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Snow! Snow! Snow!

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[quote user="Gardian"]

[quote user="NormanH"]Not my town, but a photo of one I know well and would love to live in



Where is that Norman?


I've kept wondering that too. At first glance I thought Le Mont Dore, but decided the hills weren't right and the river's too big, and that dinky tower/folly-thingy made me think of the Doubs/Franche-Comté area, or even that place on the Tarn where Charlotte Grey was filmed. This could run and run!

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Can we have a weather update, please, people?

It's perishing here; MUCH too cold for snow but I bet there will be a very thick frost.

The best thing is that I will be able to snuggle down further inside my lovely, warm bed and feel thankful that my days of taking warm water out to clear the windscreen and getting in a panic about being late for work are nowadays no more than a distant memory[:D]

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[quote user="sweet 17"]Can we have a weather update, please, people?[/quote]

OK! I realise I'm 12h  behind the request, but in case you're still interested, I can let you know it's raining ice here... [:D]

It's not rain and it's not snow, and it's too small to qualify as hailstones, but it's noisy when it hits the Velux and it does  not melt or flatten on contact.

Temp -3°C overnight, and although the thermometer reads +3°C, the wind makes me believe I could almost be on my way to accompany Sir Ranulph on his latest adventure...

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At 7:50 this morning, the slightest dusting of snow as the bus I had just missed went past.  10 minutes later as I drove to work, you could hardly see 50 metres.  Heard on the radio that roads from France and Belgium into Luxembourg were at a standstill.

Just outside my office, a car just turned into the path of a bus, the bus had right of way, presumably because the car driver couldn't see the road markings they no longer applied.  Pity, it was a shiny red Audi A4 that got totaled.

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To my great surprise, when I opened the shutters this morning, there was no frost where I was expecting a sea of white.  J'ai eu les bras qui s'en tombé.  Er...did I get that right (as discussed on the "expression" thread and I am trying this phrase out to learn it properly)?[I]

It certainly wasn't cold, not like it was last night.  Then it started raining quite heavily and now the sun is actually shining and the veranda is warming up nicely.  I have put the clothes out, though keeping a weather-eye out for rain.

Got lunch cooking; roast chicken for me and doggie and potato-and-red-bean burgers for OH.  I just feel soooo much better when it isn't blowing like the clappers (French equivalent for that?) and the sort of weather that freezes your very marrow.

Sorry for melding 2 threads into one but these French expressions can be most engaging and not easy to remember if you don't keep repeating them!  

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sweet17 said: when it isn't blowing like the clappers (French equivalent for that?) and the sort of weather that freezes your very marrow.


And that sounds like the Mistral........ or could it be the Tramontane where you are??????? does it get that far north?

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[quote user="sweet 17"]Sorry, id, I didn't make myself clear:  I meant what is the equivalent French expression of "blowing like the clappers"?[/quote]

One which comes to mind is "un vent à décorner les bœufs", meaning a wind strong enough to pull the horns off cattle...

Would that do? [:)]

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  • 1 month later...
  • 10 months later...
The wind at the moment seems to be coming down from the North  The Arctic this summer was one of the coldest recorded the usual 90 days of  Arctic warm was less than half and the ice is building up fast ... So I read in the Science publications .....the feeling is that cold in the North  will come south. It will be fun in the snow for many when it does .
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Chiefluvvie has an interesting point about the French weather and I am sure that a lot of Brits who move to France are shocked by how cold the winters can be there. If the experts are correct and we are in for a decade or so of harsh winters for Northern Europe, a lot of us will have to think again as to alternative warmer countries, especially retirees who are looking for a mild winter climate to minimise fuel costs.
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A Brit retiree can spend six months a year in New Zealand or Australia as a tourist and is covered under a reciprocal health agreement with the UK. Sounds an appealing way to avoid winter!

Like Chiefluvie my French house is in PACA and the winter weather has undoubtedly got a lot worse in the nine years I have been there. Before I arrived, forest fires were the main concern due to the lack of rain, now it is flash floods and torrential downpours, as we have recently seen on the news effecting Corsica and Sardinia.
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Frederick said:

"The wind at the moment seems to be coming down from the North The Arctic this summer was one of the coldest recorded the usual 90 days of Arctic warm was less than half and the ice is building up fast ... So I read in the Science publications .....the feeling is that cold in the North will come south. It will be fun in the snow for many when it does . "

Surely not colder as we are constantly being told about global warming!
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[quote user="PaulT"]Frederick said:

"The wind at the moment seems to be coming down from the North The Arctic this summer was one of the coldest recorded the usual 90 days of Arctic warm was less than half and the ice is building up fast ... So I read in the Science publications .....the feeling is that cold in the North will come south. It will be fun in the snow for many when it does . "

Surely not colder as we are constantly being told about global warming![/quote]


Note position of Alert on the map just North of Greenland ............August 15th this year temperature minus 4C . This appears to be the coldest  August the 15th since records began in 1950. 

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