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Zoophilie 2Chevres

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In a preliminary hearing in Niort a male individual confirmed the charge of zoophilia. It is still not clear the motive for killing the animals though.

Zoophilie confirmée dans les deux sèvres.
On vous en parlait début octobre. Un habitant des deux sèvres était soupçonné d'avoir imposé des rapports sexuels à des chèvres. L'homme, agé de 52 ans, a reconnu les faits. Il sera jugé le 17 novembre à Niort dans le cadre de la procédure du plaider coupable. Il risque jusqu'à 2 ans de prison ferme et 30 mille euros d'amende

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The 52 year old gentleman will be appearing in court this morning in Niort; the Brigitte Bardot foundation is in attendance being represented for the "partie civile".

Could get 2 months prison sentence + € 30,000 fine without consideration of the civil case.

Moral: Cheaper to frequent a " maison close ".

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

Could get 2 months prison sentence + € 30,000 fine without consideration of the civil case.


Why is there a civil case, and who has been harmed so that damages can be claimed? Or am I thinking in English legal terminology?

In medieval France animals were prosecuted and punished for their crimes. The film "The Hour of the Pig" begins with an execution scene: a man and she-ass have both been found guilty of unlawful congress. The man was hanged but the ass reprieved at the last minute because she had previously been of good character.


EDIT The culturally-inept software has determined that A S S cannot be printed. Does that mean that on Palm Sunday it will censor any reference to Jesus entering Jerusalem on his ass?

Test: The Piccadilly Line will take you from Cockfosters to Arsenal.

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General Principle; La plainte avec constitution de partie civile permet à une personne de devenir partie civile dans un procès pénal.

Allows a victim to obtain damages suffered as a result of a criminal act that has caused damage to the plaintiff and is complementary to the criminal process; no idea what damages are contemplated by BB but an association can claim.

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Tribunal at Niort hands down  a 5 month suspended sentence, € 150 fine, € 2,600 damages to the goat owner, € 1 nominal to 5 Cruelty to Animals Associations( includig BBs); man to be given care and forbidden to own in future a domestic animal.


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They were hung.  He tied them up to do his deed and they were found dead the next morning.  He kept coming back for more until the farmers put nails down on the drive which stopped his car.

In the article I read at the time it said that sexual criminals will admit more easily if it is with another human being, but they are totally ashamed to admit it with an animal.

Sorry, which is the animal ?


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