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Complete France Forum

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Not much to shout about though, the walking dead leading the terminally dead!


Other place has shot themselves in the foot though, once again claiming that only 3 people have been banned in as many years [:D] at least 5 MIA's from the last rout, between them they made the majority of postings.


They reckon it was one of your alter egos that started the forum killing thread, I dont think so but I can see that you would have liked it to be.

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[quote user="EuroTrash"]What's the "other place" ? You probably can't name it but can you give a clue.

Can't be the Info place because the mods there are invisible and never claim anything.[/quote]

Run for remoaners and a small northern group who are experts on what is wrong with England. As for the info place and the green tinted one are they still going? [:D] [:D]
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One must accept, fora, are places where many different types appear.

The number one enemy of all social media types are the cyber- warrior, who masquerades as a much more important person and/or has Walter Mitty Syndrome, to cover up inferiority complexes etc.

Since I have been deeply immersed in tech and the WWW et al since almost inception, against my will, really, I have acted as Admin and a Mod for a number of fora. Including membership of the largest Tech Support forum (USA), of which I am still a casual member, now, almost since it began: my period as a Mod was not happy. Over-moderation killed the social side, which was a brilliant counter to tech-centric boring script kiddies, and a membership driver.

The cause of this over-moderation was panic fear from admin and the owner, as the USA became evermore deeply sunk into PC-think and phobia over litigation.

The other enemy of fora,  is cliques. Certain people band together, are constantly PMing each other; even meet up and develop real time social relationships. Which is all fine.

Unfortunately, when this translates into forum-land it becomes unbearable to normal mortals and tends to drive members away.

Very tricky area, dealing with human beings. Which is precisely why I would never ever again be involved in anyway with retail; walked away from that way back in 1973/4 when I sold my business.

"You can please some of the people all the time; some of the people some of the time; but you cannot please all of the people all of the time!"

Abraham Lincoln

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A mod posted something, to me it was a cry for help, someone else started a thread about what they had said or rather what had gone unsaid, it attracted some frequent posters, some call them "the usual suspects" [:D] it then degenerated into a big bunfight, another mod stepped in and decided that the thread was started by one of your alter egos, I doubted that because they wrote in decent English [:P] in any case I guess they needed someone to blame for the SNAFU.


The thread got pulled never to return as has seemingly happened to 4 or 5 who contributed to its meltdown, Oh and a mod said that maybe it was time for them to give up, since then unbelievably there are less postings there than here and this place is quieter than usual.


Oh yes and someone who used to post links hundred of threads every day with links to photos of puppies, the most obscure French régulations, anything and everything which used to fill the forum has miraculously stopped doing so, I thought it was a good thing but maybe they need to start again [:D]


Anyway all of the above is just fantasy, it was all a bad dream that I had, I need to make that clear so as not to be (not) banned for speaking about a hypothetical forum that doesnt ban contributors.


I believe that you are not guilty guvnor! But you will be chuckling to know that your favorite couple are M.I.A. and that you have been blamed for it [:D]

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No, it was not me. As you say, you can always tell if it is me by level of written English, a stupid name, and I will always admit its me.....if it is me. So some poor sods have been assassinated because they think it is me. Seriously, they are self-destructing through paranoia.

There is another 'French' forum I belong to (very much more international) for a good 4 years. Not only can I wind up Brits but the rest of the world too. But I have never been banned as the moderation is superb and most get my tongue and cheek humour anyway. The mod (not British) also has lived in France a very long time so you can't pull the wool over her eyes and more annoyingly can debate you into a corner. I start a lot of the more controversial threads which tend to go on for a couple of pages but never gets out of hand. It goes to show that you don't have to ban people to have a good forum. Maybe the people who get their noses out of joint so easily should be banned. LOL.
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Well mysty and icey two of the worlds most interesting and witty forum members did not leave FE because of Ross peri or albof. I didnt know I had left but thanks for telling me chancer lol albof, someone must be pretending to be you on FE as they pm'd me
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That was me 'M' but I did not post on the board so I am technically correct in what I say/said. I have not posted since last spring. I PM'ed you under the username of 'Jack Torrance'. Did you get it ? LOL.

