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Attitude Problems?

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1 hour ago, ssomon said:

Actually, my first post was written after reading one made 25 minutes earlier...........

So the post you reference that caused you to wonder would be this one, which was the only one posted 25 minutes earlier.

If this is the case, thank you for reading one of my posts.


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4 hours ago, cajal said:

Personally, I would say 'wonder' no more.

The 'waning popularity' you refer to is certainly not a cause and effect of 'confrontational attitudes' of posters, as this thread has shown.

No, the demise of posters on the forum must surely be attributed to the recent installation of the appalling  software by Archant's misguided hierarchy.

Just check the double posts this week alone due to the inordinate amount of time it takes to load a reply.  The hassle and aggravation, so many experienced, attempting to sign-on following the installation of the 'updated'  software. The lack of input from the technical dept. The spam. The list is endless. Check out the online users at any time of the day, and I guarantee you will find there are at least 4 or 5 times the number of Guests viewing the forum than there are Members viewing.

Archant need to hurry up and sell it on, as we are informed, to an organisation or body of people who are in a position, should they so choose,  to fix these issues or install fresh software.

If that situation is achievable, then  the forum just may survive. Failure to act, and it will be dead in the water.


Having been a member of many forums over the last 15 to 20 years both UK and French of many genres , cars, motorcycles, engineering etc all these forums have  suffered from the Facebook effect. Members just find it easier to be on Facebook and drift away.


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9 minutes ago, cajal said:

So the post you reference that caused you to wonder would be this one, which was the only one posted 25 minutes earlier.

If this is the case, thank you for reading one of my posts.


Yes, I thought it unnecessarily confrontational, and definitely unfriendly.


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17 hours ago, cajal said:

Personally, I would say 'wonder' no more.

The 'waning popularity' you refer to is certainly not a cause and effect of 'confrontational attitudes' of posters, as this thread has shown.

No, the demise of posters on the forum must surely be attributed to the recent installation of the appalling  software by Archant's misguided hierarchy.


I'm not entirely convinced by this theory, for several reasons.

The software doesn't bother me particularly - I don't have high expectations, I don't need bells and whistles all I expect is that a forum allows me read posts and make them and it's not too too slow and too too buggy. This forum seems to work acceptably if that's all you expect. But, I don't use it much and I appreciate that there may well be issues that get on your nerves if you keep coming across them. I remember way back there kept being a Privacy pop up that wouldn't go away, that drove me nuts and I completely stopped visiting for a long while due to that.

Secondly though, it is perfectly possible and even probably that many of those viewing as Guests, are actually Members who haven't bothered to log in. I clear my cookies regularly so I don't stay connected, so when I visit the forum regards me as a Guest. I would say that out of every 10 visits, on 8 of them I never get beyond the lists of new posts because there's nothing that interests me enough to click on it. On the couple of time I do click on a thread, I still don't log in unless I want to reply, which normally happens maybe once in 20 visits (this thread is a one-off, don't worry I'm not planning on making it a habit!) and all my other visits will show me as a Guest for the time I'm connected. I expect the same applies to other members too, they only log in if they want to join in the discussion and most of the time they don't.

But thirdly, it seems to be rather overlooking the fact that at a quick count, at least 7 posters on the first page said quite clearly that they had been put off by the attitude. I'm sure other voices have been added on subsequent pages so if we say that 10 posters have put their hands up to being put off, plus all those who have already gone away completely, I would say that is significant number compared to the small number who continue to post regularly. 

Which is funny in an ironic QED sort of way - some people have said the hostile environment and the lack of tolerance of differeing views put them off posting, and others have responded Actually no, nobody feels like that, the problem is something else entirely ? ? ? !


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Defeated by the quotes system on here,   but a shout-back to dear Cajal,   thank you for what you said.    A long time ago it was,  those glory days of helping people out with their satellite installations,   but enjoyable at the time.  

Although I'm glad we sold when we did three years ago,   I do miss aspects of France and the French people around us - sadly it all wasn't to be when I was refused residency in France during the Sarkozy clampdown on health,   which meant I with a (very minor)  pre-existing health problem couldn't move over permanently.    But sometimes these things are meant to be,   our village (Salagnac) was slowly dying with an ever-aging population (we were amongst the youngest) and it is probably better that we're out.  

I'm able to keep in touch with many of our French friends of course,   and the lunchtime and evening JTs on TF1 and France 3 via satellite are a wonderful way of still feeling as though we're a little part of France.   How we miss Jean Pierre Pernaut on 13.00 TF1.

