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Complete France Forum

Re: Does your Forum name mean anything and ................


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why have you chosen it?

It's great to see so many new, or returning, members on our Forum.

If FE is moribund, I think it's fair to say that ours is also a bit, shall we say, off-colour?

So this post is by way of a bit of light relief, sharing of, I hope, some stories to make us laugh a little.

So, I'll kick off as encouragement, shall I?

I used to be sweet 17 and that was chosen as I had never been on any sort of Forum before and, when I was asked for a name, I lamely opted for that one because I was buying in dept 17 and I couldn't think of what else to call myself.  However, after that initial indecision, I thought the name was quite apt if meant ironically as I was neither 17 nor sweet.

Then, after I sold the house in 17, I felt that the original name was no longer appropriate.

With the very likely jeering and micky-taking of Wooybanana in mind, I decided to call myself mint.  Mint as in no longer skint, mint as in brand new, mint as in refreshing (like the herb).  I was to be disappointed because, gues what, Wooly did not so much as have a tiny dig at me.

But now I am stuck with mint................  But, I have changed my tag line because that conveys, in the ironic sense, of NOT taking great care and I am now born again (but not as in born again Christian if anyone is wondering).

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What a strange post, NIMT. Have you been smoking something or taken one too many of the little pills?

And I do not "dig", I comment on the surfaces that people do not see.

Do you now run round the garden in your drawers shouting "Come back Maggie Thatcher, all is forgiven" or "I want to have Ed Milidamn's babies" ?

Definitely something going on here. Should we ask Daft Doctor to intervene?
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When I came back after an absence, I couldn't log on under my old name so took a new one. Idun is a viking goddess that got changed into a 'nut', or so I had read, sure there are alternative versions of this story,, but that seemed right to me, for me!

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My forum name is actually a random series of four letters formed by closing my eyes and hitting the keyboard 4 times. That the first letter is also the intial letter of my first name is an entire coincidence!

Without wishing to sound too mysterious, it would be unwise if my real identity were known.

I rather like some of the more off the wall monikers adopted on forums, especially the self-deprecating ones.
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I am mild mannered and bespectacled. I have not yet mastered the technique of changing my clothes in telephone boxes.

I used to post under my own name but was convinced that this was not a good idea when Idun (under a previous identity) had her name and address presented to the world by someone who disagreed with her over something or other.

My name was chosen totally at random - I cannot recall even thinking about it. My reincarnation as Type II is because of some technicality or other I was unable to log in, so I registered as a new member.

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When I joined the Forum I was working part-time in a govt dept that had severe cuts causing lots of stress to self and co-workers. When I left the office at 2pm I usually felt like the rat leaving the sinking ship hence I was christened Rowland.

Now retired but don't feel like changing it.

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There, I KNEW there would be some amusement to be had![:D]

What with CK talking about Type II which I thought was a type of diabetes (which I hope he doesn't have) and Rowland being named after a fictional rat, who else is going to tell us some other story so we could all have a laugh?

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I wish I could say that I was like a nectarine, ripe and rounded, with skin as smooth as a young peach ...

actually, when I was searching for a forum name my eyes alighted on a fruit bowl. 'Banana' was already taken by monsieur woolly, and 'melons' would probably attract the wrong kind of attention. So 'nectarine' it was and is!
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I'm pretty boring really as far as forum names go.

Powerdesal stems from two sources really, I am (was) a power generation engineer who moved into desalination construction and operations, hence 'powerdesal'. At one point I played football for a works team called P&D Dynamos ( power & desalination operations Dept) hence 'powerdesal' again.

I do get a little 'miffed' at times when people read it as 'powerdiesel' but.............
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Please don't be miffed, but at first I used to read it as powderedsal, and then realised it wasn't and now I read it as powerdiesel. I apologise, but I am a little dyslexic, so it could have been worse than that really, couldn't it[:$] Apologies.

CK, I still do not know how the board security could have been so poor, even then, or how this bloke could have found my real name, never mind the rest. I never mentioned it or put it in my details. The whole thing made me very cautious about giving too much away.

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[quote user="nectarine"]I wish I could say that I was like a nectarine, ripe and rounded, with skin as smooth as a young peach ...

actually, when I was searching for a forum name my eyes alighted on a fruit bowl. 'Banana' was already taken by monsieur woolly, and 'melons' would probably attract the wrong kind of attention. So 'nectarine' it was and is![/quote]

Well, nectarine, it's a good job your eyes didn't alight on a bowl of raspberries then?

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[quote user="nectarine"]I wish I could say that I was like a nectarine, ripe and rounded, with skin as smooth as a young peach ...

actually, when I was searching for a forum name my eyes alighted on a fruit bowl. 'Banana' was already taken by monsieur woolly, and 'melons' would probably attract the wrong kind of attention. So 'nectarine' it was and is![/quote]

Just as well you weren't mucking out the stables.
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[quote user="idun"]When I came back after an absence, I couldn't log on under my old name so took a new one. Idun is a viking goddess that got changed into a 'nut', or so I had read, sure there are alternative versions of this story,, but that seemed right to me, for me!


So another of my assumption bites the dust. I thought you were saying "I dun (with living in France!)"

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[quote user="JohnM"][quote user="idun"]When I came back after an absence, I couldn't log on under my old name so took a new one. Idun is a viking goddess that got changed into a 'nut', or so I had read, sure there are alternative versions of this story,, but that seemed right to me, for me!


So another of my assumption bites the dust. I thought you were saying "I dun (with living in France!)"[/quote]

Great deduction, JohnM...............[:D]

Gardian............. and there was I thinking you missed that left-wing leaning newspaper in the UK[:P]  And it's true that I can't spell any better than they can[:D]

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There are two more things I shall add to that JohnM. The first is that

on some forums, because I used to go on a couple of others that were not

french related, I used to pick a name and then use it back to front,

and thought better of being 'nudi' on here.

I did realise later that it could be taken as I dun with France, but there you go, it's awful english and I don't think I was clever enough to just think of that to be honest.

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