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Rieux Minervois - What's it like?

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Did you know that 50 % of French people are looking to move ? There was a report about this.

So I guess that is people from the South moving North and folks moving from the North to the South etc.

Where we live (large suburban town on edge of city) you cannot buy a house. There are waiting lists.

Houses don't get advertised, they are just sold.

Prices have gone mad. You need at least 400 k + just for a two up and two down with a tiny small garden. And it will probably need re-doing.
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Always happy to hear all the view points.  We love France and we always have.  I've always been aware of the negatives.  I remember posting about them many times when we lived in Bédoin.  So, we know no place is perfect.  Don't get me started on the U.S.  We have no legal right to live in the U.K. and I don't think we would want to anyway.  We are happy here, just not in this part of  'here.'

Thank you Judith for the offer to show us around if we visit.  We do plan to visit as we'd really like to see the area.  Even if you just pointed us to some towns to see on our visit, that would be most helpful.  I will post as soon as I know when we will visit.

Husband got an appointment for his first vaccine !!!!!!  Today at 15h00.  Moderna.  Thrilled for him.  I keep trying but haven't been lucky so far.  I will walk with him to the vaccination center and wait outside.  I'm pretty sure there will be no 'extras' but I'll be there anyway.

As soon as we are both fully vaccinated, we will make our trip South to have a look around.  Not sure when that will be, but hopefully soon.  Found several homes for sale in the Carcassonne area that seemed to offer a lot for the money.  Sadly, I have never really liked Carcassonne.  Perhaps I need to give it another look.

It is extremely hard to find a house anywhere in the Vaucluse (not mitoyenne) under 250,000€.  Unless of course, it is missing a roof and a couple of walls..

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There is a lot more to this area than Carcassonne, I would not limit yourself to just that area!  The offer stands, but you won't be able to travel yet.  Glad to hear you have a vaccine appt, here all the centres I look at each day have none for first vaccinations for OH ... so much for Macron's vaunted claim that appointments will be available for all .. !!!

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Thank you Judith.

Husband just got his by a fluke.  He checks the sante.fr site periodically throughout each day.  Yesterday ONE showed up for 15h00 today and he grabbed it.  And, it happens to be at one of the vaccination centers that is walkable from where we live.  It also gave him his second appointment for first week of May.  I presume he got it through a cancellation by someone else.

Today's headlines say many more doses will be delivered this week and next.  We shall see.

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Yes, it can be very pleasant almost anywhere in this area, I'm in the corridor mentioned by NormanH, wind tunnel, well only sometimes, lived here over 10 yrs now .. someone I know in one of the local villages found it too hot (microclimate), we find it usually escapes the worst of most weathers where we are, with one or two exceptions .. the worst I know of it is the marin .. from the sea .. it really is impossible to describe it as a whole, it varies so much.

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  • 1 month later...
Well, I'm back.  I'll try not to drive you all mad, but is anyone familiar with the town of Pradelles-Cabardès, 11380?  At first study, it does not appear to be in a flood zone.  Those seem to be further above and / or further below the this town. 

It is listed as a category 3 risk of Radon !  I have no idea why it is so high.  Do any of you know anything about high Radon regions? 

We have secured a rental house in the Vaucluse and IF this house is still for sale after we've settled in there (first week of June), we'd like to go have a look at it.  Unless any of you folks think we are better off avoiding it.


We also liked these (each in slightly different area).  If anyone knows any of these areas, we'd love to hear your thoughts.





Thank you all !

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Thanks Norman. 

Do you think the two houses linked above in St. Chinian and Quillan are legit?  We don't know these areas well enough to know if the prices are truly within the norm for the area or not. 

They are far less expensive than similar properties in the Vaucluse.

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Prices around here, St Chinian and where we are, and there is plenty of choice, will be much lower than Vaucluse .. I don't keep an eye on prices so I don't know if they are correct, but do ask about specific locations if you need to.  NormaH is local, and so am I, also NoMoss? and maybe one or two others, as well.

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Lori wrote the following post at 15 May 2021 17:41:

Thanks Wooly. Yes, why are their prices so much lower than other agencies? I did notice that. Are they a scam operation?

ALL their prices seem unreal.

Normally Leggett's prices are very much higher than anyone else's .. so I am surprised, astonished even, to see that they have seemingly glorious properties for sale at low prices.

It is surpising though that all the properties seem to be bathed in wall to wall sunshine .. do these photos date from this year and are they still for sale.

Have you contacted Leggetts to ask ?
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I agree with Sue about their prices.
I have seen properties on that site at higher prices than those for the same place in more local agents.

Quillan has glorious scenery around. It is an area I love for a day out in friend's car, but it is relatively remote from major centres for shopping or more importantly for health care.

St Chinian is rather less far from those facilities ( about 30/40 minutes drive) and still has some lovely places nearby

The prices you have shown seem a little on the high side as I would expect from that agent

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I put my hand up and admit to advertising our house "bathed in glorious sunshine"[:)]

In the past, I have sold 2 houses, 1 in the UK and 1 in France.  I always take lots of photos when the sun is shining and the garden is looking lovely.  In fact, I have many photos of our present house showing it off at its best....just for that day when we might want to sell it (you never know)

I don't see any great problem with doing that.  After all, if I were a fruit n veg seller, I'd put the best looking specimens at the top of the piles.  Doesn't everybody do that?  It's up to potential purchasers to root around and come to look when it's pouring with rain or the wind is howling in a landscape as bleak as a nuclear winter.

Also, I keep in my photo files, the one occasion in the last 12 years when we had snow.  So I do have pictures of the house looking remote and glacial but gorgeous.  Depends on what the purchaser wants, doesn't it?

Sellers do their best to sell the package that they think the purchaser wants.  The trick is to try and tease out what it is that they do want.  If what you have to offer is not what is being looked for, then it's best just to put a stop to the process, saving both parties time and frustration.

As for your house hunt, Lori, you can at least be reassured that you will be "in situ" as it were to have lots of time to look around and do the research as you are doing now.

Good Luck!  Hope you find the one[:)]

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Thank you all so much.  And thanks for the links Norman.  I like the second one more than the first one.  I had looked at a few agencies in the same general area and found the prices higher for similar properties to the ones I linked from Leggett.  I have to say that I did also see properties on their site that did seem higher than other agencies.  So, I guess, with them, it must be a mixed bag.  I have not contacted them to ask any questions.  At this point, we are still in the research stage.

I wonder why a seller would list with them if they are known for less than standard operating procedures.  Or, if a buyer is made aware, then I guess it would have to be THE house for them to deal with such issues.

Husband does think Quillan is remote, but we've been looking at lots of areas where you can get more house for your money and all of them are rather remote.  The medical care thing would be a concern.  We don't suffer serious problems now, but who knows about the future.  As has been said earlier in this thread (I think), we will have to compromise on something(s).

The settings tend to sell themselves and I know that is what a lot of sellers are counting on.  SO many of the homes we see don't appear to have been updated for 50 years !  Okay, maybe a slight exageration. 

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This one notes the taxe fonciere is 3600€ !!!  We didn't pay anywhere near that in the Vaucluse for a house of a similar size with pool.  Could this be accurate?


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