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We've signed a compromis


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We're back from our exploring trip.  We saw many homes in the region around Brive.  You can most certainly get a lot more for your money there than here in the Vaucluse.  The house we found would be a minimum of 500,000€ in the Vaucluse.  No question about it.

The region was/is really very pretty.  We had never been to the Correze.  We were surprised by the endless rolling hills.  Very pretty, very green, even though they too were on a level Red drought crisis. 

We ended up also looking in the Dordogne close to the limit with the Correze.  That is where we ended up finding a lovely house.  We had not been to the Dordogne in more than 20 years.  We loved it at that time, but never would have dreamed we'd end up living there.

We're very pleased about it.  Hopefully, all will go as anticipated with the purchase.  Acte should be signed around the end of November, unless something puts a snag in that.

This will be our LAST move. 🏡


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No, we have been renting for the last few years with the goal of buying in the Vaucluse.  It just got far too expensive here and the weather patterns have become much more severe (Summer/Winter).

Thank you for the well wishes.  We were just informed that our Demande for a permit to build a pool has been approved.  So far, so good.


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Excellent Lori, though sad you didn't stay down here,  but I like that area too .. but hubby likes the sun and the heat (I don't so much these days after my cancer scare,  but then I find that the damp of the Dordogne area doesn't suit me either.  Hope it all goes according to plan. 

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Thank you Judith.  We did monitor your area up until the last minute.  Prices kept creeping up.  Even Carcassonne prices were creeping up. 

This house is 140m2 with 5000m2 of terrain (beautiful terrain too, with fantastic views over the green, rolling hills - no houses in sight).  There are other houses on the same street, but all have a good bit of land, several have a huge bit of land.  So, we can't really see each other.  We could never afford that in most of the areas we were monitoring.

The house was built in 2006 and was only sold to its first owners (the ones we are buying from) in 2012.  They bought it as a second home and kept it impeccably maintained with all factures, etc.  They rarely every used it, which is why it looked brand new when we walked in. 

We could never afford this same house in any other areas we were considering.  And it was rather a fluke that we ended up seeing it anyway.  Slightly long story that I won't bore you with, but it rather seemed meant to be.



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Lori, I can qite udnerstand, prices are getting silly everywhere. .. after Covid everyone wanted a place in a rural setting and there have been mnore house sales this last year than in all the time were were here.  No problem, we must just come a say "Hi" when I am next it that area.  It does sound super I must admit and if honest, I'm slighlty jealous!  Fingers crossed it all works out for you!

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Well done, Lori!  Blimey, you sure don't let the grass grow under your feet do you?

As for Judith's comment about the Dordogne being wet, I can't say I agree.  We have had la grande secheresse like eveyone else.

When I moved here back in 2010, a neighbour informed me that the Dordogne would not be "good" for me on account of my asthma.  Actually I now have asthma as well as emphysema and I can say that I have not noticed any deterioration in my condition.

I carry on with nordic walking, gym twice a week, pilates (though not since the heat), etc etc.  I LOVE living here.  We have magnificent views and fantastic neighbours and a kindly maire and my medical care through all my difficulties have been efficient and exemplary.

You have come to, in my opinion, one of the nicest areas of France😄 




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Oh thank you Menthe.  That means a lot to me.  The mairie, so far, has been amazing.  The approval for the pool permit was very fast.  Our real estate agent has been incredible.  She lives 10kms from our house and knows everyone.  She has been so helpful.  We are prepared for a change of weather.  Every house around ours has an in ground pool, so I presume they weather allows them to use it.

Thank you for your post and I wish you continued good health.


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What drainage has the house got? Are the electrics recent? Double glazed, loft insulation, any signs of damp, water ingress( look behind the washing machine), look at the water meter to see if there is a leak anywhere, any irregular roof tiles, check for rotten door or window frames, does the house have a damp course and if so is it well above the line of terraces, flowerbeds etc? One could go on.

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Menthe, Lori,

OK dampness in the Dordogne - I know the area too, holiday home in L&G (Dordogne 20 mins drive away) for 10 years plus.  Like verywhere it has been dry this year, but it is normally green, hence damper there than here ... the old bones can't cope with cold and damp any more! 

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12 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

What drainage has the house got? Are the electrics recent? Double glazed, loft insulation, any signs of damp, water ingress( look behind the washing machine), look at the water meter to see if there is a leak anywhere, any irregular roof tiles, check for rotten door or window frames, does the house have a damp course and if so is it well above the line of terraces, flowerbeds etc? One could go on.

It has a Fosse and it does conform.  Of all the many houses we have seen this one and only one other had fosse systems that actually have conform certifications (and current ones).

All electrics are current.  The house was built in 2006, so not too old.  All windows are double glazed.  All terrace doors have beautiful wood volets or volet roulants (recent).  There is full insulation in the attic wall and floor.  Oak beams on RDC and in the attic and chestnut floors throughout the attic. 

No signs of damp anywhere.  We can easily see behind the washing machine in the buanderie - no signs of any damp anywhere.  We did look at the water meter 3 times, no signs of any problem.  Roof looks in excellent condition, no tiles broken or missing.  The house is well above the 'damp course.'  The large terrace off the back is also.  All the visible construction is top quality. 

This builder of this house built all 3 of the houses in the immediate vicinity.  Ours is the last one he built on this road.  I am told he has a very good reputation and of all the houses we have seen - all over the place (including the more than 50 we've seen in the Vaucluse), this one looks the most solidly built and the most well maintained.



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Thank you Menthe.  You are so right.  If there is one thing we have learned as we have grown older is there is no such thing as perfection.  And, that the world is over populated and there are too many loonies in it...  😁

We do feel very good about the house and the location.  I'm sure there will be hurdles at some point, but we'll take them one step at a time.

We will be very glad to get out of the rental life.




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