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Re: The songs we are singing


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And when mentioning Les Grands, how could I have forgotten Serge Reggiani.  I adored him and he certainly marked my early France years.  I dedicate a separate post to this wonderful man, quite emotional.   [:)]


My favourite, Sarah (there's a typo in their title)


Ma Liberté http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLTC_Kb7lnw


Also a great actor


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Oh you are all so kind!! I read your posts, been back today .. Had a great time in the Dordogne, as always.. met a lot of people and really had a laugh.. I spoke English all the time, good for me!! Yesterday we cooked a nice sunday roast, I  had not had gravy for ages !! [;-)]

we had parties and fun! I love the Dordogne.. I m already nostalgic !!  but going back soooon !! [;-)]

I was amazed at your good taste in matters of music and a big THANK YOU  for all the music you posted ..

I feel so good on this thread..

 here is one for you all..  http://youtube.com/watch?v=EmOtWyjs8iU

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yes, some pics, but too private to put on the forum I guess, because I was with other people!

thanks for the "welcome back", Im glad to chat with you again too!

You know Christine, I had a revelation when I saw Reggiani on stage.. I was 15, I didn't know him, my uncle took me with him to a concert, I listened to this man singing, and the tears began rolling down my cheeks, .. he has that effect on me, SO SO SO touching..

 I then bought records, and my favourites are also sarah and " http://youtube.com/watch?v=gcdRjtz07ak  " mon enfant  mon amour"   + some others I will post another time..

 what a beautiful soul he was..

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Yes, that's it Frenchie a beautiful soul.  Before I came to live in France in 1968, when I used to come to stay in Paris my parents-in-law had some records of his and we used to listen to them and trying to understand the words probably helped my French, Sarah was so beautiful.  We also saw a concert once, he was really special.  [kiss]

No Pads, I haven't seen what you put in the Pets section, I'm going right now.   [:)]


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Yes, Krusty, I fancy a dance.. sure.. my pleasure..

And Christine you amaze me, you have such good taste.. Krusty could tell you I played this song to him the other day , ( yes, I know Krusty, he s my friend) , it sends shivers down my spine.. Do you understand the lyrics?

Now for  you Christine  http://youtube.com/watch?v=dcVcwwo8QFE

For you Krusty   http://youtube.com/watch?v=h61ffFRFmxw

[8-|]  [:)]

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Frenchie, I just can't believe this again !  I have said on this forum several times in the past that Jeanne Moreau is my favourite French person (although she is half English) and you didn't know that.  Secondly I was about to say "Did you see once when Vanessa Paradis sung that song and Jeanne Moreau was in the audience and stood up and sang it with her. Such a beautiful moment, I wish I could see that again".  And thanks to your link, I've just found it !  (crying again)  So pleased !



Here it is



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Christine, I am so pleased you also loved that sng.. I had watched the duet with Vanessa Paradis last week and been moved myself..

We seem to share the same emotions as regards music.. I'm glad I ve met you on this site.

I ve watched your animal site last night, and I really would like to help, being an animal lover myself..

I live in Niort.  I have adopted my cat there, and I also have a 1and 1/2 year old labrador .

A song , that I find very beautiful, calico skies, by my heart Throb paulie .. [;-)]  http://youtube.com/watch?v=a2l4KVr68I0

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Im good ...............I cant beleive I have just woken up as I was up all night with my old cat who was acting very odd and looking very weak , so I was to scared to go to sleep in case she died on me, must of fallen asleep about 5am and have just woken to find her asleep on top of me purring loudly and looking as fit as normal.  Pets...........[:-))]

I have never seen the film (did it come out in English?) But I read the book years ago it was a loverly story. I might have a look for the film now as im learning french and it would be a good lesson for me. There was another book I read many years ago also that had been translated from french (another love story) but I cant remenber what it was called now, set in the war time . Any ideas? I would like to try and get the french version now to try and read.  


Is this lady sing about me this morning ????[:D]



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Hey Frenchie, I pass by Brantome everytime I go to visit Mrs Gupta in Monpazier in the Perigord Pourpre! Pads, are you Irish? The owl women in Kildare would always sing I'm Nobodys Child and A Bunch Of Violets after they had a few!

This is the sexiest version of of La Vie En Rose that I have heard http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/search/La+Vie+en+Rose+/video/x16wq5_grace-jones-la-vie-en-rose 

And this reminds of the the lovely summer afternoons on the kildare canal when I took Bridget Malone out in me little dinky http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYDLsIVppk8


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Well furryknickers I was born in Ireland(so I believe I have an Irish soul) but I was a well mixed and shaken baby as my Parents are both Cornish at 6months I was taken from Ireland to Singapore then various other places until my father retired in Cornwall where I spent the last years at school before I left cornwall have travelled all over the world except austrailia and america , 9 years ago I came back to Cornwall and now plan to move to France . So If you can tell me what I am id love to know [:)]  
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