I first joined this forum in 1998 or 1999 when we were buying.   There were of course massive pile-ons even back then,   but I do think that the massive number of people who were members back then meant that there were fewer one-to-one "feuds",  although of course there were some!   Anyone remember Coco and her full scale battles??!!   Sadly in recent years there did seem to be a period when certain people gained undue influence with their utterances-from-on-high and their one-sided views,   and personally I think it's great that a few people with alternative viewpoints have arrived and redressed the balance recently,   even if it's led to fireworks from those who thought they'd got the forum "sewn up" to suit their own tastes. 

But we've lost a lot of characters,   I think someone has already mentioned Dave-with-his-Gites,   and I remember SwissBarry telling some side-splittingly funny stories.     And of course we never forget Cooperlola,   one of the kindest and useful people I can think of in this context,   always helpful,   never condescending.

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4 hours ago, EuroTr@sh said:

I'm not entirely convinced by this theory, for several reasons.

The software doesn't bother me particularly - I don't have high expectations, I don't need bells and whistles all I expect is that a forum allows me read posts and make them and it's not too too slow and too too buggy. This forum seems to work acceptably if that's all you expect. But, I don't use it much and I appreciate that there may well be issues that get on your nerves if you keep coming across them. I remember way back there kept being a Privacy pop up that wouldn't go away, that drove me nuts and I completely stopped visiting for a long while due to that.

Secondly though, it is perfectly possible and even probably that many of those viewing as Guests, are actually Members who haven't bothered to log in. I clear my cookies regularly so I don't stay connected, so when I visit the forum regards me as a Guest. I would say that out of every 10 visits, on 8 of them I never get beyond the lists of new posts because there's nothing that interests me enough to click on it. On the couple of time I do click on a thread, I still don't log in unless I want to reply, which normally happens maybe once in 20 visits (this thread is a one-off, don't worry I'm not planning on making it a habit!) and all my other visits will show me as a Guest for the time I'm connected. I expect the same applies to other members too, they only log in if they want to join in the discussion and most of the time they don't.

But thirdly, it seems to be rather overlooking the fact that at a quick count, at least 7 posters on the first page said quite clearly that they had been put off by the attitude. I'm sure other voices have been added on subsequent pages so if we say that 10 posters have put their hands up to being put off, plus all those who have already gone away completely, I would say that is significant number compared to the small number who continue to post regularly. 

Which is funny in an ironic QED sort of way - some people have said the hostile environment and the lack of tolerance of differeing views put them off posting, and others have responded Actually no, nobody feels like that, the problem is something else entirely ? ? ? !


What do you want to talk about ET ?

France is a mess. I am not saying the UK is any better but France is a mess. So everything is going to be negative.

Then you have Brexit and all the shît that brings with it.

Life has moved from the 'place in the suns' talking about their gardens, drinking rose wine and watching Doctor Who in France on freesat.

I dare say that most of the old guard on forums have moved back, died, or looking to move back. Or a combination of all three.







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1 hour ago, alittlebitfrench said:

What do you want to talk about ET ?

Well I just have no interest in discussing the state of the nation on forum. Just because there is a lot of sh1te out there, doesn't mean you have to wallow in it all the time. Like I said, I go on forums mostly to chill out and unwind and have a bit of fun discussing random topics with posters that give out friendly vibes, that you can have a laugh with.

So right now, on the forum you don't visit any more we're having a grand chinwag about pizza toppings in France and whether it's OK to put potatoes on them. And there's a thread that I started weeks back about paper tax returns that is still chugging along - I started it for a bit of advice, which I got, then it rambled on for a bit, and just recently I've been able to give another poster a good tip that hopefully will help them.

On a different forum we're debating the pros and cons of using static cling window tint in motorhomes, and the pros and cons ofvarious  cooking appliances such as slow cookers, steamers, induction hobs etc.

That's the kind of discussion I like, everyday stuff that is mildly interesting to a wide cross section of posters. Nothing aggressive, nobody winding each other up or standing on their soapboxes or getting huffy or rubbishing other people's posts, and certainly not going round and round and round the same old depressing issues to do with French/English/EU politics. 

The best discussion I saw on here recently, which I couldn't join in because I had nothing to contribute but I did follow it for a bit, was about Ken's driveway! 


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ET - I could not agree with you more.  Only, I do not know of any other forums where things are more pleasant.  I wish I did.

I miss the better days of this forum.  And I do not believe that all the old posters are dead.  I've communicated with several of the undead - that no longer post here.  These 'old posters' that no longer post here do not post because they don't want to. 



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ET - thank you, thank you, thank you.

