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Re: The songs we are singing


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How's it hanging there, Mrs Animal? What has happened to Mrs Tresco?

Here is a woman I love very much! She is singing one of me favourite songs in the whole wild world and it really affects me something terrible.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xg9fPEV-icY

Mrs Animal, I would love you to sing this song to me in French, would there be any chance at all?

Furry [kiss]

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Nice to see you back dear FK, and it's not only your back we're seeing.  I'm not much good at singing, so instead I send you this as I know how much you love him.   [:P]


No, I don't know what has happened to Mrs. Tresco.  Maybe she finally found a ploughman, not the right time of year though is it.


Yes, that's a sad one Pads.  Can anyone remind me of the name of that Italian singer with such a marvellous voice, goes right through you.  He's heavy built and sometimes wears a cap. He had a beautiful song a few years ago that was played a lot and if I was sad about something, I could hardly bear to hear it.


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Frenchie maybe you can help me with one I havnt heard for ages . sorry dont know name of song or singer but it was a chap singing about his dying wife and he plants a tree in her memory[8-)] 

from the 60s /70s

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