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A Goat Has Died During The Writing Of This Article

Furry Knickers

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[quote user="ali-cat"]I'm a Horse.  A "Fire-horse" no less & according to Chinese tradition, that's quiet good.  Not sure why ..... passionate & very bad tempered (better ask Mr. Cat about that [Www])[/quote]

I'm supposed to be a monkey and that's probably right. [Www]

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This song is actually recorded by a goat and because the record company feared it would be a sales disaster, they decided to get Tanya Tucker to mime to it and let on she is singing it. It is very obvious that this song is being sung by a goat and yet the poor creature got no credit at all!


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I have phoned up Mrs Gupta to tell her to look at it! I will let you know what she thinks[;-)] When I was a lad in Kildare, I was after seeing a horse get killed on Rawhide on the telly, and I cried me little heart out with grief and was inconsolable, me mammy said "what ails ya Furry O'Toole" I told her that a poor horse had died on the telly, she said "it was not a real horse" I said "but it had a lovely main and long matching tail and 4 legs like a real horse" she told me "they are 2 blokes in a horse suit" I was so delighted I hugged me mammy and said "can I have a horse suit when I grow up" Of course I had a horse suit by the time I was 30, and later went on to own a bear suit and a mermaid suit.


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Oh my God, was that you in HMV with the sausage dogs?  I tripped over the longest one and the lovely lady helped me up and put a plaster on me paw and then called a vet to come and look at me, was that you? I can't believe it!

Here are some very adorable Datsun puppies for you[:)]


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I love the tree goats[:)] Imagine having that in your garden? If I imagine it for long enough, maybe it will become real! Dear Cathy, I have not heard a word from the Pope, I suppose he is too busy with all his poping duties in the Vatican to bother reading a letter from me. I was wondering how it is you can't tell the difference between a goat and a penguin? I was in McCarthy's Bar there today in Goat Street, and I was talking to the local cannibal about ladybirds, and he told me that the ladybirds are all getting eat by other ladybirds, and that the red ladybirds I love will be very scarce this summer, have any of you heard about them? God, it's handy to know a cannibal, I have known him for over 2 years now, and although he has licked me a couple of times, he has never once eaten me! that just goes to show what a lovely fella he is. If that was a cannibal in Wales, well I'm sure it would be a different outcome!


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The goat, the penguin, and the duckbill platypus for that matter, are all God's creatures as the Pope would tell you and so I'm sure that Benedict XVI would not mind that I can't tell the difference.  Now I know it might matter to a Nanny Goat whether she was up a tree in Morocco or sunbathing in the Antarctic or walking her charges in a Silver Cross pram in Hyde Park.


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