I have found myself getting more and more turned off by the perpetual whinging on here but kept coming back as I hadn't found an alternative and hoped, one day, things might improve.

Your pizza hint has lead me to another forum which I have just joined.

See you on the other side?

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21 hours ago, DaveLister said:

ET - thank you, thank you, thank you.

I have found myself getting more and more turned off by the perpetual whinging on here but kept coming back as I hadn't found an alternative and hoped, one day, things might improve.

Your pizza hint has lead me to another forum which I have just joined.

See you on the other side?

The American moderator on that forum hates the British BTW. Just thought I would mention that. 

The old gang left years ago. It was good fun before that. 

And there is a French contributor (No 1 contributor on that forum) that makes my posts look quite mainstream. She hates Macron more than me. Don't get involved with politics. Stick with the one and only potato pizza topping thread. ?

So yeah.....good luck with that. ?

Survive France is a jolly good forum. You might be alright there. France in Focus is OK. TOFF...justs hate the UK. So that might just do your head in. 

And then you have us. Sorting out the worlds problems. 

Choose wisely my friend. 

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"Choose wisely my friend"


We're talking internet forum's FFS.

Sure, there will always be a number of posters on any forum I wouldn't want to invite to a dinner party. Life's rich tapestry as they say.

If I may be frank, the problem on this forum is that there are now a small number of posters to whom this is all there is. If I wanted to 'sort out the world's problems'  I'll do it with my peers. People I know and respect. People who's friendship or mentorship I've appreciated over years. I'm not going to waste my time shouting into the ether at strangers.

Sadly it seems to me there are some posters to whom this forum is their last opportunity to be 'the big man'.

I feel sorry for them but it's not going to stop me visiting this or any other forum when I fancy a diversion.

Life's too short.

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2 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

The American moderator on that forum hates the British BTW. Just thought I would mention that. 

Erm, I don't think the reason she banned you was cos she hates the British. She's fine with me and Conks and the other Brits. Do you think it might have been more to do with the things you posted and the way you kept trying to wind everybody up - your attitude, to link it to this thread?

Yes there are a couple of posters that I have on "ignore", one of them being the one who lives in Spain but seems to love the French forum. 

I don't have anything against Yanks,, and one massive point in favour of sharing a forum with them is that the have no interest whatsoever in Brexit, and they don't play the UK v. France points scoring game.

But I'm sure Dave is big enough to decide for himself what suits him and what don't.

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10 hours ago, DaveLister said:

"Choose wisely my friend"


We're talking internet forum's FFS.

Sure, there will always be a number of posters on any forum I wouldn't want to invite to a dinner party. Life's rich tapestry as they say.

If I may be frank, the problem on this forum is that there are now a small number of posters to whom this is all there is. If I wanted to 'sort out the world's problems'  I'll do it with my peers. People I know and respect. People who's friendship or mentorship I've appreciated over years. I'm not going to waste my time shouting into the ether at strangers.

Sadly it seems to me there are some posters to whom this forum is their last opportunity to be 'the big man'.

I feel sorry for them but it's not going to stop me visiting this or any other forum when I fancy a diversion.

Life's too short.

The problem, I believe, in being 'frank' is that the person being 'frank' considers that he/she is right with no real thought or consideration to others point of view! This is the only forum I look at, primarily because I start my day very early, around 5o/c, and have to wait for the sun to come up before I can do anything! 'Frankly' the thought of looking at several of these sites makes me wonder what sort of lives people are living! I do appreciate that for many this sort of 'media' is their life  but for me it is a light diversion before I start my day. It is rather arrogant and insulting to suggest that for some posters this is their last opportunity to be a 'big man'!  For me, and I suspect for most,  a decent discussion or argument (as long as it doesn't get personal!) is what is wanted. Pizzas, gardening, even  a concrete drive can elicit some good posts but political comments, including Brexit, Macron etc. shouldn't be knocked because they appear regularly. Obviously some people feel those subjects are more important than concrete drives and pizzas!

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If you only visit this forum,then you won’t have experienced the ‘Keyboard Warriors ‘ very much. They are on nearly every forum,not just France oriented ones ,and I think Dave Listers comments about ‘last chance to be a big man ‘ is actually quite accurate not arrogant at all 

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1 hour ago, Ken said:

The problem, I believe, in being 'frank' is that the person being 'frank' considers that he/she is right with no real thought or consideration to others point of view! This is the only forum I look at, primarily because I start my day very early, around 5o/c, and have to wait for the sun to come up before I can do anything! 'Frankly' the thought of looking at several of these sites makes me wonder what sort of lives people are living! I do appreciate that for many this sort of 'media' is their life  but for me it is a light diversion before I start my day. It is rather arrogant and insulting to suggest that for some posters this is their last opportunity to be a 'big man'!  For me, and I suspect for most,  a decent discussion or argument (as long as it doesn't get personal!) is what is wanted. Pizzas, gardening, even  a concrete drive can elicit some good posts but political comments, including Brexit, Macron etc. shouldn't be knocked because they appear regularly. Obviously some people feel those subjects are more important than concrete drives and pizzas!

