure". This reflects the major achievement of our engagement, that rather than having to go through the full certification process with the French authorities, French authorities are now obliged to apply a simplified testing procedure for products already bearing the EN mark in order to address their environmental  concerns. You will find the respective details in Article 8 and Annex 3 of the order. When looking at Article 9 one can conclude that it can actually take up to six months to get the final approval for the treatment advice from the French ministries. This would state another reason for getting quickly into the approval procedure, so French ministries hopefully might not have to exploit the full maximum time frame. "   With regard to Annex 5, the manufactureres of the system in Ireland are dealing with that although quite a lot of it is on the CE certificate and EN12566-3 test papers. Ireland already have the official Commission translation from French to English which is copied here below.   Annex 5: Minimum elements to be included in the technical report The notified body’s technical report must be written in French and contain at least the following information: ·        The critical analysis of the documents provided by the petitioner, in terms of installation, operation, equipment reliability and results. ·        The system start-up time (value X) and supporting documents if applicable; ·        The record of investigations comprising: o       the detailed description of the system tested including information relating to the daily rated load, the daily rated hydraulic flow and the characteristics of the building to be served (number of main rooms); o       the conditions for installation of the system during testing; o       the verification of the compliance of the design of the system and its components in relation to the specifications supplied by the manufacturer; o       an estimation of the noise level; o       the results obtained during the test, all the values coming into the system, after the treatment phases and leaving the system in relation to concentrations, loads and efficiency obtained and the average values, the standard deviations of the concentrations and efficiency for the rated load and for non-rated loads in the form of a summary table giving the date and the test results for the average sample over 24 hours; o        the description of maintenance operations performed and repairs carried out during the test period, including detailed information about sludge production and the sludge disposal intervals in relation to the volumes of the storage structures and the average concentration measured using 2 samples taken after homogenisation. Sludge production will also be compared to the mass of COD treated during the test period. If intermediate extraction was necessary during testing, the concentrations and volumes extracted shall be measured and added to the quantities still in the devices at the end of testing; o       an estimate of the electrical energy consumed during the test period compared with the daily mass of COD treated for each programme sequence; o       a description of any physical or environmental problems that may arise during the test period; deviations from the manufacturer’s maintenance instructions must be recorded in this section; o       information relating to any physical damage to the system that may occur during the test period, e.g. clogging, sludge loss, corrosion, etc.; o       information about any deviation from the test procedure; o       an analysis of the 15-year system costs (investment, maintenance, running costs) using data supplied by the manufacturer; ·        a table or grid clearly indicating the dimensions of the structures (volumes, surface area, power, efficiency, etc.) according to the rated load to be treated for all the components making up a type of production.    
  4. Info for all with regards to the new French order NOR : DEVO0809422A , which includes the micro station d'epuration. For 18 months we have had a new Uni small waste treatment plant purchased from the UK waiting to be installed here at Vauce but Spanc and DDAS here in Mayenne refused to allow it for "non conformity". The system has its CE certificate and EN 12566-3 tests fully completed and passed with flying colours. Because of this constant refusal no matter what proof was given to them of its conformity within Europe, we actioned a complaint against them using Solvit UK and Solvit France and with their considerable amount of hard work, we have forced the change noted below from Solvit. If anyone wishes a French and or English copy of the order contact us and we will email or post out to them. No huge filter bed required now. We will soon be on their success page, http://ec.europa.eu/solvit/site/success/index_en.htm Quote from Solvit to us: "As you know, we submitted your case on SOLVIT a while ago but unfortunately, it has taken over the 10 weeks deadline to get an answer from the French authorities.  This is mainly because of the complex nature of the case and the need for the French SOLVIT Centre to get an extension of the 10 weeks. We have got what I am sure you will agree, is  very good news. The French have agreed to accept the products with EN 12566-3 standard and there is therefore now no need to comply with French national standard.  However, because of the need to conform with environmental protection, the French have proposed a new simplified procedure to address this. They have passed a new law which came into force on 9th October and this will make the marketing and installation of your product much easier for your company. The European Commission has approved this new simplified procedure. The French SOLVIT  (who has been very supportive in pursuing our complaint) has delayed proposing a solution to our case until concrete measures were put in place. Their proposed solution is in the email below and a copy of the French decree is attached for information. [Following detailed opinions, the French authorities have significantly modified their text in order to provide a simplified authorisation procedure for authorising the installation of sewage systems with products that are lawfully produced or marketed in another Member State or which are in compliance with harmonised standards, like EN 12566-3. The authorisation procedure is necessary for environmental protection and there are proposals for a new law to address this situation. the text modifying the previous procedure came into force the 9th of October. "
  5. Please see my reply to Finding a fosse in your drive!!!  jyust in case in the future it will be of help.   regards   keith
  6. Info for all with regards to the new French order NOR : DEVO0809422A , which includes the micro station d'epuration. For 18 months we have had a new Uni small waste treatment plant purchased from the UK waiting to be installed here at Vauce but Spanc and DDAS here in Mayenne refused to allow it for "non conformity". The system has its CE certificate and EN 12566-3 tests fully completed and passed with flying colours. Because of this constant refusal no matter what proof was given to them of its conformity within Europe, we actioned a complaint against them using Solvit UK and Solvit France and with their considerable amount of hard work, we have forced the change noted below from Solvit. If anyone wishes a French and or English copy of the order contact us and we will email or post out to them. No huge filter bed required now. We will soon be on their success page, http://ec.europa.eu/solvit/site/success/index_en.htm Quote from Solvit to us: "As you know, we submitted your case on SOLVIT a while ago but unfortunately, it has taken over the 10 weeks deadline to get an answer from the French authorities.  This is mainly because of the complex nature of the case and the need for the French SOLVIT Centre to get an extension of the 10 weeks. We have got what I am sure you will agree, is  very good news. The French have agreed to accept the products with EN 12566-3 standard and there is therefore now no need to comply with French national standard.  However, because of the need to conform with environmental protection, the French have proposed a new simplified procedure to address this. They have passed a new law which came into force on 9th October and this will make the marketing and installation of your product much easier for your company. The European Commission has approved this new simplified procedure. The French SOLVIT  (who has been very supportive in pursuing our complaint) has delayed proposing a solution to our case until concrete measures were put in place. Their proposed solution is in the email below and a copy of the French decree is attached for information. [Following detailed opinions, the French authorities have significantly modified their text in order to provide a simplified authorisation procedure for authorising the installation of sewage systems with products that are lawfully produced or marketed in another Member State or which are in compliance with harmonised standards, like EN 12566-3. The authorisation procedure is necessary for environmental protection and there are proposals for a new law to address this situation. the text modifying the previous procedure came into force the 9th of October. "
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