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The EU flag flown over the tomb of the unknown soldier.


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The unknown soldier who lies under the arc de triomphe represents all the French soldiers who died for France not for europe. This  Macron government should at least respect that.
 But it becoming increasingly obvious that France does not matter to Macron and his cronies. His ambition, business and love for the EU are above all else.


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Even though I am not French,  no longer have a house there,   and was refused residency by my beloved France in flagrant breach of all the laws,   I am still totally OUTRAGED at an EU flag flying on its own at one of the spiritual hearts of the French nation.

Still,   that ghastly little creep Macron does seem to have realised his error and had it taken down under cover of darkness early this morning.

I weep for France under that ghastly little man.


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 Should Boris Johnson have flown any flag other than the 'Union Jack' over the tomb of the unknown warrior in the U.K. there would have been absolute uproar and no doubt he would be looking for another job this very minute. The French are patriotic, their military suffered tremendously in both world wars and  I was appalled when I saw on the news this morning that Macron had the E/U. flag flown above the French tomb. Whatever could have possessed the man to do such a thing? 

I have read here that it has now been taken down, I hope that is the case. I consider it an insult to the dead of France that such a thing happened. Is the man so utterly arrogant that he doesn't consider what incredible offence it must have caused to the French people ?

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Absolutely agree Ken.    For a man that admitted that a referendum on EU membership would go against him,   his utter arrogance is breathtaking.    His judgement is woefully poor though,   what a goal to give to any person or politician who actually loves France.

I feel particularly sad in all this,  I love France in spite of the way I was treated (refused residency ten years ago),   but even I am now boycotting all French products until Macron is brought down.     I think it was "alittlebitoffrench" who said - with great wisdom - that Macron doesn't represent France,    but even so I feel I have to do my bit to fight back against Macron over the way he has treated Britain these last few years.    As soon as he's gone I shall of course go back to buying French stuff.   It's only a tiny thing to do,  but I know I'm not the only one.....

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Deplorable piece of nonsense but it shows the direction he wants the EU to take under his Presidency with France and Germany bullying the other nations into line. Of course, Macron thinks he will will be the leader of the pack or acolytes with everyone speaking French and a French led army.

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If we can all remember Macron's debut after he was elected I was gobsmacked when the EU anthem was played before the Marseillaise.

My thoughts were "You just don't do that in France, nothing takes precedence over the Marseillaise"

I expected some sort of a protest, riot or booing to start, but sadly, nothing.

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I let it rip with all the French family around for lunch yesterday.

I did not hold back when I talked about Macron. I did not hold back !

'The bloke is evil'....I said.

Boris is a self centered knÖb but Macron is evil. 

There is a difference !

Any Christian that votes Mr Macron needs to have a discussion with god. 


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7 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:

I let it rip with all the French family around for lunch yesterday.

I did not hold back when I talked about Macron. I did not hold back !

'The bloke is evil'....I said.

Boris is a self centered knÖb but Macron is evil. 

There is a difference !

Any Christian that votes Mr Macron needs to have a discussion with god. 


You omitted to mention what your french in-laws thought of your tirade?

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39 minutes ago, Harnser said:

You omitted to mention what your french in-laws thought of your tirade?

I did.

But what could they say ?

They know the score. They know he is a horrible little man. 

But they will vote for him in the second round to prevent MLP getting into power.

It is a French tradition !

What a world we live in.

Peeps everywhere just want peace and quiet. 

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Down here my French neighbours say the same thing. The don't like Macron, hate what happened regarding the flag but will still vote for him in the final round if MLP is there too. As diplomatically as I can I Point out that it is the tactical voting in the earlier rounds that leads to that situation so it is as much their fault as anyone's that they end up with a President they don't want or like!!! Absolute waste of time, they won't change.The same thing happens at the local elections when they vote for another neighbour because he is their friend!! What can you say? Without causing offence that is!!! I am, despite living here for 22 years, still a guest in France.

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7 hours ago, Noisette said:

???   Diplomatically??    Isn't it annoying when people aren't prepared to entertain any point of view but their own?  ?

Yes it was diplomatically put. There is nothing at all wrong with having a point of view, as you have shown!  Expressing it correctly is all important. I wonder why anyone would intimate it is wrong to do so?

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I haven't had much interaction with Ken but from the little there has been, I found it amusing that he would have tried to be diplomatic.  I also found his indignation with regard to the fixed views of his neighbours quite comical.  His dogmatic bulldozing of other posters' knowledge of a subject, and/or their opinions is quite breathtaking, but as I don't have time to waste or any inclination for arguing the toss on forums, I'll let it go.

So....my post was just the result of an irresistible urge to have a gentle dig.  I do apologise if it confused you ?

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Noisette; No need to apologise as your post isn't confusing at all. As usual you say things that simply haven't happened or existed. I have not used the term 'indignation' at all. Your 'comical' reaction is therefore rather strange.  A vivid imagination perhaps!  As for my 'dogmatic bulldozing' of others knowledge of a subject, more vague 'comedy' I'm afraid. More whimsical imaginings.

You don't have the time to waste with arguing on forums but do find the time to have a 'dig'  so you say. That is quite apparent but equally you don't like it when your posts are corrected. It's easy to 'have a dig' isn't it? Not so nice when you are on the receiving end and your character is revealed for what it is, no matter how nicely it is tried to be wrapped up!!

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15 hours ago, Noisette said:

I don't have time to waste or any inclination for arguing the toss on forums, I'll let it go.


Apparently you do. The 'let it go' mantra should have evolved before the above post materialised. The truth always emerges.


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