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4 hours ago, Lehaut said:

If you wondered were you fit in with all of this; you are MH (if your forum name is an accurate indication of your orientation/gender) MH - male heterosexual.  You can put this on your name tag.

(2SLGBTQ+: What does it mean? Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning and additional sexual orientations and gender identities)


If, by looking at me, someone couldn't tell what I am they  would be blind/stupid/brainwashed by other idiots, or supporters of Starmer, or all four!!!!!!! As for putting it on a name tag, if someone needs to do that then I go back to my four points!!!

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17 hours ago, Ken said:

If, by looking at me, someone couldn't tell what I am they  would be blind/stupid/brainwashed by other idiots, or supporters of Starmer, or all four!!!!!!! 

And that sums up exactly why a certain group of people, mostly older people who live fairly secluded lives, have such a problem with this whole thing.

They can't imagine / accept a world where everybody is not like them, where there has been a culture shift from the times they grew up in, where the accepted norms and values are changing.  

What would you address these people as?





Portrait Of Androgynous Person by Sergey Filimonov

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1 hour ago, Riggers said:

That’s exactly it ET , the world is changing quickly 

Absolute crap! Yes I'm 'older' but the rest of your statement is just that 'crap'! As for the photos: How would I address them? What a stupid question! What do you expect, "Hello Miss-Mrs-young man-young lady"? How the hell does anyone address anyone until they meet them.  Do you ,when you meet someone for the first time say "hello male" or "hello female or even "hello it"?  If you simply mean what do they look like then I would say the first two look like effeminate males and the third a female with a beanie hat on but whether they are or not is immaterial, that"s what they look like.  As I said a stupid question. The world hasn't changed. These abnormal people have always been around. What has changed is that stupid people  try to make it 'normal'!!

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6 hours ago, Riggers said:

Were you intending that reply to Eurotrash.?

And they are normal,whatever normal is

Yes it was, but given you are both on the same wave length it can be safely assumed that it applies to you too.  It's nice that you say "whatever normal is" Sort of sums up your confusion as to what is normal.

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Here is a breaking news item from Normal Central.

"We are the normal 99% and we will not tiptoe around the "feelings" of the deviant 1% in case they get upset by what we call them or think of them.

If you are or want to be part of the 1% please go away into a dark corner and practice whatever perversion floats your boat but don't expect it to be accepted or applauded by us - the 99%"

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3 hours ago, Riggers said:

Perhaps it is because it is hard to quantify what is ‘ normal ‘ ,and because some people don’t meet what you consider as normal,it doesn’t mean they are abnormal,they are just not your normal 

You find it hard to quantify what is normal, that is blindingly obvious. For the vast majority it is quite simple, it's not hard to define at all, unless you are stupid!

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3 hours ago, Harnser said:

We are the normal 99%

Citation from a reliable source, please?

Cf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_sexual_orientation#United_Kingdom

An Ipsos MORI survey on behalf of BBC[91] found that British people aged 16–22 (also called Generation Z) have lower odds to identify as exclusively straight (66%) than those who belong to the Millennial generation (71%), Generation X (85%), or Baby boomers (88%).

This was 2017, and if the figures have stayed on trend they will have shifted towards fewer exclusively straight since then.

Edited by EuroTr@sh
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1 hour ago, EuroTr@sh said:

Citation from a reliable source, please?

Cf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_sexual_orientation#United_Kingdom

An Ipsos MORI survey on behalf of BBC[91] found that British people aged 16–22 (also called Generation Z) have lower odds to identify as exclusively straight (66%) than those who belong to the Millennial generation (71%), Generation X (85%), or Baby boomers (88%).

This was 2017, and if the figures have stayed on trend they will have shifted towards fewer exclusively straight since then.

Oh well if the BBC says so it must be right..😁

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Never said it was right, how would I know. But Ipsos MORI is generally seen as a reputable source.

I asked for the source that supports the 99% claim, which you didn't provide.

Making unsubstantiated or spurious claims because you can't be arsed to find out or because a lie is more convenient than the truth, is so passé. Just ask Boris what happens when factchecking keeps proving you wrong.

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14 hours ago, EuroTr@sh said:

Never said it was right, how would I know. But Ipsos MORI is generally seen as a reputable source.

I asked for the source that supports the 99% claim, which you didn't provide.

Making unsubstantiated or spurious claims because you can't be arsed to find out or because a lie is more convenient than the truth, is so passé. Just ask Boris what happens when factchecking keeps proving you wrong.

You never asked me anything at all, so don't get all high and mighty with me. As to what Boris has got to do with it only you know, bless your little socialist cotton socks.

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19 hours ago, Riggers said:

Okay so what do you define as normal 

Should you have access to a dictionary you wouldn't need to ask such a question. It's not what I consider to be normal, and certainly not what you consider to be normal but what IS normal! That is probably a little hard for you to understand given you had to ask the question. Do look it up though!!!!

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32 minutes ago, Ken said:

Should you have access to a dictionary you wouldn't need to ask such a question. It's not what I consider to be normal, and certainly not what you consider to be normal but what IS normal! That is probably a little hard for you to understand given you had to ask the question. Do look it up though!!!!

You mean me asking that you look something up in a dictionary is insulting? Instead of playing some sort of 'injured person'  why not simply give me a reply. It really is quite sad when people can't take straight talk but resort to 'injured person' mode!!! Now that may be considered 'normal', these days!!

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With the images above, 1st two male and 3rd female.  Address them as you choose to suit the circumstances in which you  encounter them, just so long as it is not disrespectful.

Presumably, expressions such as, “Bob's your uncle” will be deemed offensive as “Bob” could very well be your aunt?

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