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Severe weather warning

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Warning of very strong winds and avalanches from Fri. 23/01 4pm to Sat. 24/01 4pm

[quote]In the five departments placed under vigilance rouge, the westerly wind will be stronger in the later half of the night.

In later half of the night and during the morning, westerly winds

are expected with violent gusts of up to 150 km/h on the coast and over 130 km/h inland.

These winds extend to departments around the Golfe du Lion in the second half of the morning.

In the other departments in the south-west under vigilance orange,

gusts of west then north-west wind up to 110-120 km/h are expected

inland and 130 km/h on the coasts.[/quote]

Departments on red alert:

  • Haute-Garonne - 31

  • Landes - 40

  • Hautes-Pyrénées - 65

  • Gers - 32

  • Pyrénées-Atlantiques - 64
More details (in French): http://france.meteofrance.com/vigilance/Bulletin?ZONE=france (in Google English HERE)

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Thank Clair. I think, if my translation is correct, that it said that the storm could be of similar intensity to the storm of December 1999.  If so, this could be frightening. 

I see that at 10pm, a deep depression was 600 kms off the coast of Nantes.  It's now midnight, the air is warm and very calm.  The ocean, however, is frothing and the noise is highly audible where we are 5 miles' inland.

We have shuttered up, stowed away outside objects and have candles in handy places.  We have moved all beds away from chimney areas. 

Let us see what happens ....


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In our bit of 24 things are ok, not too bad but so windy, very heavy rain yesterday tho.  Just had a visit from the blood nurse who has told me that many of the chemin rurale are blocked with large branches or trees, travelling off the bigger routes is difficult.

We lost a fruit tunnel yesterday - well, I had to take it down anyway - just blown over, so that actually helps, trees in our/the local woods are whipping round quite fiercely and as we're relatively high up, seems to me getting double battering.

And we've got to go out this morning!

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I was out on country roads yesterday (collecting census forms) and I must admit to having some concern a branch would fall on the car...

There were lots of small branches all over the roads and tall trees leaning over quite badly.

The wind is very very strong this morning and I'll stick to the village today!

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Near Perigueux.

I cannot find my wind speed meter but it is gusting here at probably 120kph.

In last two days must have had 50mm of rain. Many roads are flooded, trees are down, in the forest the tracks are all streams. On my afternoon walk I got throughly soaked.

The bungalow someone built up the road last year on an area which is a natural lake in the spring every year is now marooned. The bufoon was told by the farmer that owns the land next to it what happens but he ignored his advice.

He is now pumping the lake away onto someone elses land -  if it then reaches the route rurale it could come my way - cheers!

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[quote user="Callandclan"]Any news on around the Cahors/Labastide Murat side of things with regards dammage etc.  We are not over at the moment and won't be until March.  Any info appreciated.[/quote]


I think I may drop the mairie a quick email and see how the village is getting on (if they have any power to receive it!).

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This took me straight to where I'm based and we are only on orange alert at the moment.  I think we have got away with it, if you click the link again it takes you to the five day forcast.  It a bit sleety and the winds droping, so its sort of good news.


Hope this helps some.

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[quote user="Callandclan"]

This took me straight to where I'm based and we are only on orange alert at the moment.  I think we have got away with it, if you click the link again it takes you to the five day forcast.  It a bit sleety and the winds droping, so its sort of good news.


Hope this helps some.


I think we are just up the road from you at St Cernin.

We've looked a the Meteo link from the village website which seems to say things aren't too bad but I get the impresion that might not tell the fiull story... don't really know though.

Clair... thanks for some local(ish) feedback.

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We are just up the road from you, when did you move in/over?


[quote user="DerekJ"][quote user="Callandclan"]

This took me straight to where I'm based and we are only on orange alert at the moment.  I think we have got away with it, if you click the link again it takes you to the five day forcast.  It a bit sleety and the winds droping, so its sort of good news.


Hope this helps some.


I think we are just up the road from you at St Cernin.

We've looked a the Meteo link from the village website which seems to say things aren't too bad but I get the impresion that might not tell the fiull story... don't really know though.

Clair... thanks for some local(ish) feedback.

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[quote user="Callandclan"]

We are just up the road from you, when did you move in/over?


We completed on the house in early July 2008. We are gradually moving furniture over... in March we plan to come over with a Transit van with more stuff.  This a secondaire but we hope to gradually spend more and more time there...  see also your "motorbike" thread.  We just love the area and the views from the garden are great.

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Just got the electricity and phone back having gone orrf at 10.00 am.  Just saw the Maire on his way round the village and warned us to stay inside.  Plenty of trees down, unfortunately one very large one in the middle of the village on top of a brand new Audi.  Still blowing an absolute hooly with no sign of abating.  We are 10 mins from Carcassonne, apparantly worse towards Quillan.
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Our electricity was going on and off a lot this morning, and then finally gave up the ghost at lunchtime. 

Back on now though, obviously [:)]  Still very windy here, but no damage that I can see (not that I'm about to venture out and check mind).

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Shut that door, quick.  Can see you haven't ventured out Clair and I don't blame you!

Here, we've had strong winds and rain, but nothing like other parts.  I feel for you.  Bordeaux has been badly hit amongst other places, Gers, etc.  I expect we haven't heard from some posters as they have no electricity.

Back in 1999, when we were in the Perche, the next day we had no electricity, telephone or water.  We were melting the snow to give the dogs a drink. We had an appointment in Paris and we couldn't go as we considered we were "sinistrés".  What we didn't know as we had no contact was that everyone else was the same.  At least this time they were able to warn us.

Hope you are all all right.


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