That might be your interpretation of the phrase 'being frank' but my definition is that it is a precursor to an honest opinion as opposed to a comment meant to inflame or initiate a response. Everyone on this forum has the right to agree or disagree. I was responding to ALBF's somewhat threatening comment "Choose wisely my friend" which implied there may be consequences if I decided to visit another forum. I repeat, we are talking message boards here not picking sides for WW3 ( although it sometimes feels like it ).

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14 hours ago, EuroTr@sh said:

Erm, I don't think the reason she banned you was cos she hates the British. She's fine with me and Conks and the other Brits. Do you think it might have been more to do with the things you posted and the way you kept trying to wind everybody up - your attitude, to link it to this thread?

Yes there are a couple of posters that I have on "ignore", one of them being the one who lives in Spain but seems to love the French forum. 

I don't have anything against Yanks,, and one massive point in favour of sharing a forum with them is that the have no interest whatsoever in Brexit, and they don't play the UK v. France points scoring game.

But I'm sure Dave is big enough to decide for himself what suits him and what don't.

A week or so back you said (ET said)...and I quote 'you are one of the good guys on French forums'. 

Well I like to think so. I could not harm a fly me.

Yeah I create controversial threads. Largely because people luv umm and get involved and debate. Life is all about communication and getting things off your chest. 

Only the wokes get upset on French forums because they are too blôôdy sensitive and have spent all their lives worring about what gender they have. 

I just wish there was a forum about France. I want to talk France. Yeah some posts might be negative but that is a French thing. That is what France is all about. 

Down with down. It comes with the territory. 

It is blôody France for crying out loud. 

In terms of that expat forum....yeah most Brits have left.

It is now an American forum with the mod having a bias towards Americans.....even though she hates America.

I had emails from people who left on that basis. 




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I do think you are basically a good guy, but I worry about your mental health. Seriously. You seem to have got so negative and neurotic over the last year or so. 

Please don't be offended Smeggles but the fact is that your posts were so same old, same old, same old, same old, same old, same old, same old, same old, same old... that it got pretty intolerable. Same old same old is not controversial any more after you've read it for the nth time, it just makes you feel like you're on a merry go round and you can't get off. I don't think I'm partic'ly woke, but you ended up getting right on my nerves, and since you know I like you, I will say that I was glad when you got banned because I thought it would be better for the forum and better for you. It has been better for the forum but I don't think it's been better for you because you've just shifted over hear and posting the same crap. 

Anyway, what do you see as the great advantage of a "British" expat forum, over a forum for anglophone expats worldwide? I'm curious. I far prefer a mix of nationalities, it's more interesting because you get a far wider range of views, you can connect with people from other cultures and find out stuff about their countries.

If you really want to talk France, which I absolutely understand, all you need to do is sign up to one or more of the French online news channels and join in the readers' comments. 'S what I do, well I used to, not so much now. You have to do it in French of course but you are a dab hand with your online translator aren't you. I think you should do that, it may be what you need. I certainly got in over my head several times and been put right. But to be fair, I always found French posters respectful (though that might depend on which site you join I suppose), they can demolish your argument scientifically without actually calling you an eejit LOL.

Isn't there something a bit off centre in wanting to talk about France but exclusively with Brits?

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1 hour ago, EuroTr@sh said:


Please don't be offended Smeggles

I never get offended ET. It is not in my nature.

But you are right in all you say apart from mental health.

A lost that in my teens. ?

Too much the wrong type of cigarettes. 

BTW...you were right about the forum being international. That is what made in fun. 

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  • 2 months later...

I think the question I posed two months ago has been adequately answered by the responses, and the fact that posting on the forum has dropped close to zero.

Posts now seem to be only from the tolerant, the totally insensitive, and trolls.

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1 hour ago, ssomon said:

I think the question I posed two months ago has been adequately answered by the responses, and the fact that posting on the forum has dropped close to zero.

Posts now seem to be only from the tolerant, the totally insensitive, and trolls.

Sounds like normal social media fare, the drop out could be for a variety of reasons. Are you setting up a list if so please inform us of our status according to you. 😃 😃

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