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Just Katie

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Good morning to you two Gorgeous girls [kiss] [kiss]

I have just got in from mass, it was pouring of rain all morning, and now the sun is out and I have a bit of bread on the record player. Every time I hear that David Gates lad singing, I drift off to another world! I was on a lovely blue lake last night, in a wooden rowing boat that I was rowing with me second love, Bridget Gill sitting opposite me,  and the most beautiful Pug I have ever seen in the whole wild world, was sitting next to her. The boat meandered into the bank of the lake, and we passed under a weeping willows branches that brushed against Bridget's long dark hair, I thought to meself "I love that sound of weeping willow as you pass through it and it brushes against your hair"  and I dreamed of the day that I could hear the weeping willow passing over a gorgeous pugs hair as we rowed our boat along the Liffey.

I was so happy that you rescued that little cute curly headed dog! how can anyone with a heart leave him behind? He looks so happy sat in your car!



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Erhhh.... Sorry 'bout that.  I think it was a little tantrum I had with hubby because he STILL hasnt fixed the 'puter because he reckons I spend too much time on this forum.  So I said my goodbyes and then said to him "Now look what you've made me do"

Any way can we just forget it now please.  I have been in the feotal position cringing over it for two days.

Sorry Viva, how could I have forgotten you? X  You were the first little angel to answer my first thread.  And I would like to forget that too.

Anyway, unfortunately I am here to stay.


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Well, I missed the lot, or sort of! I was looking over Pip's shoulder![;-)]

Sorry! Photo deleted to protect the guilty!!!!!!![Www]

As you can see, that shouldn't have been too difficult!!!![Www][;-)] Sorry Pip![kiss]

Glad you're staying Katie, now take more water with it! Please?[kiss]


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BTW Jay Jay, I see you have changed your avatar.  The look on the guy's face reminds me of the same look on the face of the guy you accosted outside Tescos here in Blighty !!  If that makes sense............... [:-))]
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I'm just resurrecting this (or am I opening up an old wound?) to say I'm sorry you're going Katie, and I'm also glad you're back (as I managed to miss both!). I'm suffering from baaad confusion, though, as in the short time I've been away, I also seem to have missed National Change Your Avatar Day. Can anyone give me the date so I can put it in my diary for next time??? Thanks!
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I'd just like to say that my rabbit was legitimate, and so's the new boy!

I changed because I wanted to.

Croixblanches, were you here the day everyone changed their user name? 

Teamedup (how I miss her still) started it off when she changed her name to sTeamedup. Others followed suit with mad new names of their own. T'were a laugh.


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