I did try and post a couple of months ago when you posted a picture of your school trip to Annecy. I got the answer straight away. My answer never got posted so I gave up. I guess because I was right.

I am actually going to trademark 'ALBF' and sue anyone who pretends to be me. I am also going to sell official t-shirts and mugs. Would you like one M ?
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Yep I got your pms but not sure if they are watched because by the time I tried to answer you you'd been kicked off already. And Annecy was okay, we stayed outside down the side of the lake which was better, too many people in Annecy at that time of year.
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"The other enemy of fora, is cliques. Certain people band together, are constantly PMing each other; even meet up and develop real time social relationships. Which is all fine.

Unfortunately, when this translates into forum-land it becomes unbearable to normal mortals and tends to drive members away."

Heaven forbid that that should ever happen on a thread on here ;-)
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I agree ET. I think it is better to keep open conversations unless of course you need confidential help. The problem being that if you help someone you feel obliged to stick up for them if a certain topic kicks off when you may disagree with what they say.

On the Smeg forum I have had PM's from people who want advice/help which is fine and I keep it very professional. I am amazed they actually ask me mindyou LOL.
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"The problem being that if you help someone you feel obliged to stick up for them if a certain topic kicks off when you may disagree with what they say. "

Do you? Why?

I don't!

I find I agree with some people on some issues, and on other issues I disagree with those people and agree with different people. That's normal, no?
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[quote user="Leven"]Well mysty and icey two of the worlds most interesting and witty forum members did not leave FE because of Ross peri or albof. [/quote]


I think there must be a subtle distinction between leaving, leaving after being asked to leave, being prevented from posting for a certain period and banned, its only the latter that one can see when looking at the profile of a MIA.


Someone once told me they had been banned yet a mod told me they had asked to leave, who knows? I do hope that the current MIA's (missing in action as I like to call them) will (be allowed) to return especially ALBF.

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Who are the they you are talking about chancer? All I know is that none your above list applies to us, if you think they did then you are being lied to a mysterious someone and a mod or you could of course just be making it all up lol. Who knows but conspiracy theories always do well on forums. Why not ask the mod to let albf back?
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I am not going to name names, well nom de plumes actually, I dont even know who you are having never seen "Leven" before,  you say "us" do you have more than one identity, are you a couple posting or are you referring to a group of contributors, perhaps what others refer to as a clique?


You have named 2 identities, they were included in the 4 or 5 that I was talking about, they are missing but a click on their profiles does not say blocked,  one other who has been named is indeed shown as blocked also the person that started the thread (who is also named here) who a mod said was yet another manifestation of ALBF.


if you think they did then you are being lied to a mysterious someone and a mod or you could of course just be making it all up lol

I cannot make any sense at all of that sentence, substitute "they" for "it",  add "by" before the first "a" substitute "and" with "or" or "and/or" followed by a comma and it makes some sense  apart from "mysterious someone" but I have no idea if that was what you wanted to say, its the sort of syntax that ALBF would use.

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[quote user="Chancer"]who a mod said was yet another manifestation of ALBF.[/quote]

Which was not me. The mad 'power gone to my head' mod just banned an innocent new member. LOL.

Alley has gone. Loopy has gone. CR seems to not bother anymore.

Anyway, I am not going back there. Far too busy becoming the first Brit expat to become a multi millionaire.
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He didnt say that Loopy was banned, he is the only person who's status I do know of, he was unable to post for a very long time as his account was treated as a spammer, end effect the same though.


I thought you were the one posting about the meditation pods Leven, my head is beginning to hurt now!

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Loopy was reading banned at one stage but now he has gone green. No sign of him though.

Meditation Pods would actually work in 'surreal' (posh suburb of Paris) France. People around ere have money to burn and burn they do.

I could buy ten of them and put them in the park and rent them out for 50 euros an hour. Folks around here would definitely pay.

It is for the same type of Parisiens who rent a beach chair and parasol out on a cordoned off 'private' part of a beach. Whilst it is the same beach that everyone else is using for free they feel more important because they paid for a seat in a cordoned of area that everyone can walk through.
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