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Re: I miss Dick!

Ivor Nidea

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sweet 17 wrote the following post at 27/01/2013 17:43:

Anybody miss Gluestick? I rather like Gluey but I will understand if people come on here and slag him off.

As with everything else, we have different opinions.

I was quite sad when Gluey decided to quit the forum, we tended to agree on most things and had many ''conversations'' about heating systems et al.
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[quote user="Chancer"]

I draw the line however at saying publically "I miss dick!!" [:-))] as I am not that kind of a boy [;-)]


Well that one had been going through my mind too! I hasten to add that I'm not that kind of boy either!  [:D]

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[quote user="PaulT"]I miss PPP - like a hole in the head[/quote]

Oh, Paul, I just have to come out in defence of Pacha.  He can be inordinately kind.  When we were househunting over a period of about 18 months, he went to no end of trouble finding answers to all sorts of questions for us which we would have been hard pushed to find out for ourselves.

Most of the researches were done on line and he had a knack of knowing exactly where to find information.  On the odd occasion, he made telephone calls on our behalf quite voluntarily.

It's not that I have met him or know him any more than anyone else here does.  All I have to go on  is the trouble he went to in order to help.

I think sometimes on Forums like this one, we don't always get a true picture of what people are like. 


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[quote user="sid"][quote user="Chancer"]

I draw the line however at saying publically "I miss dick!!" [:-))] as I am not that kind of a boy [;-)]


Well that one had been going through my mind too! I hasten to add that I'm not that kind of boy either!  [:D]


[:D]Well I don't know what type of girl it makes me, but I do 'miss Dick' and in fact all these inuendos has me thinking that I quite fancy making a spotty dick, as I haven't had one in ages............!

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

[quote user="PaulT"]I miss PPP - like a hole in the head[/quote]

Oh, Paul, I just have to come out in defence of Pacha.  He can be inordinately kind.  When we were househunting over a period of about 18 months, he went to no end of trouble finding answers to all sorts of questions for us which we would have been hard pushed to find out for ourselves.

Most of the researches were done on line and he had a knack of knowing exactly where to find information.  On the odd occasion, he made telephone calls on our behalf quite voluntarily.

It's not that I have met him or know him any more than anyone else here does.  All I have to go on  is the trouble he went to in order to help.

I think sometimes on Forums like this one, we don't always get a true picture of what people are like. 



Sweets I will give you that he did seem knowledgeable and I am glad to hear that he was helpful to you. It was his attitude that got me at times and he could be insulting. 

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

[quote user="You can call me Betty"]Well, it all just goes to show......I like marmite.


Does this "marmite" still post on the Forum, Betty?


There are a variety of "marmites" who still post, Sweets, and a few vegemites who have disappeared.[:D]

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The last thing I do at night after locking all the doors in "Ivory Towers" is to take a look at the forum (it says here in my book of sucking up), I am pretty sure I read a short note from the pug meister furry last night, and the timings of posts seems to suggest there was.

Please don't say I am the only one that now cannot see it, or I shall sulk.

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[quote user="Ivor Nidea"]

The last thing I do at night after locking all the doors in "Ivory Towers" is to take a look at the forum (it says here in my book of sucking up), I am pretty sure I read a short note from the pug meister furry last night, and the timings of posts seems to suggest there was.

Please don't say I am the only one that now cannot see it, or I shall sulk.


It was right there, after my post. Now it isn't. Does that help?

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It's ok Betty, Idun is referring to a different thread altogether.

The Furry posting was on this dickie thread at about midnight of the 28th. Furry wrote something along the lines of "You make a great choice of lads Ivor!"

Maybe one of the mods deleted it for some reason, but the time of the posting was still on the thread this morning although the post was gone.

It happens all the time on the AI forums but this one at least lets the frivoulous continue.

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